Triptych with aerial views of Mississauga, St. George, and Scarborough U of T campuses.


Institutional Equity Commitments

Follow U of T’s progress in addressing recommendations from our equity, diversity, and inclusion working groups.

The President, Vice-President and Provost, and Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity & Culture present this resource to outline institutional commitments related to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and track progress in addressing them.

The University of Toronto draws on the knowledge of our tri-campus EDI working groups and task forces to better understand and respond to the needs of campus communities experiencing racism and/or discrimination. Made up of faculty, librarians, staff, and students, these groups review University processes and practices and provide actionable recommendations that help inform our institutional commitments.

Read on to learn how our community is addressing recommendations from the Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report, Antisemitism Working Group Report, and Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report. Learn more about the University’s Anti-Islamophobia Working Group on the People Strategy, Equity & Culture website.

View a specific report

Answering the Call: Wecheehetowin

Our institutional efforts to respond to the 34 Calls to Action in Answering the Call: Wecheehetowin are highlighted in annual progress reports prepared by the Office of Indigenous Initiatives (OII).

Created in 2017, the OII is mandated to support and guide the U of T community’s work towards reconciliation.

Progress Snapshot

Implemented: sustained action in effect. | Underway: working to implement. | Accepted: committed to action.

Currently, this site reflects comprehensive updates from ABRTF and ASWG and partial updates from AARWG. A formal request for updates on all three reports will be issued in early 2024.

Accountability Highlights: Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report

  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion leads have been hired across the tri-campus and recruitment is ongoing in other areas. These roles will be supporting the implementation of recommendations across their respective Faculties where relevant (ABRTF Recommendation 2.1).
  • The Provost’s Office instructs Deans and Chief Librarians to include EDI progress and activities in their annual activity reports. This process has been in practice since 2020 and was formalized in 2022-23 (ABRTF Recommendation 2.2).
  • As of April 2023, the U of T Student Equity Census achieved close to a 90% response rate for all current registered students. Plans are underway to share and report on this data, in consultation with student representatives, and this process will be carried out annually. Employment Equity data is now featured in PSEC’s annual Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Report with a companion interactive data dashboard (ABRTF Recommendation 3.4; 3.1).
  • The University has created an updated Diversity Statement that appears on the U of T Careers site and in all job ads, as well as a Welcoming Statement. This messaging strongly encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual and gender identities (ABRTF Recommendation B.6).

Currently, this site reflects comprehensive updates from ABRTF and ASWG and partial updates from AARWG. A formal request for updates on all three reports will be issued in early 2024.

Accountability Highlights: Antisemitism Working Group Report

  • The Institutional Equity Office has hired an Assistant Director, Faith and Anti-Racism, who will provide guidance to the University community in addressing individual and systemic faith- and race-based discrimination (ASWG Recommendation 2).
  • Clearer language on accommodations is now reflected in the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture’s Inclusive Employer Guides, which provide our community with information about observances (ASWG Recommendation 7).
  • The University administration frequently reiterates its commitment to academic freedom and inclusion, most recently in President Gertler’s message to the U of T community on October 18, 2023 (ASWG Recommendation 4).

Accountability Highlights: Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report

  • In Fall 2023, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture introduced updated organizational competencies. Beginning in the 2023-24 review cycle, a new EDI competency will be part of the Performance Assessment process for all eligible staff (AARWG Recommendation 3.4).
  • Self-identified race-based data (with confidentiality masking) is available to the Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) as requested, and is taken into consideration as part of the recruitment and selection process for leadership and mentorship programs (AARWG Recommendation 1.4).
  • Following a formal Request for Proposal process that required potential providers to demonstrate how their services are culturally informed/relevant, the University selected TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) as its new Employee and Family Assistance Program in May 2022 (AARWG Recommendation 7.2).
  • Throughout the year, the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office offered education programming to the University community to raise awareness of anti-Asian racism and strategies to increase inclusion and create a sense of community and belonging. In 2023, the programs included “Disrupting Anti-Asian Racism: Tools for Change” (May 1, 2023); “Restorative Art Therapy for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Community & Their Allies” (May 9, 2023); “Understanding Anti-Asian Racism: Conversations and Strategies for Change in Higher Education” (May 24, 2023); Anti-Asian Racism: What It Is, Intersections, and What Can We Do (December 4, 2023) (AARWG Recommendation 4.2; 6.3; 7.2).

Currently, this site reflects comprehensive updates from ABRTF and ASWG and partial updates from AARWG. A formal request for updates on all three reports will be issued in early 2024.

Recommendations & Updates

We invite you to explore the chart below to learn how we are delivering on our institutional commitments and addressing the recommendations of our EDI working groups. You can filter by recommendation status or report. Additionally, you can search by keyword or recommendation number.

Recommendations & Updates

Currently, this site reflects comprehensive updates from ABRTF and ASWG and partial updates from AARWG. A formal request for updates on all three reports will be issued in early 2024.

We invite you to explore the chart below to learn how we are delivering on our institutional commitments and addressing the recommendations of our EDI working groups. You can filter by recommendation status or report. Additionally, you can search by keyword or recommendation number.

Report OriginRecommendation DetailsStatus
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.1. Recommendation that EDI considerations be a publicly listed criterion for selection by the Governing Council.



Status Description: Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) considerations have been included in the Governing Council Election Guidelines.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.2. Recommendation that all members of Governing Council Striking Committees and the Election Committee complete annual unconscious bias training that includes a component on anti-Black racism.



Status Description: All members of Governing Council Striking Committees and the Election Committee have completed annual unconscious bias training that includes a component on anti-Black racism.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.3. Recommendation that the Governing Council Secretariat focus its efforts on building a more diverse pool of candidates for election to Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni and Community positions.



Status Description: In consultation with the Institutional Equity Office, the Governing Council Secretariat is conducting ongoing outreach to raise awareness of opportunities for involvement in governance.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.4. Recommendation that the Governing Council Secretariat, in consultation with the Executive Director of EDI, and the central Communications office, develop an EDI outreach plan to build the pool of Black, Indigenous, and racialized candidates for election to faculty, staff, alumni, and community roles.



Status Description: In consultation with the Executive Director, EDI, the Secretariat has expanded its communication channels with regard to elections. The Secretariat has also developed and launched a voluntary demographic data collection tool to learn more about the diversity of candidates and of members. This data will help to inform the Secretariat's outreach strategy.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.5. Recommendation that the Governing Council Secretariat develop partnerships with the Black Research Network, Black Faculty Working Group, and the Black Alumni Association.



Status Description: With assistance from the Institutional Equity Office and the UTM and UTSC Equity Offices, the Secretariat is in communication with the Black Research Network, the Black Faculty Working Group, and the Black Alumni Association to share information on governance/election processes.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.1. Recommendation that every faculty and college appoint a senior divisional lead on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), and ensure that combating anti-Black racism be a primary component of this leader’s work. Differences in structure and size would dictate that these arrangements would vary across faculties and colleges. It is also recommended that additional staffing resources be committed to the office of the Executive Director of EDI and the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) to support and address the increasing EDI requirements across the University.



Status Description: The University has expanded the presence of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) leads across the tri-campus, with senior EDI leads hired in the following areas: Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Faculty of Arts & Science; Faculty of Information; Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education; Faculty of Law; Faculty of Music; John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design; Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy; Rotman School of Management; and School of Continuing Studies. Recruitment is ongoing in other areas. Read more about our EDI leads.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.2. Recommendation that a new mandatory section be added to the Deans’ and Chief Librarian’s annual performance report to the Provost. This section would detail disaggregated race data for students, faculty, and staff. In this section, they would be required to report on progress in attaining EDI goals that are set either within the division or between the Provost and the divisional leader.


Status Description: The Provost's Office instructs Deans and Chief Librarians to include EDI progress and activities in their annual activity reports. This process has been in practice since 2020 and was formalized in 2022-23.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of Vice President & ProvostLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.3. Recommendation that an Associate Vice President/Associate Vice Provost for EDI faculty-supported position be created. This position could have a dual reporting function to the Vice-President/Provost and the Vice-President of Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture].



Status Description: In Fall 2022, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture established the Institutional Equity Office (IEO) under the leadership of the Executive Director, EDI. The IEO works closely with and in partnership with the Provost's Office.


Early work is underway to review the structure of the IEO to best meet/reflect institutional priorities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.4. Recommendation that a Provostial Faculty Fellows program be established.



Status Description: The Provost’s Leadership Academy was created as an integrated, long-term development and support program. Announced in March 2023 and launching in September 2023, this pilot program is intended to identify, engage, and support mid-career faculty members with interests and capacities for future University leadership. The Academy will offer a two-year program of cohort-based leadership curricula and mentorship opportunities to approximately 24 mid-career Fellows selected from across the six Multi-Department and eleven Single Department Faculties.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.1. Recommendation for a bold new all-employee communications campaign focusing on why the Employment Equity Survey is important for understanding our workforce and how it would be used to promote a more inclusive and welcoming community.



Status Description: Annually, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture works in partnership with University of Toronto Communications to encourage all employees to complete the Employment Equity Survey, and provides highlights on how these data are used and why the University is interested in collecting and analyzing these data. Related articles and memos include Changes Coming to the Employment Equity Survey and Recognizing and Responding to Employment Equity Data. Additionally, Employment Equity data is now featured in PSEC's annual Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Report with a companion interactive data dashboard in order to raise awareness and provide a clearer picture of how this data connects with broader efforts to foster diverse and inclusive environments.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.2. Recommendation for the development of an annual diversity report to assist divisional leaders in assessing how their divisional diversity compares to that of other units, and allow for more open, informed conversations and strategic planning on Black inclusivity.



Status Description:  The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) launched an interactive Employment Equity Data Dashboard, which includes data from 2017 onwards. Viewers can explore and filter the substantive data by employee type, year, and campus to fully engage with available equity data. The dashboard also contains applicant data for the period of January 1 to December 31 in the selected year.


In addition to the Employment Equity Data Dashboard, PSEC provides divisional leaders with area-specific equity data to support informed conversations and strategic planning on inclusivity.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.3. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] strike a committee, with Black voices well-represented, to assess ways in which existing employee data can best be collected and presented in ways that are respectful of the law and privacy needs, but that enable the community to assess accurate rates of employee representation across the University.



Status Description: The Equity Survey Advisory Group was established in 2022 with a mandate to evaluate the effectiveness of survey questions; analyze how and with whom the University shares data; suggest updates to the Employment Equity Survey to make it more comprehensive; and to advise on how to make the survey a more meaningful experience for our community. The committee work was completed in summer 2022, and this work informed the updated Employment Equity Survey that was implemented in early 2023.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.4. Recommendation that results from Student Equity Census is shared at minimum annually with faculties, colleges and campuses, to facilitate access programs and recruitment strategies geared towards Black students.



Status Description: A revised U of T Student Equity Census was launched in December 2021, with questions and categories modified in response to student feedback. In July 2022, it was fully embedded into ACORN, U of T’s student information system.


Students are required to complete the census when they log in to ACORN and can update their responses at any time. Given the personal nature of the information requested, students have the option to respond with “prefer not to answer” for any questions. Responses remain confidential and only aggregate data will be reported. As of April 2023, the census achieved close to a 90% response rate for all current registered students.


Plans are underway to share and report on this data in fall 2023. The process for this data sharing is being developed in consultation with student representatives and will be carried out on an annual basis moving forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report4.1. Recommendation that all major EDI funding emanate from the Office of the Vice-President/Provost or that an EDI budget is allocated to the Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture].



Status Description: The U of T budget model operates annually through the Dean's Advisory Committee process. The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture has established the Institutional Equity Office, which has a budget allocated for EDI work.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFunding Structures and Advancement Support
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report4.2. Recommendation that the Black Research Network (BRN) should receive ongoing support from the Provostial budget for operational and administrative costs.



Status Description: The Black Research Network (BRN) receives ongoing funding through the University’s Operating Budget.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFunding Structures and Advancement Support
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report4.3. Recommendation that the Division of University Advancement build capacity to attract donors to a Black excellence campaign at the University.



Status Description: The Division of University Advancement (DUA) has regularly put forward Black Excellence fundraising priorities in proposals and solicitations for the Black Research Network, Black student scholarships, the Black Founders Network, the Centre for Research & Innovation for Black Survivors of Homicide Victims (CRIB), and other priorities. DUA regularly considers equity implications for Black and Indigenous students in the construction of major proposals.


