"Manners are a sensitive awareness to the feelings of others.
If you have that awareness, it doesn't matter what fork you use."

It's been a hot summer, with a lot of hard news. We are hoping that this newsletter finds you and your loved ones safe and doing what you can to find good in the world.
At Emily Post we are pushing through with projects we've long wanted to get underway, including a new website which we will be excited to share with you soon! As well as the 20th edition of Emily Post's Etiquette set for launch in Fall of 2022 - that is no small undertaking when the world's social norms are changing!   
We were excited to see one of our longtime friends and current Social Media and Marketing manager Jacqueline Lachevre of Blueprint Creative get married this summer in a socially distant wedding of just her pod. Congratulations to Jacqueline and her husband Zander we are so happy for you both!   
This month's newsletter is pretty juicy, we share with you:
  • A new feature where we highlight our Children's and Business Etiquette Trainers
  • Tips on COVID-19 Entertaining Etiquette
  • A sale on Emily Post Garden Collection greeting cards by Isa Salazar
  • A reminder to mark your calendar for Lizzie Post's interview with writing coach Dawn Montefusco - who is a former Emily Post employee!
  • Sample scripts for awkward moments
  • Current awesome etiquette episodes including episode 308 with guest host Cindy Post Senning, and 305 with the Call Your Girlfriend podcast hosts, Aminatou Soh and Ann Friedman.
  • Highlights from our instagram feed - send pics of your copy of Emily Post's Etiquette to @emilypostinstitute on Instagram.  
In case you need it here are resources to find more information about the current COVID-19 pandemic, it's spread, and what precautions and measures to take, please visit:
As well as your state or local department of health.  

As always, we encourage you to write in with your comments, feedback and suggestions. This is one topic where we will all be learning together. You can reach us at newsletter@emilypost.com.
We are so excited to offer a
Until August 17th, you will receive 20% off your entire order of any Emily Post Garden Collection product.  
to place your order and use the promo code EMILY at checkout.   

    Each newsletter we'll be highlighting our Train the Trainer graduates who are actively working in the field of etiquette and are available to help you.

    May we present...

    Mrs. Kymberli Parker of Mrs. Parker's Charm School

    San Diego, California, USA
    Mrs. Parker graduated from the Emily Post Children's Etiquette (2011) and Business Etiquette (2012) train the trainer programs. She has worked with clients from age four to age eighty. Dining Etiquette and the 24/7 Professional are Mrs. Parker's specialties with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. From fine dining, to tips on creating your personal brand, to the simple act of being kind to one another, Mrs. Parker's Charm School covers all aspects of modern manners. A little bit hip-hop, a little bit Coco Chanel-that's Mrs. P.

    Mrs. Parker offers in-person training, as well as online training via Zoom.

    Social Media:
    @parkercharm on Instagram.
    Contact: info@parkercharm.com

    May we present...

    Courtney Fadler of CF Etiquette
    Kansas City, Missouri, USA
    Courtney is the Founder of CF Etiquette, a Kansas City-based professional etiquette service specializing in etiquette for all ages, from business professionals to teens to children. Courtney graduated from the Emily Post Institute's Children's (2016) and Business (2017) Etiquette Train the Trainer programs. She is currently the only Emily Post trained etiquette expert in the Kansas-City area, and as such is a popular source for local media on current etiquette trends. The goal of any etiquette session for Courtney is never about learning "rules," but rather about instilling a legacy of valuable life skills and principles based upon consideration, respect and honesty. There is truly no situation where etiquette doesn't define the character of a person and their ability to interact well with others. It is the ultimate life skill and relationship builder.
    Courtney offers etiquette classes for corporations, universities, Executive MBA and MBA classes, not-for-profit organizations, schools, Girl Scout/Boy Scout troops, private individuals, and more. 
    Social Media: @cfetiquette on instagram 
With friends and families having different comfort levels, choices, and points of tolerance for social distancing, it can be hard to know exactly what to do when it comes to trying to entertain during the current pandemic.

