"Etiquette is not some rigid code of rules. It's simply how people's live touch one another."

- Emily Post

Dear Reader,

Thank you for your interest in our Emily Post newsletter! We hope this finds you well. In this edition you will find:

•    An article by Lizzie Post in The Atlantic

•    Special pricing for Emily Post business etiquette training  

•    Information on condolence notes

•   Our featured Business Etiquette Train the Trainer graduate

•    Awesome Etiquette Podcast Ep. #360: Coming Back Around


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As more and more people are eligible and receive the vaccine, we are faced with new questions. How we discuss vaccines, ask questions and how we feel comfortable gathering with vaccinated or unvaccinated friends and family will be key to building or maintaining good relationships with our friends, family and coworkers. Click here for a link to Lizzie Post's article in The Atlantic on tips for navigating this unprecedented time.


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Do you feel you could use a refresher on good office behavior? While your email, phone and video communications may be stellar after much remote work - office attire, meeting etiquette, and solving daily workplace problems (not to mention business meal manners) may feel a little rusty.

Emily Post is here to help! Book an online or in-person custom business etiquette seminar with Daniel Post Senning by October 31st, 2021 and receive 10% off the total cost. Daniel has been teaching and presenting business etiquette for over a decade. He knows how to teach to each type of employee and is skilled at identifying the advice most needed and used by today's workforce to create a civil and productive work environment. He will work with you to build the program that is right for your team.

Visit emilypost.com for more details and reach out to Renée DeBell our program coordinator for more information on availability, content and pricing: Renée@emilypost.com



The condolence note is a long honored tradition. While in Emily Post's day (1873-1960) they were far more common, today it's a less familiar practice but no less important. While we may connect via phone, video or text with a friend or family member who has lost someone, a condolence note can still make a wonderful impact on the person grieving. It also allows you a chance to participate well as a community member, both in supporting the bereaved and as you process the death for yourself. Condolence notes may be written on cards either with messages already on them that you add too, or on blank cards. Personal stationery may also be used. The length matters less than making sure you include the sentiment which is that you are sorry the person you're writing to has experienced a loss.

Sample condolence note:

Dear Keisha,

I am so sorry to hear that your mother passed away. I spent much time with Alice on our church's social committee and I have so many fond memories of the events we threw together and the times we had. She always had the most wonderful things to say about you. And I will always remember her as the shining light in our community that she was. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time and I pray that you are all comforted and given strength during this time.

Yours sincerely,

Ella Roberts

Address it, stamp it and get it in the mail. If you realize you don't have someone's address, it's okay to call them (or someone close to them) to get it, ("Hi Erin, I was hoping to send a condolence note to Keisha, do you have a mailing address for her?") the funeral home or end of life specialist helping to coordinate funeral, wake, homegoing, shiva or other end of life ceremony or gathering should also be able to provide an address or get the note to the bereaved.

By participating in gatherings that recognize someone's life, and by reaching out with our condolences (and if appropriate our offers of help, or that classic casserole) we honor our communities and the wonderful people who have lived in them. Rest assured knowing that expressing your condolences is not you intruding on someone's grief. Instead it's a welcomed and important part of community life.


May we present, Ms. Konkona Bakshi

Ms. Konkana Bakshi, founder of Savoir Faire Academie - The Luxury Finishing School is based in Mumbai, India with plans to expand to the UAE and offers services for Image consultation and transformation, Personal branding, Social etiquette, Body language, Impactful public speaking, Bridal grooming and pre-bridal transformation, Cross-cultural awareness, International Business Etiquette and Protocol Foundation + Advance. Ms. Bakshi says, "I am passionate about teaching etiquette because the knowledge of etiquette brings people together. Etiquette is the best way to learn how to build human connections through interpersonal skills and successful relationship building that would help an individual to thrive in his personal and professional life. We live in a world where we meet many people every day. The understanding of building successful relationships with consideration, respect and honesty become an asset for any individual. I genuinely believe, humility is the ultimate sophistication."


Website: www.savoirfaireacademie.in


Phone: +919930274934 ( official) 

Social media: Instagram- @savoirfaireacademie and @konkanabakshi


With advice based on consideration, respect, and honesty, Awesome Etiquette guides listeners through everything from traditional etiquette quandaries to everyday and emerging etiquette issues in today’s world. Visit the new home of our podcast by clicking here. You can submit questions, feedback and salutes as well as find links to support the show on patreon!   


You can also submit your question, feedback or etiquette salute:

  • via email: awesomeetiquette@emilypost.com
  • Give us a call and leave a message or text at 802-858-KIND (802-858-5463).
  • via social media, just use #AwesomeEtiquette so we know you want your question, comment or etiquette salute on the show. On Instagram we are @emilypostinstitute, on Facebook we're Awesome Etiquette and on Twitter we're @emilypostinst.
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In episode 360 we take your questions on paying back generous family members, firmly defining dietary restrictions when attending parties, using ‘best regards’ when corresponding with strangers, and adequately thanking your host for giving up their bed.

Recent Shows:

Singing Happy Birthday

Sneaky Neighbor

Let's Not 'Do Lunch'


We have been pleased as punch with the Emily Post Garden Collection line by Isa Salazar. Isa's beautiful botanical watercolors are inspired by Emily's garden in Edgartown, Massachusetts. The line is filled with greeting cards (both blank and for specific occasions) as well as place cards and gift tags perfect for dinner parties and celebrations. For every season of the year you can have the perfect card, tag or place card at the ready by ordering today! Visit ISASALAZAR.COM to place your order.

We are grateful for the opportunity to carry on Emily's legacy and we appreciate your support. From all of us at Emily Post, thank you and until next time, take care!

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