In November 2021, U of T launched the Defy Gravity fundraising and alumni engagement campaign, which is grounded in the University’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence and the principles of equity, inclusion, and belonging.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of University Advancement


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of University AdvancementFunding Structures and Advancement Support
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report5.1 That the University endorse space(s) that support Black students.



Status Description: At the St. George campus, space for Black students is created through events and opportunities to connect as a community, including initiatives coordinated by Student Life, Hart House, the Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office, and other partners across the campus. A Black Student Engagement Fund was created to support Black-identifying students, clubs and course unions across the St. George Campus, and distributed funding to 15 groups/activities in 2023. A mentorship program was created to connect Black undergrad and grad students to Black U of T Alumni Mentors. The Black Hub is a curated collection of resources that supports the identities and active participation of Black students on campus.


At University of Toronto Scarborough, space will be designated within a new building. Conversations are underway to expand space to support the construction of a Centre for Black Excellence based on recommendation from the UTSC Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion Advisory Committee (ABR-BIAC). In the meantime, Black students have access to bookable spaces on campus, and Student Life has organized weekly gatherings for Black students within the Student Centre.


There is a plan to create space in University of Toronto Mississauga's Maanjiwe nendamowinan building near the Black Researchers Network space. The Centre for Student Engagement makes sure Black student organizations are aware of the availability of bookable meeting spaces across campus in the meantime.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostPromoting Black Inclusive Spaces
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report5.2. Recommendation that the University supports art representation across the three campuses that amplify the contributions of Black Canadians and/or the Black experience.



Status Description: Significant work has happened across U of T’s three campus art galleries – the Art Museum at St. George, Doris McCarthy Gallery at UTSC, and the Blackwood Gallery at UTM – to diversify the U of T art collection and art in public spaces on campus to reflect the history of Black Canadians and to showcase Black artists and curators.


Between 2021 and 2023, more than 15 exhibitions featuring 100+ Black artists have taken place across the three campus galleries, with additional exhibitions in the planning stages for 2023-24. Educational programming featuring Black curators, speakers, writers, and panelists has been offered at all three galleries, both in collaboration with exhibitions and as stand-alone events.


The U of T Art Policy and the acquisition approval process have prioritized the diversification of U of T’s art collection in recent years, and a significant number of new works entering the collection are by Black artists. While this work is ongoing, there has been a significant shift over the last 5 years to feature Black artists and curators, and to welcome more art by Black artists into the permanent U of T Art Collection.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostPromoting Black Inclusive Spaces
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report6.1. Recommendation that the University strengthen and update the anti-harassment/anti-discrimination policy in addition to developing communications for U of T stakeholder groups that illustrate the complaints process in an accessible, clear, nonlegal language, or with the use of multi-media tools. On a yearly basis, all U of T staff and faculty should be required to sign and acknowledge the policy on Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment electronically.



Status Description: A collaborative effort between People Strategy, Equity and Culture, the Provost's Office, and the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students is underway. The consultation pathway for the review of the Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment is in development.


Support for complaints resolution related to harassment and discrimination is available through the Institutional Equity Office and Workplace Investigations.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureComplaints and Investigation Processes
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report6.2. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] develop a confidential online system to track at the institutional level all concerns or disclosures, as well as filed complaints, regarding prohibited discrimination of any form.



Status Description: Since January 2022, the Office of Workplace Investigations (WPI) tracks all cases related to discrimination and/or discriminatory harassment that are raised directly or indirectly with the office. WPI plans to engage in consultations to consider expanding this tracking mechanism within the PSEC portfolio as appropriate.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureComplaints and Investigation Processes
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report7.1. Recommendation that central Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] communicate the existing training offerings related to anti-Black racism as well as develop a suite of well-publicized online modules on anti-Black racism that are attuned and accessible to staff, student, and faculty stakeholders.



Status Description: The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) continues to offer Anti-Black Racism training to the U of T community.


The Institutional Equity Office has developed a central education calendar to enhance communication of EDI-related training opportunities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureAnti-Black Racism Training
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report7.2. Recommendation that every year completion of a minimum of one mandatory module on anti-Black racism be required for all University managers, employees at the PM-5 level and above, all campus police [renamed Campus Safety in 2021] officers, and employees holding appointments under the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators.



Status Description: The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) continues to offer Anti-Black Racism training to the U of T community.


All incoming Appointed Academic Administrators take the module on unconscious bias designed by Toronto Initiative for Diversity and Excellence (TIDE).


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureAnti-Black Racism Training
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.1. Recommendation that the new Institutional Access Office, in consultation with the divisional offices, create permanent dedicated institutional funds to support access programs where departments collect and report data on Black student representation.



Status Description: Access Programs University Fund (APUF) continues to invest in access and outreach programming supporting Black students. Out of 11 funded APUF projects in 2022-23, 8 were exclusively focused on supporting and engaging Black students and/or prospective students in access programming.


The Access Strategy & Partnerships Office (ASPO) was created in April 2022 with the appointment of the University’s inaugural Director, Access Programs. The ASPO has engaged and consulted with most divisions about their challenges and opportunities related to engaging Black students through access and outreach programming, including the Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Faculty of Arts & Science; Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education; Faculty of Law; John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design; Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; Rotman School of Management; School of Continuing Studies; and Temerty Faculty of Medicine. ASPO has also presented to the Division of University Advancement.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.2. Departments report on numbers of Black Students in the program and use this information to prioritize access programming.



Status Description: As stated in recommendation 3.4, plans are underway to share and report on this data in fall 2023. The process for this data sharing is being developed in consultation with student representatives and will be carried out on an annual basis moving forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.3 Departments/units with low numbers of Black Students utilize data to intentionally create access programs.



Status Description: The Access Programs University Fund (APUF) supports the development of new and existing access and outreach programs across the tri-campus that focus on increasing the enrolment of Black, Indigenous and other underrepresented students at U of T. The APUF webpage lists the Faculties and programs that have received APUF funding.


As of April 2022, exploratory conversations regarding data on Black student representation have begun with both institutional and APUF-supported access partners. These conversations will inform the Access Strategy & Partnerships Office’s role and approach for supporting partners as they develop and enhance access programs.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.4. Recommendation for the expansion of a focused Black student recruitment portfolio and ongoing funding to support access and outreach.



Status Description: University Admissions and Outreach has expanded its team to support the recruitment of Black, Indigenous, and other historically underrepresented groups. In 2021, University Admissions and Outreach developed a new Manager, Access and Equity Recruitment role to support the previously established Recruitment Officer, Equity, Outreach and Support role. In Fall 2023, two additional roles will be added. The Assistant Director, University Student Recruitment – Equity & Outreach position will enhance the vision and strategy for the recruitment and admissions of future Black students. The Coordinator, Student Recruitment Access & Outreach role will help manage the Enrichment Academy, a new multi-year program that provides wraparound education and resources to Black and underrepresented students as early as Grade 9.


Seasonal recruitment and outreach events are offered for Black high school students and their families. These events provide prospective students with an opportunity to engage with Black staff, students, and faculty while learning about applications, programs, and admissions processes.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.5. Recommendation that every faculty, college and campus work with EDI to conduct a review of its admissions processes and consider a data-driven and holistic application process for Black students, who remain one of the least represented groups of students on campus. Each division/program to collect data about Black students upon entry into program.



Status Description: The EDI Recruitment and Admissions Committee (EDIRAC) is a centrally convened table that was established to strategically approach the outreach, recruitment, and admission of Black, Indigenous and equity-deserving groups. EDIRAC has been instrumental in the development of data-informed, holistic strategies to support future Black students. The table worked with faculties to create an Applicant Demographic Census, which was initially launched in Fall 2021 and led to a broader demographic collection by the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) in Fall 2022. Approximately 88% of applicants completed the census for Fall 2023, which includes racial identity.


The Office of the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management (VPSEM) works closely with the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students (OVPS) on student data collection and aims to collaborate with faculty to leverage results from both the Applicant Demographic Census and the Student Equity Census.


In order to coordinate efforts, identify best practices, and track progress toward University-wide goals, each year all direct-entry divisions and campuses will be asked to submit audit reports to VPSEM. These annual reports will provide VPSEM with current and historical data regarding the number of Black students that have applied, been admitted, or enrolled per program at each division/campus; a summary of that year’s outreach/recruitment efforts for Black students; and an explanation of the steps being taken to ensure a holistic admission approach for Black students.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.6. Recommendation that the institutional recruitment offices include intentional, invitational language in recruitment brochures and admission applications acknowledging and welcoming Black student and the Black experience.



Status Description:


In 2021, the Office of Student Recruitment (OSR) launched the Future Black Undergraduate Students Hub, which provides prospective Black high school students and their supporters with the opportunity to see and experience all that is available to them across the tri-campus.


Seasonal recruitment and outreach events have been dedicated to Black prospective high school students and their families, providing the opportunity to engage with Black staff, students, and faculty, while learning about applications, programs, and admissions processes. The Access and Equity Recruitment team has hosted webinars and on-one-one virtual appointments for Black prospective students and their supporters, as well as a Future Black Students Day on-campus event.


In 2022-2023, OSR is engaging in a review of recruitment materials to ensure that language is accessible, welcoming, and inclusive of the Black experience. The team has also developed email marketing campaigns focused on Black prospective students.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.7 Recommends that the Division of University Advancement develop a central campaign to secure funds for Black Excellence entrance scholarships for new Black students.



Status Description: The Division of University Advancement (DUA) continues to work closely with the Black Research Network (BRN) and its leaders to support their fundraising aspirations. Working with University of Toronto Entrepreneurship, DUA has successfully secured partnership support from organizations such as KPMG and Black Opportunity Fund to enhance BRN’s vision and priorities.


Through U of T’s Boundless Promise program, donors who contribute $25,000 or more towards scholarships for students with financial needs can have their gifts matched. DUA recently confirmed the criteria for the match to include students with financial need from equity-deserving groups, particularly those who identify as Black or Indigenous. DUA continues to work with divisions to create their own matching programs to increase post-secondary access for Black prospective students.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of University Advancement


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of University AdvancementStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.8. Recommendation for the creation of central and divisional Black student welcome orientations day(s) that would include international students, who often miss pre-term events.



Status Description:


UTSC: University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) has hosted Black student welcome events since 2018. UTSC Student Life hosted 250 students for a Black Student Welcome event in September 2022, and hosts weekly Let’s Talk sessions for Black-identifying students.


UTM: University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) hosts a two-day Black Excellence Orientation event designed to connect Black students, faculty, and staff, and raise awareness of on-campus resources, groups, and opportunities.


UTSG: In Fall 2022, the St. George Campus launched Black Student Orientation, a series of five events developed as a partnership between Woodworth College and other Colleges in the Faculty of Arts and Science. “Let’s Talk About It: Sharing Black Experiences” connected incoming and returning Black students with the student engagement office. Also introduced were a BIPOC Resource Fair hosted by New College, and a “Black Students Talk With Black Profs” event hosted by Mentorship & Peer Programs in the Division of Student Life.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.9. Recommendation that institutional counseling services increase the number of Black mental health professionals, and that this option be made available to all undergraduate and graduate students upon registration with counseling services.



Status Description: UTSC: University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) has focused on hiring Black counsellors, with 3 currently on the Health & Wellness team. Students can visit the Meet the Team webpage to learn about counsellors’ backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise. UTSC also hosted “Black Mental Health Day: Healing in Colour” in March 2022 and regularly connects students to culturally appropriate supports within the broader community.


UTM: University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM)’s Health & Counselling Centre (HCC) has launched clinic positions that promote the recruitment of Black, Indigenous, and racialized staff. The HCC is developing an anti-racist framework to support Black students in mental health crisis; designing workshops to address Black access to healthcare and healthcare options for Black women; and promoting healthcare for Black communities at HCC as part of the Black Health Network. HCC also offers monthly BIPOC and QTBIPOC drop in circles for all UTM students.


