Humans are hard-wired for narrative. We see our own lives through stories, and stories are how we connect with others. Nor are stories just about making sense of our past — they can also change our lives going forward by giving us the kind of wisdom and insight we can’t get in any other way. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce the launch of a new podcast called “Meditative Story,” which Thrive created with WaitWhat, the team behind “TED Radio Hour” and “Masters of Scale,” and with gracious support from Salesforce. And starting today, you can subscribe to hear every episode. 

The series combines two of our most powerful and proven transformational tools: first-person storytelling and mindfulness. Each week, a storyteller will take you on a journey to a pivotal moment and place in their life. As you listen, mindfulness prompts — from meditation guide and founder of the Buddhify app, Rohan Gunatillake — are seamlessly woven into the story. And surrounding it all is music and sound created by the sound design team The Holladay Brothers.

The overall effect is an entirely new and immersive sensory experience. It’s not just story as entertainment — it’s about empowerment, giving you the ability to unplug, disconnect from the day-to-day stresses of the world, and be transported to another time and place. The language of stories is universal — and by connecting so deeply to someone else’s story, you’ll be able to connect with your own, emerging restored and recharged.

Our first storyteller is Dr. Lucy Kalanithi, who shares, for the first time ever, a remarkable coda to the story of the death of her husband, Paul Kalanithi, author of the best seller When Breath Becomes Air. Following will be stories from an amazing range of writers, thinkers, scientists, and celebrities. Some of those you’ll hear from include:

On Being’s Krista Tippett

Author Pico Iyer

Apple Music’s Larry Jackson

Restaurateur Danny Meyer

ABC Nightline’s Dan Harris

NPR’s Peter Sagal

Actor Josh Radnor

Transgender boxer and author Thomas Page McBee 

New York Times best selling author A.J. Jacobs

Astronomer Michelle Thaller

In today’s always-on world, with our attention being constantly demanded by notifications, alarms, and the ever-increasing tallies of unread emails and texts, it’s easy to lose the thread of our own story. And that’s all the more reason it’s important to find ways to reset. That’s why we created “Meditative Story” — to allow you to stop time, go on a journey, and come back with the perspective you need to redefine your own narrative.

As Joan Didion wrote, “we tell ourselves stories in order to live.” And we listen to them for the same reason. You can subscribe to “Meditative Story: on Apple Podcasts here, Spotify here, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Subscribe here for my Weekly Thoughts Newsletter, where you’ll find my take on the week’s news, my favorite pieces on how we can thrive even in our stressful world, and some fun and inspiring extras. 

Listen to the first episode of Meditative Story here.