Tickets & Conversations


Send CES email after a contact has 10 closed tickets


Hello! I am wanting to find a way to send a CES email after a contact has 10 tickets close. So for example, they would have tickets 1-10 all closed and then they woudl receive a survey. They wouldn't receive another survey until the 20th ticket was closed. I want to get CES information from clients, but don't want to blow them up if they have many tickets.

1 Accepted solution
Hall of Famer | Partner
Hall of Famer | Partner

Send CES email after a contact has 10 closed tickets


Hi @ETvelia,


With the classic CES (if you're choosing to create the industry standard CES Customer Effort Score survey) this is not possible. 'The survey will be sent to customers when their tickets close, so you can only choose pipelines with a closed state.' There's no way to customize it in a way that it will only be sent for every 10th ticket.


You can however create a custom survey and define when exactly that should be sent. Keep in mind that this will look different from the classic CES. To accomplish this, you would:

  1. Create a custom survey:
  2. Create a custom contact calculation property (using the Count method) to count how many tickets a contact is associated to: (I always call this 'Number of associated tickets')
  3. Create a ticket-based workflow that enrolls tickets when the ticket is closed and when the value of 'Number of associated tickets' is equal to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 (add as many as you think you need, no harm in typing up to 1,000)
  4. In this workflow, send an automated email that links to your custom survey from step 1

Let me know if you need more detail on any of these steps, happy to elaborate.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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2 Replies 2

Send CES email after a contact has 10 closed tickets


Hello! You can achieve this by setting up an automated system to track ticket closures and trigger a CES email after every 10 closed tickets. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  1. Ticket Tracking System Integration: Ensure your ticketing system can track the number of closed tickets per contact. If not, consider using a CRM or a customer support platform that can integrate with your ticketing system.

  2. Automation Tool: Use an automation tool like Zapier, Integromat, or a similar service that can connect your ticketing system to your email service.

  3. Create a Workflow:

    • Trigger: Set up a trigger that activates every time a ticket is closed.
    • Count Tickets: Use a counter to track the number of tickets closed for each contact.
    • Conditional Step: Add a condition to check if the count reaches 10. If it does, proceed to send the CES email.
    • Reset Counter: Once the email is sent, reset the counter to zero.
  4. Email Service: Configure your email service to send out the CES survey when triggered by the automation tool.

  5. Testing: Test the workflow with a few sample contacts to ensure it works as intended without sending duplicate surveys.

  6. Monitor and Adjust: Monitor the process and adjust the workflow if necessary to handle any exceptions or errors.

This method ensures that your clients receive a survey every 10 closed tickets, avoiding survey fatigue and providing valuable CES data. I implemented same techniques for my DTF UK Print Business

Hall of Famer | Partner
Hall of Famer | Partner

Send CES email after a contact has 10 closed tickets


Hi @ETvelia,


With the classic CES (if you're choosing to create the industry standard CES Customer Effort Score survey) this is not possible. 'The survey will be sent to customers when their tickets close, so you can only choose pipelines with a closed state.' There's no way to customize it in a way that it will only be sent for every 10th ticket.


You can however create a custom survey and define when exactly that should be sent. Keep in mind that this will look different from the classic CES. To accomplish this, you would:

  1. Create a custom survey:
  2. Create a custom contact calculation property (using the Count method) to count how many tickets a contact is associated to: (I always call this 'Number of associated tickets')
  3. Create a ticket-based workflow that enrolls tickets when the ticket is closed and when the value of 'Number of associated tickets' is equal to 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 (add as many as you think you need, no harm in typing up to 1,000)
  4. In this workflow, send an automated email that links to your custom survey from step 1

Let me know if you need more detail on any of these steps, happy to elaborate.


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

Beratungstermin mit Karsten vereinbaren


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