UTSG: Health & Wellness (HW) at University of Toronto St. George (UTSG) has hired a Black social worker who provides clinical services to students who identify as BIPOC, and has 3 designated BIPOC Wellness Counsellor roles as of August 2023. Programs designed for BIPOC students include the Pathways to Wellness drop-in group and Building Community through Conversations sharing circle. HW is conducting outreach to BIPOC student organizations on campus, and an ongoing review of reducing barriers and creating service delivery approaches and physical spaces for BIPOC students. All-staff organizational trauma training included content on racial trauma, and staff lunch & learn focused on cultural humility.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Thriving as U of T Students
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.10. Recommendation that the University’s teaching and learning centres enhance the number of workshops and learning circles focused on anti-racist and inclusive pedagogies. Anti-Black racism pedagogy workshops should be offered throughout the university and should be prominently advertised to all instructors.



Status Description: The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) has created and filled two term positions focused on anti-racist pedagogies. In partnership with the Office of Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity (ARCDO), CTSI delivered a four-part workshop series on anti-racist pedagogies, open to all instructors, and hosted the 2023 Teaching & Learning Symposium, “Taking Action: Building Belonging at U of T.” Additionally, CTSI has continued the Creating an Equitable Classroom roundtable – a monthly lunchtime series open to all instructors that foregrounds anti-racist pedagogies and offices that provide support around anti-racism.


CTSI continues to fund the EDIA Coordinator position in the Teaching Assistants’ Training Program (TATP). TATP has enhanced its training on how to foster an inclusive learning community, incorporating topics related to anti-racist teaching practices across a broad suite of materials. Learn about upcoming events on the Teaching & Learning Calendar.


The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre (RGASC) at University of Toronto Mississauga created and filled a permanent Educational Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies role. In collaboration with the UTM Library and the Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy (ISUP), the Educational Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies was instrumental in the creation of the Anti-Black Racism Pedagogical Collection, which contains a curated, annotated list of resources related to challenging anti-Black racism in the classroom and strategies to create supportive and inclusive educational spaces. Additionally, the Education Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies is developing an online repository of Black Brilliance in STEM in collaboration with the Black Research Network (BRN). This resource will highlight Black scientists, mathematicians, innovators, engineers, and leaders in STEM to help instructors as they work to racially diversify their course content.


In line with UTSC’s Strategic Plan of 'Inclusive Excellence' and in response to the recommendations of the Anti-Black Racism Task Force and UTSC’s Curriculum Review Working Circle, CTL has hired an Educational Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies. The educational developer works in collaboration with faculty and other educational developers to offer workshops on inclusive pedagogy and anti-racism. CTL hosts an eight-month professional development course, which allows faculty and instructors to engage deeply with pedagogical best practices across many topics and includes sessions on inclusion and anti-racism. CTL has also launched a Community of Practice and a Book Club to discuss topics and books related to teaching and learning, including inclusive pedagogy. CTL’s Teaching Enhancement Grants encourage UTSC faculty to develop pedagogical projects to foster inclusion, accessibility and anti-racism.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Thriving as U of T Students
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.11. Recommendation that the Division of University Advancement build partnerships with the numerous Black student associations and clubs across U of T to consider the development of a list of Black alumni who are willing to engage with current students.



Status Description: Alumni Relations within the Division of University Advancement (DUA) actively engages and supports the Black Alumni Association and African Alumni Association, who have close connections with student groups. Alumni Relations is also hiring an EDI Strategist who will help design pathways and processes for regular communication with student and alumni stakeholders.


Alumni Relations has restructured the Carl Mitchell Community Impact Award in consultation with equity-deserving groups. This award will help to surface Black alumni leaders who could be engaged as mentors. Similarly, the university-wide community of practice for divisionally based Mentorship Coordinators (which DUA Alumni Relations convenes) is consulting with McGill University regarding its award-winning Black Mentorship program. McGill’s learnings will help the University develop better strategies for serving the needs of Black students and recruiting Black alumni as mentors.


DUA Alumni Relations continues to support the efforts of University of Toronto Entrepreneurship in raising awareness of the Black Entrepreneurship Network and creating pathways for alumni to broaden their engagement with students.


The Alumni Engagement Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategist is a new role within Alumni Relations at the Division of University Advancement. The EDI Strategist will work with Alumni Relations teams to embed an EDI lens in alumni engagement-communication strategy and programming, to build meaningful connections, and to foster belonging with diverse alumni from intersectional identities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of University Advancement


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of University AdvancementStudents and Curricula: Alumni Engagement
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.1. Recommendation for the creation of a Presidential Black Excellence in Research Lecture Series, sponsored and coordinated by the President’s Office.



Status Description: The Office of the President, in coordination with the Institutional Equity Office, has undertaken a series of consultations and is developing a comprehensive plan to recognize, celebrate, and champion Black scholarly excellence through a Presidential Black Excellence in Research Lecture Series.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the President


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the PresidentFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.2. Recommendation that the faculties or departments that are recruiting fellows through the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program strongly consider creating a Contractually-Limited Term Appointment of one to two years that would commence upon completion of the fellowship.



Status Description: The Provost's Office has consulted with the Academic HR table about the concept of allowing search waivers and creating positions for Provost's Postdoctoral Fellows.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.3. Recommendation for the creation of an institutional Black Doctoral Scholars of Excellence program, to build a pathway to the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program and to faculty positions at the University.



Status Description: The School of Graduate Studies' Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarship (IEAS) program, initiated in 2022, awarded scholarships to 22 master’s students in 2023 (inaugural cohort), focusing on underrepresented Black and Indigenous students pursuing PhD-stream programs. The program is currently in its second year of a three-year pilot. SGS is actively collecting feedback to enhance and improve the program in the future.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.4. Recommendation that the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life and her team develop additional mandatory EDI accountability mechanisms to build into all faculty and librarian hiring committees, which the Vice-Provost must review before approving a new faculty hire.



Status Description: The Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life (VPFAL) receives information about the composition of the applicant pool for faculty searches via the search report. Hiring units are asked to describe the efforts taken to attract potential applicants from the four designated groups identified in the Federal Contractors Program: women, racialized persons / persons of colour, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, and persons with a disability. In addition, a diversity report is attached to the search report. Hiring units are asked to comment, based on the diversity report, on the presence or absence of applicants from the aforementioned groups.


Provostial assessors, decanal assessors, search committee members, and all faculty are encouraged to attend the annual Bias in the Context of Academic Reviews workshop hosted by VPFAL and delivered Toronto Initiative for Diversity & Excellence (TIDE). This session offers strategies on interrupting bias in all academic review processes, including searches. This session is in addition to the Unconscious Bias Education Modules available to all staff and faculty through SuccessFactors. Over 600 faculty have attended at least one bias session. As of March 2023, 2,000 individuals have completed at least one of the Unconscious Bias Education Modules.


VPFAL also offers a Bias, Inclusion, and Culture Change session at the Retreat for New Academic Administrators every June for new and continuing Deans, Principals, Chairs, Directors, and Vice & Associate Deans.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.5. Recommendation that the fundamental reframing of the Diversity in Academic Hiring Fund as an award of excellence that can and should be celebrated as additional Black scholars join the University through the program. This reframing must include a sophisticated internal and external communications campaign to ensure deep and wide awareness of the Fund.



Status Description: Strengthening the University’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion continues to be a significant budget priority. The Provost is allocating funding from the University Fund (UF) to support the hiring of 30 additional Black & Indigenous faculty, bringing the total number of faculty positions supported under this program to 190 as of 2023-24. The Provost's Office is working closely with U of T Communications, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, and the Division of University Advancement to bring more awareness to these critical investments in diversity.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and University of Toronto Communications


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.6. Recommends that the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life strike a similar committee of Black faculty members and researchers to immediately develop template job posting language that all departments may draw upon in their searches.



Status Description: The University has created an updated Diversity Statement that appears on the U of T Careers site and in all job ads, as well as a Welcoming Statement. This messaging strongly encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual and gender identities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.7. Recommendation that the Chief Librarian and the Dean of the Faculty of Information should work to secure funding to support scholarships for Black students in Library and Information Sciences concentrations within the Master of Information program. In addition, the Chief Librarian should further develop outreach to Black student groups on campus regarding careers in library science.



Status Description: Launched in 2022, the Faculty of Information EDI Fellowship enables students to build knowledge and practical skills while advancing EDI initiatives within the Faculty. Two students were awarded the fellowship in 2022-23.


Developed as a partnership between University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) and the Faculty of Information, the Toronto Academic Libraries Internship (TALint) program aims to annually allocate three vacancies specifically for Black and/or Indigenous students. This initiative has been in place since 2021. Each student receives a $5,000 scholarship from the Faculty for each year of their program, as well as employment and mentoring opportunities from UTL, including dedicated mentoring support from a Black UTL librarian. UTL and the Faculty of Information have filled two of the three positions for September 2023.


The Grant for Black and Indigenous Students supports Black or Indigenous students within the Faculty of Information.


Established in 2021, the Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Scholar/Research Grant Program aims to seed exploratory research and collaborative endeavours that include addressing questions of racial inequity, social justice, and/or advance Faculty of Information’s commitment to Answering the Call: Wecheehetowin.


UTL is also working on a holistic set of opportunities for students at all career stages. Experience UTL, a partnership with Toronto District School Board, brings two Black and/or Indigenous high school students into the libraries for work experiences. Early Career Residency Positions are offered for two recent Master of Information graduates who are Black and/or Indigenous to provide a first professional work experience, accompanied with extensive mentoring.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.8. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Research & Innovation and the Institutional Strategic Initiatives portfolio create start-up funding awards and research awards for Black researchers.



Status Description: At its December 2021 meeting, the Connaught Committee, chaired by the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives, approved a three-year pilot (2022-2023 to 2024-25) to provide $250,000 annually for a research funding program for the University’s Black researchers. Co-designed with the Black Research Network (BRN), the first Connaught Major Research Challenge for Black Researchers competition was launched in 2022. It aims to strengthen the capacity of Black researchers who provide solutions to major research challenges through the advancement, transfer, and application of knowledge by Black-led teams. In March 2023, the inaugural recipient was announced. Applications for the second round of competition close in October 2023. The Connaught Committee will continue to work with the BRN to refine the program with the expectation that it will continue to be funded following successful review after three years of operation.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI)


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI)Faculty, Instructors, Librarians: Nourishing Black Academic Excellence and Inclusive Classrooms
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.9. Recommendation that CTSI works in collaboration with ARCDO immediately develop a robust communications strategy notifying all sessional lecturers and adjunct professors of their offerings, and that they immediately work to dismantle any technical barriers to registration by sessional lecturers for their offerings.



Status Description: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) met with the Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) to discuss communications and access to programming. Anyone with a UTORid can register for CTSI offerings, including sessional lecturers and adjunct professors, and workarounds are available for instructors who do not yet have a UTORid. Additionally, all instructors (regardless of status) can sign up for the weekly CTSI newsletter that promotes programming.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Centre for Teaching Support & InnovationFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Nourishing Black Academic Excellence and Inclusive Classrooms
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.1. Recommendation that central Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] develop, in consultation with U of T Black and racialized employees and EDI experts, a guide to best practices in recruitment and selection, to be used by all hiring panels and HR representatives at the University.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has created a Diversity in Recruitment Manual and Toolkit to be used by hiring panels and HR representatives across the University. People managers can access these resources via the HR Service Centre with their UTORid.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.2. Recommendation that central Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] develop an online module on unconscious bias in hiring practices that all members of hiring panels at the University be required to complete prior to participating in a hiring process.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has incorporated Unconscious Bias training into the recruiting and interview process. These online modules were created at University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and produced with input from faculty members who serve as part of the Toronto Initiative for Diversity & Excellence (TIDE). Unconscious Bias training is available to all faculty, librarians, and staff across the tri-campus. The training is available in the Learning Management System (LMS) and members of hiring panels are reminded to complete this training prior to beginning the interview process. This training is also promoted in UTSC’s staff onboarding booklet for new employees and transfers.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.3. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] strike a committee with the appropriate University membership, including representation of Black employees, to develop language that encourages Black candidates to apply, and that should be included in employee postings.



Status Description: Recommendations are in consultation.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.4. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] grow partnerships with greater Toronto area community agencies and groups to attract more Black candidates, as well as partnerships with Black student groups and clubs on campus to encourage students to consider staff careers at the University.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture actively participates in various events across Toronto and tri-campus to attract diverse candidates. A specific directory for Black agencies, search firms and community partners has been created and made available to HR Offices across the University.


