"Manners are a sensitive awareness to the feelings of others.
If you have that awareness, it doesn't matter what fork you use."


Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at Emily Post!

We know that many are not celebrating in ways that feel traditional this year and we count ourselves among this group. We hope whatever your situation, that you find ways to embrace what you can, find celebration and maybe even some enjoyment in what is different. Maybe this year you revel in getting to wear pajamas all day and eat your meal from the sofa. Maybe 20 relatives not coming over means you and your household travel to a nearby trail for a hike. Maybe this year, you get to use your silverware and china.

Wherever you are, however you celebrate, we hope that this holiday provides a time to connect with others and reflect on what we all have to be grateful for.

We have had a busy fall at the Emily Post Institute. With our heads down and fingers flying on the keyboards we have finished our new website just in time for our busiest day of the year: Thanksgiving! We are so pleased with our new look and our new site and we hope that you are too. The site has be designed with you in mind. With a drive toward making emilypost.com more accessible to all, we revamped and revived our content and look.

You'll find etiquette articles easier and search faster than ever before. Our services and shop are streamlined and our podcast has a beautiful new home, where you can not only listen to episodes but read the transcripts and submit your questions, feedback and salutes to the show (and yes, you can also support the show and join Patreon from the podcast's new home as well!).

We hope you'll join us in the launch this week and come visit the site and explore all the wonderful articles, episodes and products that can make your holiday (even an isolated one) a little more interesting and hopefully, perfectly polite.

In this newsletter: 
  • Holiday Table Conversation Tips for Kids
  • A special Thanksgiving edition of the Awesome Etiquette podcast which closes with a special thank you - hear from the larger post family and the team at Emily Post!
  • A HUGE sale on the Emily Post Garden Collection by Isa Salazar, which now includes holiday cards, gift tags and place cards.
  • Our classic Thanksgiving Day Table Setting Video with Lizzie Post and her mom Tricia!
In case you need it here are resources to find more information about the current COVID-19 pandemic, it's spread, and what precautions and measures to take, please visit:
As well as your state or local department of health.  

As always, we encourage you to write in with your comments, feedback and suggestions. This is one topic where we will all be learning together. You can reach us at newsletter@emilypost.com.
'Tis the Season for Cards and More!!!
Until November 27th you will get 40% off your Emily Post Garden Collection by Isa Salazar purchase.   
Perfect for thank-you notes, sympathy notes, a quick hello or to celebrate there truly is something for every occasion. And if you love to dress up your table, don't forget to check out the place cards! 
Use the code EMILY at checkout.  
to place your order and use the promo code EMILY at checkout.   

We are big fans of making sure kids have a place at the table and are both seen and heard during the meal. The more practice they get in safe, encouraging environments like their own family table, the more confident they'll be when they're in the company of others at the table. (No matter their age.) Whether you have a kids table or you mix kids and adults here are some things you can encourage your child to do during the holiday meal. Don't forget, practice ahead of time can make it easier! 
  • What to say: Come up with two or three things your child might try and talk about during the meal. You can brainstorm together: the food, what you're doing at school, a favorite hobby or adventure... Before the meal ask your youngster if they remember the topics they picked and if they don't try on their own, offer them a lead in, "Kenny, do you want to tell us about your adventure with Dad last week? It's also a good time to remind kids of what we don't talk about at the table. Such as your sister getting a disappointing grade or fighting with a friend.
  • Who to talk to: While our tables may be smaller this year, and some may even look exactly like an average Wednesday household crew, reminding kids to talk to those seated on either of side of them is great practice
  •  Volume: Not too loud; not too soft. Kids are constantly learning about boundaries for their voice and the table is another great place to bring this lesson.
  •  ABOVE ALL ELSE: Don't talk with your mouth full!
For more information check out our series on Children's Manners Makeover for the Holidays Kids Manners for the visit www.emilypost.com

    It's a perennial favorite! Check our video of Lizzie Post and her mom Tricia Post setting the Thanksgiving table. While this year may have fewer settings with smaller gatherings, you can still make your table a source of pride and joy. 

    A screenshot from the table setting video showing all the table ware needed
    Click video image to view video on our website.

Join us and share!  

The Emily Post Institute Instagram. Instagram is one of our favorite places to interact with you and post etiquette tips, advice, and share what's going on in our lives and at the Institute. Join us! #etiquette #awesomeetiquette #emilypost

Awesome Etiquette podcast thumbnail  
Most recently:
On this week's show Dan and Lizzie have a big announcement and a special message at the end of the show, and of course take your questions on beauty comparisons between children, the dos and don'ts of any Thanksgiving meal, thanking someone for a job referral when you aren't sure if they gave you one, and how to gracefully manage a virtual Thanksgiving get together. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about giving gifts for those having virtual weddings. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and postscript where we discuss Holiday Manners for Kids and a very special message from everyone at Emily Post and the Post family.
Visit the new home of our podcast by clicking here. You can submit questions, feedback and salutes as well as find links to support the show on patreon!   
You can also submit your question, feedback or etiquette salute:
  • Give us a call and leave a message or text at 802-858-KIND (802-858-5463).
  • via social media, just use #AwesomeEtiquette so we know you want your question, comment or etiquette salute on the show.  On Instagram we are @emilypostinstitute, on Facebook we're Awesome Etiquette and on Twitter we're @emilypostinst.

Thank you for spending part of your day with us. We are so grateful for etiquette enthusiasts like you, who keep consideration, respect, and honesty at the forefront of your interactions and intentions. As always, thank you for your continued interest in etiquette and The Emily Post Institute.      


The Post Family