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noahfpf on July 18, 2024
I would like to: 1. Send an email from my own web app 2. Log that email to HubSpot and associate it with a HubSpot ticket, presumably through some version of the engagements API: - https://developers.hubspot.com/beta-docs/reference/api/crm/ read more
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2 Replies
July 18, 2024 21:13
Hi Steve, thanks for your suggestion. I think you mean: when our web app sends an email to the recipient, we could BCC our HubSpot mapped address...read more
Hkrewson on July 18, 2024
Greetings. I have a custom object workflow that will enroll on a property being known. My end goal with the workflow is to use an email property on the custom object, locate a contact, and add that contact to a static list. My code (python 3.9 read more
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1 Reply
Guide | Partner
July 18, 2024 18:00
@Hkrewson - when I ran up against such version issues (likely cause for a new API) with HubSpot libraries in the past, I simply dropped down to the...read more
SVenkatesan on July 18, 2024
I have created a report in Hubspot which displays Record ID of custom object and count of notes each record created everyday. Is there any way to get record id and count details through API.
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Contributor | Elite Partner
July 19, 2024 00:04
Reports are not exposed through the API, only the bare minimum on marketing analytics. 😠 You'll have to compile that info from the CRM infor...read more
EDevTeam on July 18, 2024
Hi guys, Do you know? How can i import products from multiple stores from magento into hubspot with different product urls? And then the email will get and send correct product url for per store?
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Community Manager
July 18, 2024 19:04
Hi, @EDevTeam 👋 Thanks for your question. Let's invite some of our community experts to the conversation – hey @Josh @Teun @himanshurauthan...read more
VigneshIyappan on July 18, 2024
We are encountering the following exception: "I/O error on POST request for ' https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token ': Connection reset." It happens randomly, and we can't determine the cause. Please help us identify the issue.
Community Manager
July 18, 2024 19:34
Hey, @VigneshIyappan 👋 This is likely better as a support ticket. This is because our developer forum is primarily a peer-to-peer support comm...read more
teja21 on July 18, 2024
I have called contacts api from postman as shown in below screenshot. But it provides error for scopes as below. { "status" : "error" , "message" : "This app hasn't been granted all required scopes to make this ca read more
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1 Reply
Top Contributor
July 18, 2024 16:50
Hello @teja21 , Is this a private app or a public app? In any event I've recorded a video running through authentication with both private and...read more
davidSquad1 on July 18, 2024
Hi all, I have a use case where i need to allow contacts to update their email addresses in my linked application. Once they do the update, I need to retrieve the contact via the API, using the original email and then update the email value read more
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2 Replies
July 18, 2024 10:49
Hi @SteveHTM That's a pretty nice hack. Thanks for sharing! I'll consider it and give it a test.
RReiffer on July 18, 2024
We are running into failed API calls due to HubSpot Workflows running. If we run a workflow and it updates a bunch of companies our webhook then generates our workflow to sync those companies (to ConnectWise) and many times they fail because they a read more
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2 Replies
Top Contributor | Partner
July 19, 2024 00:38
Hi @Jaycee_Lewis , Hi @RReiffer , in most of our cases it is really sufficient. I'm not sure, that I understood your business case right, but m...read more
michelangeloWN on July 18, 2024
Hi I'm reaching out for assistance on optimizing our import process via the HubSpot API. We're currently facing a couple of challenges and would appreciate your expertise. 1) Batch API Import : We've been using the batch API to import records read more
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1 Reply
Community Manager
July 18, 2024 19:22
Hey, @michelangeloWN 👋 Thanks for your question. And thank you for adding more context and details. This definitely helps our community member...read more
unnu on July 18, 2024
I found out, that you can update the preview text of a marketing email with the PATCH /marketing/v3/emails/{emailId} endpoint. PATCH https://api.hubapi.com/marketing/v3/emails/{emailId} The payload looks like this: { ... 'subject read more
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1 Reply
Thought Leader | Platinum Partner
July 18, 2024 06:40
Hey @unnu I can't say for sure if this will be removed or not. It's totally possible that this just hasn't been documented yet, but in general if s...read more
芳春大隅 on July 18, 2024
Hello, I'm currently working on a project to import HubSpot reporting data into Google Sheets. I'm trying to retrieve data using the endpoint below, but I'm getting a 404 error. Could someone please teach me the solution...? https://api.hubapi read more
Thought Leader | Platinum Partner
July 18, 2024 06:38
Hey @芳春大隅 the HubSpot api key system was deprecated in 2022 and can no longer be used. You'll need to use the latest reporting apis along with ...read more
Prabakaran on July 18, 2024
I have configured webhooks in sanbox account and doing the action to create a contact but the logger shows this, how to resolve? kindly help { "status": "error", "message": "The scope needed for this API call isn't available for public use. If you read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
Key Advisor | Platinum Partner
July 18, 2024 11:28
Hi @Prabakaran Looks like you have not provided the required scopes in your APP. Go to the app setting and provide the scope required for th...read more
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