Additionally, UTSC HR Services has been engaged with the Community Partnerships team and other members of the Office of Business, Operations, and Strategic Affairs to seek innovative ways to enhance our recruitment activities and engagement with the community. Ongoing initiatives include information sessions for prospective candidates who are registered/engaged with these agencies, a working list of community partners to share employment opportunities, and partnership with a newcomer community agency with access to a database of candidates with various backgrounds and experiences.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.5. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] create specialized online or written onboarding materials for Black-identifying staff to ensure that all new Black employees are aware of affinity groups, opt-in Black staff email lists, and other programs across the University that may be of interest to them.



Status Description:At the St. George campus, Talent Management promotes the University’s affinity groups, including UTSG Connections and Conversations, a tri-campus affinity group for racialized employees, during New Faculty & Staff Orientation sessions, in its eLearning module for new hires, and in the "Resources for New Employees" article on ServiceNow. The People Strategy, Equity and Culture (PSEC) website also provides information about how to get involved with affinity groups.


At UTSC, affinity groups, including UTSC Connections and Conversations, are promoted through the HR onboarding booklet and through orientation sessions for new and transferring staff.


UTM Human Resources developed a campus-specific onboarding toolkit, including resources to connect new Black employees with established community networks like UTM Connections and Conversations and other resources.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.6 Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] work in consultation with the relevant unions to develop a formal, mandatory performance assessment and career development process for all unionized appointed staff at the University.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC) has developed tools for the career development process, which were rolled out to Professional & Managerial and Confidential staff in 2022. LLC has also developed learning tools to support managers in having conversations about performance.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.7. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] expand the number of leadership training workshops and programs, to ensure that every manager of appointed employees is appropriately trained in delivering supportive annual performance reviews that incorporate EDI best practices.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) has developed video-based, on-demand training for leaders on how to prepare for and hold a performance assessment conversation, which is available to all staff via the learning management system. This training is included in the newly launched Employee Lifecycle Learning Program (ELLP) for new managers and includes an instructor-led session. Following the launch of new EDI competencies in October 2023, work is underway to review the EDI component of the annual performance review.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.8. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] incorporate a rating level on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the performance assessment process for all Professional/Managerial, Confidential, and Advancement Professionals, rather than simply a “pass-fail” type indicator that says the employee “met” or “did not meet” expectations in this area.



Status Description: A new competency framework for equity, diversity, and inclusion has been created and approved for non-union appointed staff. All non-union staff will be rated on this competency as part of their annual performance assessment beginning in 2023/24.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.9. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] conduct an equity-focused review of all central mentorship programs, examining selection criteria, inclusion, and outcomes, with the goal of creating updated programs that are inclusive of Black, Indigenous, and racialized employees’ needs and aspirations.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC) reviewed and updated its outreach and engagement strategies for the Rose Patten Mentorship Program and the Group Mentoring program. In 2022 and 2023 LLC saw an overall increase in participation in these mentorship programs. LLC plans to engage in consultations with Connections and Conversations to better understand mentorship gaps for racialized staff.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.10. Recommendation that the creation of a centrally funded and supported mentorship program for Black employees, similar to the program recommended for Black faculty and scholars at all levels.



Status Description: Human Resource Services at the University of Toronto Scarborough partnered with a Black coach/facilitator to develop the Elev8 Program, made up of nine professional development modules. Elev8 is now offered broadly across U of T through the LLC.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.11. Recommendation that central HR offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] work with faculties and campuses to adopt intentional succession strategies by creating pathways for Black staff, including anticipation of future vacancies in senior leadership positions.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture is working with HR Offices to provide training to managers on how to implement the succession planning framework. A special section has been developed on how to conduct talent reviews with EDI and anti-bias at its core.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Succession Planning and Career Management
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.12. Recommendation that Human Resource offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] “leverage existing programs and talent pools to identify suitable Black staff for special project/secondment/promotional opportunities” across the University that are not only related to EDI issues, but that are focused on core operational projects.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture's Talent Management team is providing training to managers on how to identify talent with an awareness of bias; how to develop talent pools with diverse employees; and, in collaboration with LLC, training managers on how to have career conversations with employees, so managers can support their employees' aspirations and encourage them to take projects, secondments, and apply to promotional opportunities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Succession Planning and Career Management
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.13. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] create additional pathways for sponsorship and coaching, or leadership programs for Black employees who can be trained and developed to easily transition into senior leadership roles when they become available.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC) shares a roster of Black, Indigenous and racialized coaches that any staff member can connect with. A Supplemental Professional Development Fund is a departmental benefit meant to help offset some costs associated with sending Professional & Managerial staff levels 6-11 on professional development training, which includes coaching.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Succession Planning and Career Management
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.14. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Communications develop regular communications plans to feature Black staff accomplishments and profiles at the University, and that EDI considerations be infused into all staff excellence and award streams.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, in partnership with University of Toronto Communications, is developing a communications plan to feature Black staff accomplishments to be featured on the PSEC website and in the Bulletin Brief. All institutional level award programs are infused with EDI considerations.


Reporting Responsibility: University of Toronto Communications and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


University of Toronto Communications / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Engagement and Retention
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.15. Recommendation that an annual recognition event be held to bring together Black staff and senior leadership from across the University.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture has held initial meetings with the President’s Office regarding the creation of an annual recognition event, and will be reaching out to additional stakeholders this fall to discuss the next steps.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Engagement and Retention
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.16. Recommends that the University’s Employee and Family Assistance Programs be expanded to include racial-based trauma counseling and a roster of Black care providers to support Black employees when requested.



Status Description: The University initiated a formal Request for Proposal process that required potential providers to demonstrate how their services are culturally informed by and relevant to Black, Indigenous, racialized, and 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and how they will connect individuals to counsellors with diverse lived experiences. In May 2022, the University selected TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) as its new EFAP, offering an enhanced understanding of EDI as it relates to supporting employee well-being, the ability to match preferred demographics of available counsellors and accommodate more than 200 languages, and an informed approach to cultural training for its counselling team, employees, and leaders that includes training on unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and aggressions.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Engagement and Retention
Antisemitism Working Group Report1. The University should situate its policies and programs concerning antisemitism within the broader framework of its equity, anti-racism, and cultural diversity initiatives and policies, taking it as seriously as it takes other forms of racism and exclusion. It should ensure that University equity staff are adequately equipped to address antisemitism in the same ways that they address other forms of hatred and racism, and that more general equity policies are applied consistently in cases of reported antisemitic incidents. An individual member of the University who approaches an equity office should never be sent away to "work things out" on their own with people who violate University policies.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office (IEO) has defined its mandate and scope to explicitly include antisemitism. The IEO and representatives from Hillel at U of T meet regularly to increase opportunities for partnership and relationship building. Equity staff across the tri-campus engage in numerous opportunities to deepen their learning on antisemitism and Jewish inclusion. Members of the University community can access the Equity Offices to share their concerns and complaints of antisemitism. To learn more about how U of T is situating antisemitism within its broader equity work, please read Marking One Year Since the Entrustment of the Antisemitism Working Group Report.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture
Antisemitism Working Group Report2. The University should explicitly include addressing antisemitism within the mandate of the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) and all Equity offices, ensuring that it is included in all of the University's Anti-Racism training, education, and outreach campaigns. To that end, ARCDO should appoint an Advisor focused on countering antisemitism, and Divisional Equity leads should be equipped to address issues of antisemitism as they arise.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office has hired an Assistant Director, Faith and Anti-Racism, who will provide guidance to the University community in addressing individual and systemic faith- and race-based discrimination. The Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) held a community discussion to inform the development of a Faith and Anti-Racism Education Strategy, including efforts to address antisemitism, as part of its 2023 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination event. This year, ARCDO also held education sessions on antisemitism for students, faculty, librarians, and staff, and a restorative circle for Jewish community members.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture
Antisemitism Working Group Report3. In situating antisemitism policies within its broader framework of equity, anti-racism and cultural diversity initiatives, the University should focus on problems and issues specific to the distinctive context of the University as a place in which difficult and controversial questions are addressed. In so doing, it should not adopt any of the definitions of antisemitism that have recently been proposed.



Status Description: The University's equity and anti-racism mandate and initiatives will continue to address all concerns of antisemitism and will provide ongoing education opportunities to deepen understanding of the many manifestations of antisemitism and tools to address it.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture
Antisemitism Working Group Report4. The University should frequently reiterate its commitment to academic freedom and inclusion, emphasizing in particular that academic freedom both permits people to say things that other people find troubling and, conversely, entails that individual members of the University are entitled to take whatever position they wish on controversial scientific, cultural, social, political religious and historical questions. In order to secure this type of academic freedom, participation in the life of the University is not conditional on taking any specific position at all on any question. Academic freedom is an individual right, the protected exercise of which depends upon every level of the University refraining from taking such positions or making public statements on such issues that will be taken to be made on behalf of their members. Academic units, administrative units, and student organizations in which enrollment is mandatory must not make participation in their activities or access to their resources conditional on taking a particular position on any controversial question. Nor can preconditions (such as articulating positions on controversial issues) be attached to participation in academic events or discussions, or in extra- or co-curricular events and programs, or for standing for office in student organizations or academic administrative leadership positions.



Status Description: The University’s commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom is enshrined in our Statement of Institutional Purpose. The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has increased its communication on inclusive spaces, religious accommodations. Annually in the Fall, the Vice-President, PSEC issues a memo outlining workplace policies and guidelines, as well as how employees who witness acts of racism or discrimination (including antisemitism) can raise complaints or concerns, and access support and training. Additionally, as mentioned in recommendation #5, the Institutional Equity Office continues to provide support to equity leads across the tri-campus managing matters related to academic freedom and EDI principles.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice President & Provost
Antisemitism Working Group Report5. The University should issue periodic communications about its approach to controversial events, emphasizing that it will not enforce content-based restrictions on such events but that such events must be held in a respectful, safe, and open manner. It is inevitable that when controversial events are held, some members of the University community will be troubled by the views that are expressed. As the place where controversial issues are addressed, such discomfort and offense are the unavoidable concomitant of open discussion fostered by the University. At the same time, the University must clarify that nobody can be compelled to participate in such events, and nobody should be stopped, accosted, or harassed as they walk past a display or attend an event and told that they must respond to the claims made.



Status Description:  The Institutional Equity Office within the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture provides ongoing discussions and reminders to tri-campus EDI leads outlining our responsibility to the University’s principles of free speech and EDI, as they provide supports to their respective constituents.


Representatives from the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students and the President's Office deliver ongoing presentations on the University's Policy on Controversial Events to college leadership and student leaders.


The University publishes a Freedom of Speech Report annually.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice President & Provost
Antisemitism Working Group Report6. The University must develop measures for responding to various forms of social exclusion, harassment, microaggressions and bullying (including online instances of these) for all equity-deserving groups and apply these consistently.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office engaged preliminary consultations in the spring/summer 2022 with key partners across the tri-campus on complaints resolution supports provided by the Central equity offices. The IEO is in the process of developing the participatory consultation framework to review the University's Statement on Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment.


The Division of Vice-President & Provost created a resource guide and list of supports for faculty and librarians engaging in social media.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice President & Provost
Antisemitism Working Group Report7. The University and its divisions and academic units should apply its Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances consistently, both avoiding scheduling mandatory events on significant Jewish holidays, and permitting Jewish members of the University to participate fully in a range of accommodations. In applying such accommodations, the University must recognize that there is significant variation of religious observance within the Jewish community; Jews requesting religion-based accommodations must not be required to prove that they meet some other person's view of what qualifies as religious observance in order to be granted ordinary accommodations.



Status Description:  The University of Toronto welcomes and includes students, staff and faculty from a broadly diverse range of communities and backgrounds. The University recognizes its obligation to prevent discriminatory impacts on members of its community that arise from the failure to accommodate based on religion or creed. For personal reasons, people may observe religious holidays in various ways.


The Office of the Vice-Provost, Students, the Multi-Faith Centre, and the Office of the Vice-President, PSEC collaborate on an annual list of religious observance dates (including Jewish religious observances), available online and automatically inserted into employee Outlook calendars. These dates are intended to assist those planning academic activities to anticipate when students might seek accommodations for religious observances. The University’s expectations on this matter are articulated in the Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances.


