Emily Post Children_s Etiquette Train the Trainer in the brand colors

We are excited to announce that our Children's Etiquette Train the Trainer program is now available ONLINE!

Have you ever wanted to teach etiquette to children and young adults? There has never been a better time to get the support you need to start teaching in your community. Whether you're a parent, teacher, afterschool program coordinator or an etiquette professional, our trusted program will help you reach your goals. Right now, it's available from the comfort of your home, on your schedule.

Our program is closely modeled on the in-person training that we have offered for over ten years and prepares you to teach etiquette to children according to their developmental stages. Our ages and stages approach focuses on groups: ages two to four, five to seven, eight to twelve, and teens.

During our training, trainees learn how to teach a comprehensive children's etiquette curriculum using our guide book and presentations. Attendees receive presentation and facilitation skills training, critique on presentations, and gain knowledge about how to build a successful children's etiquette program. Graduates with an active training license may market themselves as "Trained by The Emily Post Institute."

The first group to take this course will receive a $750 discount on the training fee. That is a 20% savings on the usual course cost. If you have ever thought about teaching etiquette, there has never been a better time to join the Emily Post training community.
What's Included
  • Four, one-on-one video consultations with course instructors Daniel Post Senning or Cindy Post Senning
  • Twelve video lessons on core children's etiquette topic areas taught from a developmental perspective
  • Observation and critique of attendee presentations
  • Presentation practice sessions
  • Program development coaching
  • Guidance on packaging and marketing your services
  • First year's license fee
  • Step-by-step presentation leader's guide and associated power point slides.
  • Immediate access to online and printable course materials (tip sheets, children's etiquette articles, surveys, practice cards and more).
  • The Gift of Good Manners and selected titles from The Emily Post Institute Children's Etiquette Library by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, Ed.D.
  • "Trained By The Emily Post Institute" seal to use on your website or materials.
What Our Graduates Say

"This was a wonderful training! I learned the core of what true etiquette really is. I strongly recommend this program to all 'true believers' interested in spreading the word."
-Jane Pertiller, Eteaquette, LLC