We'll leave guidelines and suggestions of specific practices up to you. You can see what the CDC recommends by clicking here. We will however, discuss some things to think about as a host to help communicate best with your guests.

1. Number of Guests Not unlike last year, a good host thinks about space and how many people can reasonably be accommodated in your home. The change here is the focus is now on safety. If you want to invite your friends or family over for a small socially distanced gathering, you'll want to determine how many people you can safely have over to your place based on how much space you have, how freely people can move about and maintain distance.

2. Clear Communication This is probably the most important part of entertaining during the pandemic. Communicating clearly to your guests the type of gathering you are having, who else will be there, and how you're planning to manage safety during the gathering. You don't need to "lay down the law" with your invitation, but you should feel confident stating clearly (and hopeful with a tone of welcome) what your expectations and efforts toward safety will be. Take note, that while typically a guest might not be privy to how many guests are coming or who is on the guest list, these questions might help guests determine if they should attend or not. For the time being they are not completely out of line at all.

3. BYO_ IS A-OK Many hosts are finding it's easier and safer to ask their guests to bring their own everything, from food and drinks to cups, utensils and dishware. As a host it's also great to accept a guests request to bring their own, if it makes them feel more comfortable.

4. Keep Your Promises As the host, putting in so much effort, it can be easy to slip up and start breaking some of your own social distancing practices. Do your best to keep your promises to your guests about safety and to follow your own "house rules". You are the leader of your event. Your guests will look to you for boundary setting at this time. If you say no one on the trampoline together unless they live in the same house or are in the same pod. Then you want to stick to that, and feel confident speaking up if you see expectations not being met. You don't have to be mean or strict about it, but a friendly aside with a guest who might be forgetting could sound like, "Ooops it's so easy to slip back into normal behavior, we should tighten up and make sure we aren't sharing food/utensils/the trampoline."

5. Express Your Gratitude Now more than ever is a time to be encouraging of and grateful for chance to socialize safely. With many struggling with loneliness, stress, anxiety, boredom and monotony, the chance to socialize safely can truly be a lifesaver and can make more of a difference to someone than you may realize. Whether you're a host or a guest, saying thank you for the chance to connect comfortably is definitely an act of good etiquette.    

Please be safe as you try to socialize and gather with friends and family. While it may feel so counter to how we've always entertained, the more space we can create for one another while entertaining the better.

For updated information on changing social norms please visit - https://emilypost.com/advice/the-etiquette-of-social-distancing-around-coronavirus/

Transformational writing coach Dawn Montefusco (a former, and loved, Emily Post employee) is conducting another amazing, inspirational writing series on the Healing Power of Words. A ten-day FREE inspirational series. This time, Dawn's interviewed Lizzie Post on the topic of writing the 20th edition of Emily Post's Etiquette during the pandemic. Join this free series and listen to Dawn's interview with Lizzie on August 23th.

The Healing Power of Words 10-day writing series with transformational writing coach Dawn Montefusco