To enhance employee understanding and familiarity with the holidays and observances on this list, PSEC prepares and distributes more than 20 Inclusive Employer Guides. In 2022, PSEC updated these guides to include more detailed information on intentional planning and accommodations.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture
Antisemitism Working Group Report8. The University should ensure that kosher food is readily available on all its campuses.



Status Description: At UTM, the EDI Office is working with Hospitality and Ancillary Services to ensure Jewish members of the community can access a wide variety of kosher food options.


At UTSC, kosher food is available and the Office of Student Experience & Wellbeing is working to improve cost and labelling.


At UTSG, kosher food is available at Chestnut, New College and Campus One residence locations, as well as Robarts Grab ‘n’ Go, Medical Sciences Building Grab ‘n’ Go, and Goodmans LLP Café. Hillel U of T offers kosher dinners through Allen’s Table at the Wolfond Centre. In addition, University College, St. George Catering and Chestnut Catering provide kosher meals upon request. Learn more about kosher food options.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of Vice-President Operations and Real Estate Partnerships


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of Vice-President Operations and Real Estate Partnerships
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.1. Track Asian representation in the University’s workforce with granular attention to different Asian groups/subgroups. More analysis and data are needed to address the perceived underrepresentation of certain Asian identities at the University, especially among faculty and student-facing employees.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.2. Establish consistency when collecting and communicating data about Asian community groups/subgroups to support accurate interpretation of Asian representation.



Status Description: Work is underway to establish consistency in how student and employee data is collected, communicated, and interpreted. In 2023, the University launched an updated Employment Equity Survey, informed by feedback from the Equity Survey Advisory Group, which uses language more closely aligned with the Student Equity Census. In early 2024, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture; the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students; and the School of Graduate Studies will establish an Equity Data Group focused on furthering the alignment between the Employment Equity Survey and the Student Equity Census.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.3. Refine the collection and communication of qualitative survey data (such as 'Speaking Out!' Employee Engagement Survey) in order to understand the workplace conditions and experiences of Asian-identifying and other racialized University employees.



Status Description: Data from qualitative surveys (such as Speaking Out and Pulse Surveys) is confidentially linked to employee data in the HR Information System, including Employment Equity Survey data. Where sample sizes permit, high level data sets, with identifiable data removed, are explored at relevant tables.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.4. Make self-identified race-based data available to those who track and support career progression such as the Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) so that leaders and coordinators can make concrete plans to improve diversity within their programs.



Status Description: Self-identified race-based data (provided with confidentiality masking: any responses where the sample size is five or fewer are hidden) is available to the Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) as requested, and is taken into consideration as part of the recruitment and selection process for leadership and mentorship programs. Further work to enhance this process is ongoing.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.5. Explore ways to create a database like the one used for the Co-Curricular Record (e.g., managed via Success Factors) for staff and faculty to document learning. Explore process for reporting statistics on EDI-focused programs taken through LLC, to help build accountabilities and measure demand for EDI-focused training offered through LLC and the Institutional Equity Office (IEO).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.6. Establish and clearly communicate procedures for responding to complaints of racism, and manage expectations regarding the confidentiality of disciplinary or remedial outcomes. This is necessary to address the perception that there are no consequences for misconduct (including anti-Asian racism).



Status Description: There are established procedures for responding to complaints of racism, with support available through the Institutional Equity Office (IEO); Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO); UTSC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office (EDIO); UTM EDIO; Workplace Investigations (WPI); and divisional HR offices. The IEO’s Complaints Resolution Supports page outlines the support available for students, staff, faculty, and librarians. For employees, the WPI webpage is featured prominently on the homepage for the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) and outlines how to obtain support or raise a concern or complaint. Additionally, the Vice-President, PSEC issues a memo each fall that outlines the University’s policies and guidelines as well as how employees who experience or witness acts of racism or discrimination can raise complaints or concerns.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.7. Expand capacity by hiring additional staff or redeploying existing personnel to support and track implementation of all recommendations on the University’s Commitments Dashboard and to serve as a point of contact for the University community concerning the various EDI task forces and working groups.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.8. Review and, where possible, revise existing University policies, procedures, practices and guidelines to incorporate more up-to-date language of equity and diversity, as well as expanded definitions of prohibited grounds of discrimination, harassment, etc.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureInstitutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.1. Ensure that a central website, such as the Institutional Equity Office website, is widely known and readily accessible, so that students, staff, faculty, and librarians can learn about the University's commitment to EDI and find links to resources for reporting and seeking help.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office website is accessible to all members of the U of T community and provides information about the University’s commitment to EDI, as well as how to report complaints and seek support. Communication about this website is ongoing and includes promotion through statements/memos from senior leaders, the Bulletin Brief, and Orientation events and materials.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and University of Toronto Communications


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / University of Toronto CommunicationsCommunications
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.2. Make an inventory of anti-Asian racism initiatives, training, and supportive resources available on a visible University platform, update the list on an ongoing basis, and share and promote it widely among the University community.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCommunications
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.3. Clarify process for reporting incidents and improve awareness of procedures and available resources. Ensure that anti-Asian racism is specifically mentioned, where appropriate, in communications about discrimination and harassment.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCommunications
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.4. Explore ways to increase awareness in the broader University community of the extent of anti-Asian racism and to effectively communicate how issues are being addressed.



Status Description:The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCommunications
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.5. Improve culturally appropriate and accessible communication regarding support and resources tailored specifically to Asian international students, including financial aid and health and wellness supports. Communication ought to begin during international recruitment and orientation events and be made readily available at appropriate points in an international student’s journey at the University.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostCommunications
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.1. Develop hiring guidelines that incorporate EDI to ensure that hiring managers and senior management understand the value that diverse candidates bring to the University, including considerations of ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity as well as racial and gender identities.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has created a Diversity in Recruitment Manual and Toolkit to be used by hiring panels and HR representatives across the University, which people managers can access via the HR Service Centre with their UTORid. PSEC has also incorporated Unconscious Bias training into the recruiting and interview process. The training is available in the Learning Management System (LMS) and members of hiring panels are reminded to complete this training prior to beginning the interview process. PSEC will continue building on these efforts to ensure that hiring managers and senior management understand the value that diverse candidates bring to the University.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureHiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.2. Incorporate EDI and anti-discrimination training (that discusses anti-Asian racism) as part of onboarding for all new staff at the University, especially Professional & Managerial (PM), and regularly offer similar training for current staff, especially PMs, in the form of professional development opportunities.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureHiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.3. Include a section in faculty and librarian annual activity reports about contributions or work done to further the University’s EDI priorities.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostHiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.4. Incorporate EDI into staff and PM performance reviews with expectations for ongoing knowledge development, goal setting, and implementation of EDI initiatives.



Status Description: In Fall 2023, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture introduced updated organizational competencies, including one specifically focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Beginning in the 2023-24 review cycle, this EDI competency will be part of the Performance Assessment process for all Professional & Managerial, Confidential, Advancement Professionals, and Research Associate / Senior Research Associate employees. EDI is also a factor in other relevant organizational competencies (such as leadership and stewardship).


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureHiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.5. Develop institutional strategies to ensure advancement opportunities for Asian-identifying staff to contribute to the increasing diversification of senior leaders at the University.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureHiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report4.1. Provide EDI training, including awareness of anti-Asian racism, to the following groups and strongly encourage participation:
  • Members of governance bodies
  • Academic administrators (PDAD&C)
  • Senior staff (PMs)


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, and the Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Office of the Governing CouncilEducation, Training, and Mentorship
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report4.2. Increase availability of EDI training among faculty, staff, students, and all members of the University community. In order to raise awareness of anti-Asian racism, this training should include:
  • Awareness of nuances of identity among Asian Canadians and new immigrants, including historical contexts;
  • Allyship and bystander/upstander training geared towards supporting Asian-identifying students;
  • Understanding of Asian cultures and practices;
  • Understanding of specific challenges faced by Asian international students, including different cultural contexts and customs, communication styles, expectations, and difficulties in transitioning to the Canadian higher education and living environment;
  • Awareness of Asian stereotyping and anti-Asian microaggressions (e.g., the importance of making the effort to use and pronounce students’ names).


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureEducation, Training, and Mentorship
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report4.3. Include and increase EDI content that raises awareness of anti-Asian racism in:
  • Student, staff, and faculty mentorship programs;
  • First-year student orientation, orientation leader training, and international student orientation;
  • Student co-op and learner placement orientation;
  • Training for student-facing staff.


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureEducation, Training, and Mentorship
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.1. Explore ways to create and fund an Asian Research Network (research, teaching, community engagement) for Asian-identifying faculty that brings together researchers including those focused on Asia, the Asian diaspora, and anti-Asian racism.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic InitiativesTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.2. Develop and offer curriculum transformation workshops and resources to help instructors of undergraduate, graduate, and professional school courses strengthen their inclusion of content pertaining to topics related to Asia, Asian peoples and cultures, Asians in Canada, Asian diasporas, and anti-Asian racism.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.3. Develop and maintain an inventory of courses with Asian and Asian diaspora content.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.4. Establish and appropriately resource a peer support network for Asian-identifying graduate students.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.5. Enhance routine faculty training in inclusive pedagogy in undergraduate and graduate courses and in individualized teaching/mentoring.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.6. Develop training for faculty and TAs on barriers faced by international students and how to support them inside and outside the classroom.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.1. Launch an anti-Asian racism awareness campaign addressing the experiences of U of T Asian staff, students, faculty, and librarians. This could include an annual conference and a variety of resources available to the University community throughout the year (print, visual, online, etc.).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and University of Toronto Communications


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / University of Toronto CommunicationsCommunity and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.2. Consider ways to support cultural and social events organized by the U of T Asian community for holidays, festivals, etc.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCommunity and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.3. Explore ongoing, supported spaces and opportunities for Asian employees to connect and foster community with other Asian members of the University, through either an existing or a new affinity group.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCommunity and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.4. Support student-led initiatives where Asian students, both domestic and international, can share experiences and create community (e.g., Asian Alliance Forum).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President, International and the Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President, International / Division of the Vice-President & ProvostCommunity and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.5. Consider the feasibility of creating multi-purpose spaces on each campus connected to the University’s equity services and programs dedicated to equity-deserving groups and programming.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, the Division People Strategy, Equity & Culture, University of Toronto Mississauga, and University of Toronto Scarborough


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of Operations and Real Estate Partnerships / Division People Strategy, Equity & Culture / University of Toronto Mississauga / University of Toronto ScarboroughCommunity and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report7.1. Increase access to culturally appropriate and sensitive student services to support Asian identifying students by:
  • Strengthening understanding of Asian undergraduate and graduate student experiences among student mental health staff;
  • Hiring counsellors and other professionals who can assist in both English and other languages represented by domestic and international Asian identity groups;
  • Expanding Navi to help domestic and international students navigate racism and discrimination resources and services at U of T.


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostHealth, Wellness, and Support
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report7.2. Provide and promote culturally appropriate and sensitive mental health and wellness services for Asian staff, faculty, and librarians.



Status Description: Following a formal Request for Proposal process that required potential providers to demonstrate how their services are culturally informed/relevant, and how they will connect individuals to counsellors with diverse lived experiences, the University selected TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) as its new Employee and Family Assistance Program in May 2022. TELUS Health offers an enhanced understanding of EDI as it relates to supporting employee well-being, the ability to match preferred demographics of available counsellors and accommodate more than 200 languages, and an informed approach to cultural training for its counselling team, employees, and leaders that includes training on unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and aggressions. TELUS Health can also assist the University in sourcing mediators and session facilitators with preferred demographics and training.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureHealth, Wellness, and Support
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report7.3. Explore ways to meet the emotional support needs of Asian-identifying students to relieve the burden on Asian-identifying faculty.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostHealth, Wellness, and Support
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.1. Boost resources for offices across campuses and divisions that focus on areas of anti-Asian racism (e.g., cultural competency programming).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureResources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.2. Explore ways to increase resources for libraries to expand and strengthen library programming about Asia, Asian Canadians, Asian diasporas, and anti-Asian racism.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostResources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.3. Make ad-hoc funding available for student-led initiatives that may arise in response to incidents of anti-Asian racism or other time-sensitive issues of concern for Asian-identifying students.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostResources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.4. Enhance equitable and accessible educational opportunities for international Asian students by analyzing whether existing funding and scholarships available to international Asian students fully meet their financial needs.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostResources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.5. Develop EDI toolkits that explain to users how to apply an EDI lens to work, research, study, and other campus activities and services.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, and the Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic InitiativesResources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Report OriginRecommendation DetailsStatus
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.1. Recommendation that EDI considerations be a publicly listed criterion for selection by the Governing Council.



