Program Location: Syracuse (450 Burt St, Syracuse, NY 13202). View Map.

Description: Freedom Commons is a mixed-income development providing emergency, transitional, affordable, and supporting housing to residents of the Syracuse community. The mission of the project is to address broad community needs related to quality, health-supporting affordable housing while providing housing and services for justice-involved individuals and their families in an effort to reduce recidivism and improve public safety. CCA developed this multi-phase housing model in partnership with the Syracuse Housing Authority, and with technical assistance from The Fortune Society.

Participant-centered, comprehensive reentry services provided include education, recovery, employment, civic restoration, housing support, and case management. Program participation is required for Academy residents and available to those living in the permanent Freedom Commons apartments. Additional amenities include a computer lab and learning center, laundry facilities, a community meeting space, and a communal dining area.

Eligibility: 43 affordable units are designated for individuals and/or families with incomes at or below 50% of the Area Media Income (AMI). 11 permanent supportive units are designated for individuals and/or families whose income is at or below 30% of the AMI and who also have previously experienced homelessness and criminal justice involvement. In addition, the Freedom Commons Academy provides 11 beds for temporary housing for adults returning home from incarceration.

Permanent Supportive Housing and Freedom Commons Academy Contact:

Isaac Rivers
Phone: 315-422-5638 ext. 352

Park Central Presbyterian Church delivers a donation to Freedom Commons Academy.