To help put things in perspective when I feel overwhelmed, I like to spend time with my friends and family, carve out time to go to the gym, and engage in some of my favorite hobbies, like listening to music or TED Talks. The Thrive app has assisted me with being more intentional about my day and time. I now start my day by identifying a set of goals and prioritizing each task. I’ve been learning to set attainable goals, rather than overwhelm myself by thinking about the endless amount of things I want to accomplish each day. I have also learned how to refocus and reset, making time every night to reflect on the day with an increased emphasis on living with gratitude and appreciating my personal journey.

The Thrive app has also given me great advice about my financial well-being. I have shared content related to financial management with some of my team members, and it’s helped them too! Personally, I use the Microsteps related to saving and making time for meal prep. 

After the past year, more and more people are focused on improving their individual well-being — but we don’t always know how to do it. The Thrive app gives you small steps to make it happen.