Status Description: Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) considerations have been included in the Governing Council Election Guidelines.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.2. Recommendation that all members of Governing Council Striking Committees and the Election Committee complete annual unconscious bias training that includes a component on anti-Black racism.



Status Description: All members of Governing Council Striking Committees and the Election Committee have completed annual unconscious bias training that includes a component on anti-Black racism.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.3. Recommendation that the Governing Council Secretariat focus its efforts on building a more diverse pool of candidates for election to Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni and Community positions.



Status Description: In consultation with the Institutional Equity Office, the Governing Council Secretariat is conducting ongoing outreach to raise awareness of opportunities for involvement in governance.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.4. Recommendation that the Governing Council Secretariat, in consultation with the Executive Director of EDI, and the central Communications office, develop an EDI outreach plan to build the pool of Black, Indigenous, and racialized candidates for election to faculty, staff, alumni, and community roles.



Status Description: In consultation with the Executive Director, EDI, the Secretariat has expanded its communication channels with regard to elections. The Secretariat has also developed and launched a voluntary demographic data collection tool to learn more about the diversity of candidates and of members. This data will help to inform the Secretariat's outreach strategy.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report1.5. Recommendation that the Governing Council Secretariat develop partnerships with the Black Research Network, Black Faculty Working Group, and the Black Alumni Association.



Status Description: With assistance from the Institutional Equity Office and the UTM and UTSC Equity Offices, the Secretariat is in communication with the Black Research Network, the Black Faculty Working Group, and the Black Alumni Association to share information on governance/election processes.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the Governing CouncilGovernance
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.1. Recommendation that every faculty and college appoint a senior divisional lead on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), and ensure that combating anti-Black racism be a primary component of this leader’s work. Differences in structure and size would dictate that these arrangements would vary across faculties and colleges. It is also recommended that additional staffing resources be committed to the office of the Executive Director of EDI and the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) to support and address the increasing EDI requirements across the University.



Status Description: The University has expanded the presence of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) leads across the tri-campus, with senior EDI leads hired in the following areas: Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Faculty of Arts & Science; Faculty of Information; Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education; Faculty of Law; Faculty of Music; John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design; Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy; Rotman School of Management; and School of Continuing Studies. Recruitment is ongoing in other areas. Read more about our EDI leads.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice President & ProvostLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.2. Recommendation that a new mandatory section be added to the Deans’ and Chief Librarian’s annual performance report to the Provost. This section would detail disaggregated race data for students, faculty, and staff. In this section, they would be required to report on progress in attaining EDI goals that are set either within the division or between the Provost and the divisional leader.


Status Description: The Provost's Office instructs Deans and Chief Librarians to include EDI progress and activities in their annual activity reports. This process has been in practice since 2020 and was formalized in 2022-23.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice President & ProvostLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.3. Recommendation that an Associate Vice President/Associate Vice Provost for EDI faculty-supported position be created. This position could have a dual reporting function to the Vice-President/Provost and the Vice-President of Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture].



Status Description: In Fall 2022, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture established the Institutional Equity Office (IEO) under the leadership of the Executive Director, EDI. The IEO works closely with and in partnership with the Provost's Office.


Early work is underway to review the structure of the IEO to best meet/reflect institutional priorities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice President & Provost / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report2.4. Recommendation that a Provostial Faculty Fellows program be established.



Status Description: The Provost’s Leadership Academy was created as an integrated, long-term development and support program. Announced in March 2023 and launching in September 2023, this pilot program is intended to identify, engage, and support mid-career faculty members with interests and capacities for future University leadership. The Academy will offer a two-year program of cohort-based leadership curricula and mentorship opportunities to approximately 24 mid-career Fellows selected from across the six Multi-Department and eleven Single Department Faculties.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostLeadership and Accountability
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.1. Recommendation for a bold new all-employee communications campaign focusing on why the Employment Equity Survey is important for understanding our workforce and how it would be used to promote a more inclusive and welcoming community.



Status Description: Annually, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture works in partnership with University of Toronto Communications to encourage all employees to complete the Employment Equity Survey, and provides highlights on how these data are used and why the University is interested in collecting and analyzing these data. Related articles and memos include Changes Coming to the Employment Equity Survey and Recognizing and Responding to Employment Equity Data. Additionally, Employment Equity data is now featured in PSEC's annual Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Report with a companion interactive data dashboard in order to raise awareness and provide a clearer picture of how this data connects with broader efforts to foster diverse and inclusive environments.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.2. Recommendation for the development of an annual diversity report to assist divisional leaders in assessing how their divisional diversity compares to that of other units, and allow for more open, informed conversations and strategic planning on Black inclusivity.



Status Description:  The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) launched an interactive Employment Equity Data Dashboard, which includes data from 2017 onwards. Viewers can explore and filter the substantive data by employee type, year, and campus to fully engage with available equity data. The dashboard also contains applicant data for the period of January 1 to December 31 in the selected year.


In addition to the Employment Equity Data Dashboard, PSEC provides divisional leaders with area-specific equity data to support informed conversations and strategic planning on inclusivity.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.3. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] strike a committee, with Black voices well-represented, to assess ways in which existing employee data can best be collected and presented in ways that are respectful of the law and privacy needs, but that enable the community to assess accurate rates of employee representation across the University.



Status Description: The Equity Survey Advisory Group was established in 2022 with a mandate to evaluate the effectiveness of survey questions; analyze how and with whom the University shares data; suggest updates to the Employment Equity Survey to make it more comprehensive; and to advise on how to make the survey a more meaningful experience for our community. The committee work was completed in summer 2022, and this work informed the updated Employment Equity Survey that was implemented in early 2023.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report3.4. Recommendation that results from Student Equity Census is shared at minimum annually with faculties, colleges and campuses, to facilitate access programs and recruitment strategies geared towards Black students.



Status Description: A revised U of T Student Equity Census was launched in December 2021, with questions and categories modified in response to student feedback. In July 2022, it was fully embedded into ACORN, U of T’s student information system.


Students are required to complete the census when they log in to ACORN and can update their responses at any time. Given the personal nature of the information requested, students have the option to respond with “prefer not to answer” for any questions. Responses remain confidential and only aggregate data will be reported. As of April 2023, the census achieved close to a 90% response rate for all current registered students.


Plans are underway to share and report on this data in fall 2023. The process for this data sharing is being developed in consultation with student representatives and will be carried out on an annual basis moving forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostCollection and Use of Data
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report4.1. Recommendation that all major EDI funding emanate from the Office of the Vice-President/Provost or that an EDI budget is allocated to the Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture].



Status Description: The U of T budget model operates annually through the Dean's Advisory Committee process. The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture has established the Institutional Equity Office, which has a budget allocated for EDI work.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture / Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFunding Structures and Advancement Support
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report4.2. Recommendation that the Black Research Network (BRN) should receive ongoing support from the Provostial budget for operational and administrative costs.



Status Description: The Black Research Network (BRN) receives ongoing funding through the University’s Operating Budget.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFunding Structures and Advancement Support
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report4.3. Recommendation that the Division of University Advancement build capacity to attract donors to a Black excellence campaign at the University.



Status Description: The Division of University Advancement (DUA) has regularly put forward Black Excellence fundraising priorities in proposals and solicitations for the Black Research Network, Black student scholarships, the Black Founders Network, the Centre for Research & Innovation for Black Survivors of Homicide Victims (CRIB), and other priorities. DUA regularly considers equity implications for Black and Indigenous students in the construction of major proposals.


In November 2021, U of T launched the Defy Gravity fundraising and alumni engagement campaign, which is grounded in the University’s commitment to Inclusive Excellence and the principles of equity, inclusion, and belonging.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of University Advancement


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of University AdvancementFunding Structures and Advancement Support
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report5.1 That the University endorse space(s) that support Black students.



Status Description: At the St. George campus, space for Black students is created through events and opportunities to connect as a community, including initiatives coordinated by Student Life, Hart House, the Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office, and other partners across the campus. A Black Student Engagement Fund was created to support Black-identifying students, clubs and course unions across the St. George Campus, and distributed funding to 15 groups/activities in 2023. A mentorship program was created to connect Black undergrad and grad students to Black U of T Alumni Mentors. The Black Hub is a curated collection of resources that supports the identities and active participation of Black students on campus.


At University of Toronto Scarborough, space will be designated within a new building. Conversations are underway to expand space to support the construction of a Centre for Black Excellence based on recommendation from the UTSC Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion Advisory Committee (ABR-BIAC). In the meantime, Black students have access to bookable spaces on campus, and Student Life has organized weekly gatherings for Black students within the Student Centre.


There is a plan to create space in University of Toronto Mississauga's Maanjiwe nendamowinan building near the Black Researchers Network space. The Centre for Student Engagement makes sure Black student organizations are aware of the availability of bookable meeting spaces across campus in the meantime.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostPromoting Black Inclusive Spaces
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report5.2. Recommendation that the University supports art representation across the three campuses that amplify the contributions of Black Canadians and/or the Black experience.



Status Description: Significant work has happened across U of T’s three campus art galleries – the Art Museum at St. George, Doris McCarthy Gallery at UTSC, and the Blackwood Gallery at UTM – to diversify the U of T art collection and art in public spaces on campus to reflect the history of Black Canadians and to showcase Black artists and curators.


Between 2021 and 2023, more than 15 exhibitions featuring 100+ Black artists have taken place across the three campus galleries, with additional exhibitions in the planning stages for 2023-24. Educational programming featuring Black curators, speakers, writers, and panelists has been offered at all three galleries, both in collaboration with exhibitions and as stand-alone events.


The U of T Art Policy and the acquisition approval process have prioritized the diversification of U of T’s art collection in recent years, and a significant number of new works entering the collection are by Black artists. While this work is ongoing, there has been a significant shift over the last 5 years to feature Black artists and curators, and to welcome more art by Black artists into the permanent U of T Art Collection.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostPromoting Black Inclusive Spaces
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report6.1. Recommendation that the University strengthen and update the anti-harassment/anti-discrimination policy in addition to developing communications for U of T stakeholder groups that illustrate the complaints process in an accessible, clear, nonlegal language, or with the use of multi-media tools. On a yearly basis, all U of T staff and faculty should be required to sign and acknowledge the policy on Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment electronically.



Status Description: A collaborative effort between People Strategy, Equity and Culture, the Provost's Office, and the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students is underway. The consultation pathway for the review of the Statement on Prohibited Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment is in development.


Support for complaints resolution related to harassment and discrimination is available through the Institutional Equity Office and Workplace Investigations.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureComplaints and Investigation Processes
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report6.2. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] develop a confidential online system to track at the institutional level all concerns or disclosures, as well as filed complaints, regarding prohibited discrimination of any form.



Status Description: Since January 2022, the Office of Workplace Investigations (WPI) tracks all cases related to discrimination and/or discriminatory harassment that are raised directly or indirectly with the office. WPI plans to engage in consultations to consider expanding this tracking mechanism within the PSEC portfolio as appropriate.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureComplaints and Investigation Processes
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report7.1. Recommendation that central Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] communicate the existing training offerings related to anti-Black racism as well as develop a suite of well-publicized online modules on anti-Black racism that are attuned and accessible to staff, student, and faculty stakeholders.



Status Description: The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) continues to offer Anti-Black Racism training to the U of T community.


The Institutional Equity Office has developed a central education calendar to enhance communication of EDI-related training opportunities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureAnti-Black Racism Training
Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report7.2. Recommendation that every year completion of a minimum of one mandatory module on anti-Black racism be required for all University managers, employees at the PM-5 level and above, all campus police [renamed Campus Safety in 2021] officers, and employees holding appointments under the Policy on Appointment of Academic Administrators.



Status Description: The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) continues to offer Anti-Black Racism training to the U of T community.


All incoming Appointed Academic Administrators take the module on unconscious bias designed by Toronto Initiative for Diversity and Excellence (TIDE).


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureAnti-Black Racism Training
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.1. Recommendation that the new Institutional Access Office, in consultation with the divisional offices, create permanent dedicated institutional funds to support access programs where departments collect and report data on Black student representation.