There's a lot of uncertainty in the world right now and it can feel so scattering. Your thoughts might be spinning, and you may find you're triggered by all the social media and news right now. We are globally going through a transformation.
You might be asking yourself, do your words even matter? The answer is a big "Yes!" Words have the greatest potential to impact the world.
When words are both true and kind, authentic and real, it creates a ripple effect of healing both inside and out. This includes the silent words we tell ourselves!
This is why we're so excited to announce that our friend and colleague Dawn Montefusco, Transformational Writing Coach, (who is a former member of the Emily Post Institute team) has created an amazing 10-day video series for writers to help you get your stories out of your head and onto the page. Dawn invited Lizzie to be on the show as her guest and once again, they had such a blast. This year, they'll be talking about the writing process for the 20th edition, during the pandemic.
 Anyone can watch the entire event online and it's FREE!
--> Register now for the Healing Power of Words, CLICK HERE
Dawn has gathered some of the world's greatest leaders, best-selling writers, spiritual teachers, song writers, and personal development coaches to share their stories, strategies and thoughts on how to break through any writing resistance so you can start writing like you've never done before!
As a company focused on producing content and discussing and exploring the impact words have in our society, we are excited to bring opportunities like this to you, our audience.
You hear us talk about it all the time on the podcast and in our books, and interviews, HOW you say something matters. And part of that how, is the words you choose. Whether through a book, a blog, as a speaker, on your social media accounts or in your journal, words have the potential to help you and others feel better, heal past wounds, and restore a sense of love and connection.
This 10-day writing series is engaging, deep, and ridiculously inspiring - and it's FREE!
Dawn and the other writers in the series will give you tips and strategies that will help you....
●  Learn why NOW is the most important time in human history to write.
●  How words can heal past trauma, depression, grief, and anxiety.
●  Find out why it's important for your inner fulfillment to honor your calling as a writer.
●  How to find inner peace and allow your intuition to guide you when you write.
●  And much more...
You can watch and listen as experts discuss what sparked them to write, how embracing their creativity unleashed their power, and how to stay inspired when the inner critic starts to get the best of you.
If you're ready to feel the healing power of words and be inspired to write, this is your invitation to grab a seat. The Healing Power of Words: Create With Passion and Write Powerful Stories that Impact the World. Join us to reconnect to your own inner wisdom and have fun doing it!
Register now!  CLICK HERE
 P.S. If you have a friend who needs to know about this event, please forward this email to them or share the link. Let's spread the healing power of words to as many people as we can.

    Ending a Video Chat or Long Phone Call
    "It's been great talking with you. I'm going to/have to get going/move on to ____." 

    Saying No to Getting Together
    "I'm pulling back on socializing right now."
    "I'm keeping my interactions really limited to my pod."
    "I'm not comfortable with a dinner, but I'm happy to go for a walk."
    "I'm gonna say 'No, but thank you for asking me.'"

    Expressing Your Comfort Levels for Getting Together
    "I'm less/not comfortable with ___ but I am comfortable with ____" (or reverse the order.)

    Asking About Removing Masks When Outside
    "Are you comfortable with me taking off my mask since we're outside?"

    Choosing Not to Remove a Mask When Others Do
    "I feel more comfortable keeping mine on."

    Choosing to Leave When Things Are Beyond Your Comfort Level
    Aside to your host: "Thank you for inviting me, I'm not feeling entirely comfortable though, so I'm going to take off. I hope you guys have a great rest of the evening."
EMILY POST ON INSTAGRAM: @emilypostinstitute 

The Emily Post Institute Instagram. Instagram is one of our favorite places to interact with you and post etiquette tips, advice, and share what's going on in our lives and at the Institute. Join us! #etiquette #awesomeetiquette #emilypost

Most recently:
We take your questions on condolences for colleagues, uninviting those who don't follow COVID-19 guidelines, sending a thank you note for a thank you gift, and wanting others to respect your avoidance of bad news. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about carefully critiquing what the host serves. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript segment on "when you..., I feel..." statements.

DON'T MISS EP# 305: BIG FRIENDSHIP GUESTS - Dan and Lizzie are joined by "Call Your Girlfriend" podcast hosts, Aminatou Soh and Ann Friedman to talk about their new book Big Friendships, and the etiquette of big friendships.    
Submit your question, comment or etiquette salute to
awesomeetiquette@emilypost.com or give us a call and leave a message or text at 802-858-KIND (802-858-5463).
You can also submit via social media, just use #AwesomeEtiquette so we know you want your question, comment or etiquette salute on the show.  

Thank you for spending part of your day with us. We are so grateful for etiquette enthusiasts like you, who keep consideration, respect, and honesty at the forefront of your interactions and intentions. As always, thank you for your continued interest in etiquette and The Emily Post Institute.      


The Post Family