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Are you preparing for Easter, Passover and other spring activities? If so, don’t forget to watch out for asthma and allergy triggers that could affect your celebrations.

Easter Egg Hunts

After a long winter, Easter egg hunts offer a great chance to get the kids out of the house to have some fun. But in many parts of the U.S., tree pollen is starting to peak. Depending on where you live or if spring starts early, grass and weed pollen could be around too. And if your area has had a lot of spring rain, mold counts can be high. Follow your treatment plan for managing pollen and mold allergies, as well as allergic asthma. When returning home, change clothes, shower and shampoo your hair to reduce your pollen exposure.

Watch for Asthma Triggers at Religious Services

Incense is common in many religious services. If scents or smoke trigger your asthma symptoms, be careful at religious services when incense is used. Find out if the church or temple will use incense at the service you plan to attend. Talk to your religious leadership in advance to find out if there is an area where you can enjoy the service but not be affected by the incense. If these are not options, consider wearing a mask to services to protect yourself.

Plan Inclusive and Food Allergy Friendly Celebrations

Food is at the center of many Easter and Passover traditions. Use our Easter and Passover tips on ways to keep tradition while keeping your family with food allergies safe. And before you prepare your child’s Easter basket, see our list of allergy-friendly Easter treats.

It is important to stay up-to-date on news about asthma and allergies. By joining our community and following our blog, you will receive news about research and treatments. Our community also provides an opportunity to connect with other patients who manage these conditions for support.


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