Status Description: Access Programs University Fund (APUF) continues to invest in access and outreach programming supporting Black students. Out of 11 funded APUF projects in 2022-23, 8 were exclusively focused on supporting and engaging Black students and/or prospective students in access programming.


The Access Strategy & Partnerships Office (ASPO) was created in April 2022 with the appointment of the University’s inaugural Director, Access Programs. The ASPO has engaged and consulted with most divisions about their challenges and opportunities related to engaging Black students through access and outreach programming, including the Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Faculty of Arts & Science; Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education; Faculty of Law; John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design; Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; Rotman School of Management; School of Continuing Studies; and Temerty Faculty of Medicine. ASPO has also presented to the Division of University Advancement.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.2. Departments report on numbers of Black Students in the program and use this information to prioritize access programming.



Status Description: As stated in recommendation 3.4, plans are underway to share and report on this data in fall 2023. The process for this data sharing is being developed in consultation with student representatives and will be carried out on an annual basis moving forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.3 Departments/units with low numbers of Black Students utilize data to intentionally create access programs.



Status Description: The Access Programs University Fund (APUF) supports the development of new and existing access and outreach programs across the tri-campus that focus on increasing the enrolment of Black, Indigenous and other underrepresented students at U of T. The APUF webpage lists the Faculties and programs that have received APUF funding.


As of April 2022, exploratory conversations regarding data on Black student representation have begun with both institutional and APUF-supported access partners. These conversations will inform the Access Strategy & Partnerships Office’s role and approach for supporting partners as they develop and enhance access programs.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.4. Recommendation for the expansion of a focused Black student recruitment portfolio and ongoing funding to support access and outreach.



Status Description: University Admissions and Outreach has expanded its team to support the recruitment of Black, Indigenous, and other historically underrepresented groups. In 2021, University Admissions and Outreach developed a new Manager, Access and Equity Recruitment role to support the previously established Recruitment Officer, Equity, Outreach and Support role. In Fall 2023, two additional roles will be added. The Assistant Director, University Student Recruitment – Equity & Outreach position will enhance the vision and strategy for the recruitment and admissions of future Black students. The Coordinator, Student Recruitment Access & Outreach role will help manage the Enrichment Academy, a new multi-year program that provides wraparound education and resources to Black and underrepresented students as early as Grade 9.


Seasonal recruitment and outreach events are offered for Black high school students and their families. These events provide prospective students with an opportunity to engage with Black staff, students, and faculty while learning about applications, programs, and admissions processes.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Access and Recruitment
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.5. Recommendation that every faculty, college and campus work with EDI to conduct a review of its admissions processes and consider a data-driven and holistic application process for Black students, who remain one of the least represented groups of students on campus. Each division/program to collect data about Black students upon entry into program.



Status Description: The EDI Recruitment and Admissions Committee (EDIRAC) is a centrally convened table that was established to strategically approach the outreach, recruitment, and admission of Black, Indigenous and equity-deserving groups. EDIRAC has been instrumental in the development of data-informed, holistic strategies to support future Black students. The table worked with faculties to create an Applicant Demographic Census, which was initially launched in Fall 2021 and led to a broader demographic collection by the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) in Fall 2022. Approximately 88% of applicants completed the census for Fall 2023, which includes racial identity.


The Office of the Vice-Provost, Strategic Enrolment Management (VPSEM) works closely with the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students (OVPS) on student data collection and aims to collaborate with faculty to leverage results from both the Applicant Demographic Census and the Student Equity Census.


In order to coordinate efforts, identify best practices, and track progress toward University-wide goals, each year all direct-entry divisions and campuses will be asked to submit audit reports to VPSEM. These annual reports will provide VPSEM with current and historical data regarding the number of Black students that have applied, been admitted, or enrolled per program at each division/campus; a summary of that year’s outreach/recruitment efforts for Black students; and an explanation of the steps being taken to ensure a holistic admission approach for Black students.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.6. Recommendation that the institutional recruitment offices include intentional, invitational language in recruitment brochures and admission applications acknowledging and welcoming Black student and the Black experience.



Status Description:


In 2021, the Office of Student Recruitment (OSR) launched the Future Black Undergraduate Students Hub, which provides prospective Black high school students and their supporters with the opportunity to see and experience all that is available to them across the tri-campus.


Seasonal recruitment and outreach events have been dedicated to Black prospective high school students and their families, providing the opportunity to engage with Black staff, students, and faculty, while learning about applications, programs, and admissions processes. The Access and Equity Recruitment team has hosted webinars and on-one-one virtual appointments for Black prospective students and their supporters, as well as a Future Black Students Day on-campus event.


In 2022-2023, OSR is engaging in a review of recruitment materials to ensure that language is accessible, welcoming, and inclusive of the Black experience. The team has also developed email marketing campaigns focused on Black prospective students.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.7 Recommends that the Division of University Advancement develop a central campaign to secure funds for Black Excellence entrance scholarships for new Black students.



Status Description: The Division of University Advancement (DUA) continues to work closely with the Black Research Network (BRN) and its leaders to support their fundraising aspirations. Working with University of Toronto Entrepreneurship, DUA has successfully secured partnership support from organizations such as KPMG and Black Opportunity Fund to enhance BRN’s vision and priorities.


Through U of T’s Boundless Promise program, donors who contribute $25,000 or more towards scholarships for students with financial needs can have their gifts matched. DUA recently confirmed the criteria for the match to include students with financial need from equity-deserving groups, particularly those who identify as Black or Indigenous. DUA continues to work with divisions to create their own matching programs to increase post-secondary access for Black prospective students.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of University Advancement


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of University AdvancementStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.8. Recommendation for the creation of central and divisional Black student welcome orientations day(s) that would include international students, who often miss pre-term events.



Status Description:


UTSC: University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) has hosted Black student welcome events since 2018. UTSC Student Life hosted 250 students for a Black Student Welcome event in September 2022, and hosts weekly Let’s Talk sessions for Black-identifying students.


UTM: University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) hosts a two-day Black Excellence Orientation event designed to connect Black students, faculty, and staff, and raise awareness of on-campus resources, groups, and opportunities.


UTSG: In Fall 2022, the St. George Campus launched Black Student Orientation, a series of five events developed as a partnership between Woodworth College and other Colleges in the Faculty of Arts and Science. “Let’s Talk About It: Sharing Black Experiences” connected incoming and returning Black students with the student engagement office. Also introduced were a BIPOC Resource Fair hosted by New College, and a “Black Students Talk With Black Profs” event hosted by Mentorship & Peer Programs in the Division of Student Life.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Admissions and Orientation
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.9. Recommendation that institutional counseling services increase the number of Black mental health professionals, and that this option be made available to all undergraduate and graduate students upon registration with counseling services.



Status Description: UTSC: University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) has focused on hiring Black counsellors, with 3 currently on the Health & Wellness team. Students can visit the Meet the Team webpage to learn about counsellors’ backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise. UTSC also hosted “Black Mental Health Day: Healing in Colour” in March 2022 and regularly connects students to culturally appropriate supports within the broader community.


UTM: University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM)’s Health & Counselling Centre (HCC) has launched clinic positions that promote the recruitment of Black, Indigenous, and racialized staff. The HCC is developing an anti-racist framework to support Black students in mental health crisis; designing workshops to address Black access to healthcare and healthcare options for Black women; and promoting healthcare for Black communities at HCC as part of the Black Health Network. HCC also offers monthly BIPOC and QTBIPOC drop in circles for all UTM students.


UTSG: Health & Wellness (HW) at University of Toronto St. George (UTSG) has hired a Black social worker who provides clinical services to students who identify as BIPOC, and has 3 designated BIPOC Wellness Counsellor roles as of August 2023. Programs designed for BIPOC students include the Pathways to Wellness drop-in group and Building Community through Conversations sharing circle. HW is conducting outreach to BIPOC student organizations on campus, and an ongoing review of reducing barriers and creating service delivery approaches and physical spaces for BIPOC students. All-staff organizational trauma training included content on racial trauma, and staff lunch & learn focused on cultural humility.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Thriving as U of T Students
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.10. Recommendation that the University’s teaching and learning centres enhance the number of workshops and learning circles focused on anti-racist and inclusive pedagogies. Anti-Black racism pedagogy workshops should be offered throughout the university and should be prominently advertised to all instructors.



Status Description: The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) has created and filled two term positions focused on anti-racist pedagogies. In partnership with the Office of Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity (ARCDO), CTSI delivered a four-part workshop series on anti-racist pedagogies, open to all instructors, and hosted the 2023 Teaching & Learning Symposium, “Taking Action: Building Belonging at U of T.” Additionally, CTSI has continued the Creating an Equitable Classroom roundtable – a monthly lunchtime series open to all instructors that foregrounds anti-racist pedagogies and offices that provide support around anti-racism.


CTSI continues to fund the EDIA Coordinator position in the Teaching Assistants’ Training Program (TATP). TATP has enhanced its training on how to foster an inclusive learning community, incorporating topics related to anti-racist teaching practices across a broad suite of materials. Learn about upcoming events on the Teaching & Learning Calendar.


The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre (RGASC) at University of Toronto Mississauga created and filled a permanent Educational Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies role. In collaboration with the UTM Library and the Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy (ISUP), the Educational Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies was instrumental in the creation of the Anti-Black Racism Pedagogical Collection, which contains a curated, annotated list of resources related to challenging anti-Black racism in the classroom and strategies to create supportive and inclusive educational spaces. Additionally, the Education Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies is developing an online repository of Black Brilliance in STEM in collaboration with the Black Research Network (BRN). This resource will highlight Black scientists, mathematicians, innovators, engineers, and leaders in STEM to help instructors as they work to racially diversify their course content.


In line with UTSC’s Strategic Plan of 'Inclusive Excellence' and in response to the recommendations of the Anti-Black Racism Task Force and UTSC’s Curriculum Review Working Circle, CTL has hired an Educational Developer, Anti-Racist Pedagogies. The educational developer works in collaboration with faculty and other educational developers to offer workshops on inclusive pedagogy and anti-racism. CTL hosts an eight-month professional development course, which allows faculty and instructors to engage deeply with pedagogical best practices across many topics and includes sessions on inclusion and anti-racism. CTL has also launched a Community of Practice and a Book Club to discuss topics and books related to teaching and learning, including inclusive pedagogy. CTL’s Teaching Enhancement Grants encourage UTSC faculty to develop pedagogical projects to foster inclusion, accessibility and anti-racism.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostStudents and Curricula: Thriving as U of T Students
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportA.11. Recommendation that the Division of University Advancement build partnerships with the numerous Black student associations and clubs across U of T to consider the development of a list of Black alumni who are willing to engage with current students.



Status Description: Alumni Relations within the Division of University Advancement (DUA) actively engages and supports the Black Alumni Association and African Alumni Association, who have close connections with student groups. Alumni Relations is also hiring an EDI Strategist who will help design pathways and processes for regular communication with student and alumni stakeholders.


Alumni Relations has restructured the Carl Mitchell Community Impact Award in consultation with equity-deserving groups. This award will help to surface Black alumni leaders who could be engaged as mentors. Similarly, the university-wide community of practice for divisionally based Mentorship Coordinators (which DUA Alumni Relations convenes) is consulting with McGill University regarding its award-winning Black Mentorship program. McGill’s learnings will help the University develop better strategies for serving the needs of Black students and recruiting Black alumni as mentors.


DUA Alumni Relations continues to support the efforts of University of Toronto Entrepreneurship in raising awareness of the Black Entrepreneurship Network and creating pathways for alumni to broaden their engagement with students.


The Alumni Engagement Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategist is a new role within Alumni Relations at the Division of University Advancement. The EDI Strategist will work with Alumni Relations teams to embed an EDI lens in alumni engagement-communication strategy and programming, to build meaningful connections, and to foster belonging with diverse alumni from intersectional identities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of University Advancement


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of University AdvancementStudents and Curricula: Alumni Engagement
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.1. Recommendation for the creation of a Presidential Black Excellence in Research Lecture Series, sponsored and coordinated by the President’s Office.



Status Description: The Office of the President, in coordination with the Institutional Equity Office, has undertaken a series of consultations and is developing a comprehensive plan to recognize, celebrate, and champion Black scholarly excellence through a Presidential Black Excellence in Research Lecture Series.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of the President


Last Updated: November 2023


Office of the PresidentFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.2. Recommendation that the faculties or departments that are recruiting fellows through the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program strongly consider creating a Contractually-Limited Term Appointment of one to two years that would commence upon completion of the fellowship.



