Steven Hooley

How Steven Hooley Created A Multimillion Dollar Entrepreneurship By Age 26

Steven Hooley is a child computer prodigy. By the age of 7 he had such a deep interest that he created his own intelligent computer, “Jarvis”, that he could talk to and have it perform tasks. Steven’s grandfather introduced him to computers when he was 4, but his passion grew from a traumatic childhood. Even at a young age, he knew he wanted to change his life. Not wanting to be a victim of circumstance, he made a commitment to himself that he would use his natural abilities to do whatever it took to create a better life for himself and his future family. Today, Steven is a part of several tech projects and offers SaaS technology services to businesses around the world.

When Steven was 15, he started his first steps to fulfilling the commitment he made as a child. He enrolled in the Utah County Academy of Sciences, a high school which offers early college education. He spent his high school years, from 15 to 18, walking to the college campus and made an important discovery. He could use his skills to earn money building websites for college students. Steven started with advertising on Craigslist, but his services quickly expanded. He turned his back on the statistical future that waited for a man with his background. People who have experienced the trauma he has simply don’t find success in life. But Steven knew he could change the story. “I’m a living example that you can go through some of the worst things in life and still achieve great things…The success I’ve experienced just doesn’t usually happen for people who come from where I did. Nevertheless, at 26 I am a multimillionaire, I employ family and close friends. I give as much as I can and I am helping the upcoming entrepreneurs succeed in multiple fields,” he says.

Steven possesses a gift few other people do. Even with this awareness, he has learned the value of staying humble as an important part of who he is. When he has let clever people manipulate his ego, it has nearly cost him his business and his life. But his mentors have taught him to embrace humility and engraved it as a virtue into his soul. Part of Steven’s journey to humility has included getting comfortable with loss. Nothing in this life is permanent. You’ll make money, but you’ll also lose money. Earning money starts as an emotional roller coaster. However, with experience, you learn to detach from it and remain emotionless from gains or losses. But Steven admits nothing hurts as much as losing the people you love in your life. 2016 was a dark time in his life. He lost his best friend to a heroin overdose and his step father attempted suicide. Steven also nearly lost his business and had to fight his way back from blackmail and a smear campaign. Then, going into 2021, he lost his marriage he fought hard for. Steven has learned that loss doesn’t equal failure, but lessons to learn from. “You have to keep yourself out of your reptile (survival) brain and stay focused on the big picture of things. You’re going to have to be okay with losing, and bounce back if you want to succeed,” he says.

As a part of his childhood commitment, Steven also intends to create opportunities for underprivileged youth. His goal is to provide education and resources in finance, business, technology, entrepreneurship, and more. There’s so much the education system can’t or won’t teach students, but Steven has a network of people who can. He was once an underprivileged kid who was lucky enough to receive guidance and great opportunities. Now, it’s his turn to pay it forward.

What’s next for Steven? He has new and exciting tech projects lined up. He is collaborating on software and apps for various industries such as real estate, DJ/music, sports, trading, crypto, branding, e-commerce, education, and mentoring. Steven and his team also love helping people take their ideas and turn them into reality, so he encourages anyone to talk to him to see how they can help. He promises to cut you in on the deal long term if they pick up the project, as well. You can follow Steven on Instagram @sbhooley.