Status Description: The Provost's Office has consulted with the Academic HR table about the concept of allowing search waivers and creating positions for Provost's Postdoctoral Fellows.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.3. Recommendation for the creation of an institutional Black Doctoral Scholars of Excellence program, to build a pathway to the Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship program and to faculty positions at the University.



Status Description: The School of Graduate Studies' Inclusive Excellence Admissions Scholarship (IEAS) program, initiated in 2022, awarded scholarships to 22 master’s students in 2023 (inaugural cohort), focusing on underrepresented Black and Indigenous students pursuing PhD-stream programs. The program is currently in its second year of a three-year pilot. SGS is actively collecting feedback to enhance and improve the program in the future.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.4. Recommendation that the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life and her team develop additional mandatory EDI accountability mechanisms to build into all faculty and librarian hiring committees, which the Vice-Provost must review before approving a new faculty hire.



Status Description: The Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life (VPFAL) receives information about the composition of the applicant pool for faculty searches via the search report. Hiring units are asked to describe the efforts taken to attract potential applicants from the four designated groups identified in the Federal Contractors Program: women, racialized persons / persons of colour, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, and persons with a disability. In addition, a diversity report is attached to the search report. Hiring units are asked to comment, based on the diversity report, on the presence or absence of applicants from the aforementioned groups.


Provostial assessors, decanal assessors, search committee members, and all faculty are encouraged to attend the annual Bias in the Context of Academic Reviews workshop hosted by VPFAL and delivered Toronto Initiative for Diversity & Excellence (TIDE). This session offers strategies on interrupting bias in all academic review processes, including searches. This session is in addition to the Unconscious Bias Education Modules available to all staff and faculty through SuccessFactors. Over 600 faculty have attended at least one bias session. As of March 2023, 2,000 individuals have completed at least one of the Unconscious Bias Education Modules.


VPFAL also offers a Bias, Inclusion, and Culture Change session at the Retreat for New Academic Administrators every June for new and continuing Deans, Principals, Chairs, Directors, and Vice & Associate Deans.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.5. Recommendation that the fundamental reframing of the Diversity in Academic Hiring Fund as an award of excellence that can and should be celebrated as additional Black scholars join the University through the program. This reframing must include a sophisticated internal and external communications campaign to ensure deep and wide awareness of the Fund.



Status Description: Strengthening the University’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion continues to be a significant budget priority. The Provost is allocating funding from the University Fund (UF) to support the hiring of 30 additional Black & Indigenous faculty, bringing the total number of faculty positions supported under this program to 190 as of 2023-24. The Provost's Office is working closely with U of T Communications, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, and the Division of University Advancement to bring more awareness to these critical investments in diversity.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and University of Toronto Communications


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.6. Recommends that the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life strike a similar committee of Black faculty members and researchers to immediately develop template job posting language that all departments may draw upon in their searches.



Status Description: The University has created an updated Diversity Statement that appears on the U of T Careers site and in all job ads, as well as a Welcoming Statement. This messaging strongly encourages applications from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual and gender identities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.7. Recommendation that the Chief Librarian and the Dean of the Faculty of Information should work to secure funding to support scholarships for Black students in Library and Information Sciences concentrations within the Master of Information program. In addition, the Chief Librarian should further develop outreach to Black student groups on campus regarding careers in library science.



Status Description: Launched in 2022, the Faculty of Information EDI Fellowship enables students to build knowledge and practical skills while advancing EDI initiatives within the Faculty. Two students were awarded the fellowship in 2022-23.


Developed as a partnership between University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) and the Faculty of Information, the Toronto Academic Libraries Internship (TALint) program aims to annually allocate three vacancies specifically for Black and/or Indigenous students. This initiative has been in place since 2021. Each student receives a $5,000 scholarship from the Faculty for each year of their program, as well as employment and mentoring opportunities from UTL, including dedicated mentoring support from a Black UTL librarian. UTL and the Faculty of Information have filled two of the three positions for September 2023.


The Grant for Black and Indigenous Students supports Black or Indigenous students within the Faculty of Information.


Established in 2021, the Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Scholar/Research Grant Program aims to seed exploratory research and collaborative endeavours that include addressing questions of racial inequity, social justice, and/or advance Faculty of Information’s commitment to Answering the Call: Wecheehetowin.


UTL is also working on a holistic set of opportunities for students at all career stages. Experience UTL, a partnership with Toronto District School Board, brings two Black and/or Indigenous high school students into the libraries for work experiences. Early Career Residency Positions are offered for two recent Master of Information graduates who are Black and/or Indigenous to provide a first professional work experience, accompanied with extensive mentoring.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & ProvostFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Establishing a Culture of Recruiting and Championing Black Academic Excellence
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.8. Recommendatio that the Vice-President, Research & Innovation and the Institutional Strategic Initiatives portfolio create start-up funding awards and research awards for Black researchers.



Status Description: At its December 2021 meeting, the Connaught Committee, chaired by the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives, approved a three-year pilot (2022-2023 to 2024-25) to provide $250,000 annually for a research funding program for the University’s Black researchers. Co-designed with the Black Research Network (BRN), the first Connaught Major Research Challenge for Black Researchers competition was launched in 2022. It aims to strengthen the capacity of Black researchers who provide solutions to major research challenges through the advancement, transfer, and application of knowledge by Black-led teams. In March 2023, the *inaugural recipient* ( was announced. Applications for the second round of competition close in October 2023. The Connaught Committee will continue to work with the BRN to refine the program with the expectation that it will continue to be funded following successful review after three years of operation.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI)


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation (VPRI)Faculty, Instructors, Librarians: Nourishing Black Academic Excellence and Inclusive Classrooms
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportB.9. Recommendation that CTSI works in collaboration with ARCDO immediately develop a robust communications strategy notifying all sessional lecturers and adjunct professors of their offerings, and that they immediately work to dismantle any technical barriers to registration by sessional lecturers for their offerings.



Status Description: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI) met with the Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) to discuss communications and access to programming. Anyone with a UTORid can register for CTSI offerings, including sessional lecturers and adjunct professors, and workarounds are available for instructors who do not yet have a UTORid. Additionally, all instructors (regardless of status) can sign up for the weekly CTSI newsletter that promotes programming.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of the Vice-President & Provost / Centre for Teaching Support & InnovationFaculty, Instructors, Librarians: Nourishing Black Academic Excellence and Inclusive Classrooms
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.1. Recommendation that central Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] develop, in consultation with U of T Black and racialized employees and EDI experts, a guide to best practices in recruitment and selection, to be used by all hiring panels and HR representatives at the University.



Status Description:The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has created a Diversity in Recruitment Manual and Toolkit to be used by hiring panels and HR representatives across the University. People managers can access these resources via the HR Service Centre with their UTORid.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.2. Recommendation that central Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] develop an online module on unconscious bias in hiring practices that all members of hiring panels at the University be required to complete prior to participating in a hiring process.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has incorporated Unconscious Bias training into the recruiting and interview process. These online modules were created at University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) and produced with input from faculty members who serve as part of the Toronto Initiative for Diversity & Excellence (TIDE). Unconscious Bias training is available to all faculty, librarians, and staff across the tri-campus. The training is available in the Learning Management System (LMS) and members of hiring panels are reminded to complete this training prior to beginning the interview process. This training is also promoted in UTSC’s staff onboarding booklet for new employees and transfers.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.3. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Human Resources & Equity [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] strike a committee with the appropriate University membership, including representation of Black employees, to develop language that encourages Black candidates to apply, and that should be included in employee postings.



Status Description: Recommendations are in consultation.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.4. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] grow partnerships with greater Toronto area community agencies and groups to attract more Black candidates, as well as partnerships with Black student groups and clubs on campus to encourage students to consider staff careers at the University.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture actively participates in various events across Toronto and tri-campus to attract diverse candidates. A specific directory for Black agencies, search firms and community partners has been created and made available to HR Offices across the University.


Additionally, UTSC HR Services has been engaged with the Community Partnerships team and other members of the Office of Business, Operations, and Strategic Affairs to seek innovative ways to enhance our recruitment activities and engagement with the community. Ongoing initiatives include information sessions for prospective candidates who are registered/engaged with these agencies, a working list of community partners to share employment opportunities, and partnership with a newcomer community agency with access to a database of candidates with various backgrounds and experiences.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.5. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] create specialized online or written onboarding materials for Black-identifying staff to ensure that all new Black employees are aware of affinity groups, opt-in Black staff email lists, and other programs across the University that may be of interest to them.



Status Description:At the St. George campus, Talent Management promotes the University’s affinity groups, including UTSG Connections and Conversations, a tri-campus affinity group for racialized employees, during New Faculty & Staff Orientation sessions, in its eLearning module for new hires, and in the "Resources for New Employees" article on ServiceNow. The People Strategy, Equity and Culture (PSEC) website also provides information about how to get involved with affinity groups.


At UTSC, affinity groups, including UTSC Connections and Conversations, are promoted through the HR onboarding booklet and through orientation sessions for new and transferring staff.


UTM Human Resources developed a campus-specific onboarding toolkit, including resources to connect new Black employees with established community networks like UTM Connections and Conversations and other resources.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Talent Acquisition and Hiring
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.6 Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] work in consultation with the relevant unions to develop a formal, mandatory performance assessment and career development process for all unionized appointed staff at the University.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC) has developed tools for the career development process, which were rolled out to Professional & Managerial and Confidential staff in 2022. LLC has also developed learning tools to support managers in having conversations about performance.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.7. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] expand the number of leadership training workshops and programs, to ensure that every manager of appointed employees is appropriately trained in delivering supportive annual performance reviews that incorporate EDI best practices.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) has developed video-based, on-demand training for leaders on how to prepare for and hold a performance assessment conversation, which is available to all staff via the learning management system. This training is included in the newly launched Employee Lifecycle Learning Program (ELLP) for new managers and includes an instructor-led session. Following the launch of new EDI competencies in October 2023, work is underway to review the EDI component of the annual performance review.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.8. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] incorporate a rating level on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the performance assessment process for all Professional/Managerial, Confidential, and Advancement Professionals, rather than simply a “pass-fail” type indicator that says the employee “met” or “did not meet” expectations in this area.



Status Description: A new competency framework for equity, diversity, and inclusion has been created and approved for non-union appointed staff. All non-union staff will be rated on this competency as part of their annual performance assessment beginning in 2023/24.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.9. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] conduct an equity-focused review of all central mentorship programs, examining selection criteria, inclusion, and outcomes, with the goal of creating updated programs that are inclusive of Black, Indigenous, and racialized employees’ needs and aspirations.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC) reviewed and updated its outreach and engagement strategies for the Rose Patten Mentorship Program and the Group Mentoring program. In 2022 and 2023 LLC saw an overall increase in participation in these mentorship programs. LLC plans to engage in consultations with Connections and Conversations to better understand mentorship gaps for racialized staff.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.10. Recommendation that the creation of a centrally funded and supported mentorship program for Black employees, similar to the program recommended for Black faculty and scholars at all levels.



Status Description: Human Resource Services at the University of Toronto Scarborough partnered with a Black coach/facilitator to develop the Elev8 Program, made up of nine professional development modules. Elev8 is now offered broadly across U of T through the LLC.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Performance Management, Training, and Development
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.11. Recommendation that central HR offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] work with faculties and campuses to adopt intentional succession strategies by creating pathways for Black staff, including anticipation of future vacancies in senior leadership positions.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture is working with HR Offices to provide training to managers on how to implement the succession planning framework. A special section has been developed on how to conduct talent reviews with EDI and anti-bias at its core.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Succession Planning and Career Management
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.12. Recommendation that Human Resource offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] “leverage existing programs and talent pools to identify suitable Black staff for special project/secondment/promotional opportunities” across the University that are not only related to EDI issues, but that are focused on core operational projects.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture's Talent Management team is providing training to managers on how to identify talent with an awareness of bias; how to develop talent pools with diverse employees; and, in collaboration with LLC, training managers on how to have career conversations with employees, so managers can support their employees' aspirations and encourage them to take projects, secondments, and apply to promotional opportunities.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Succession Planning and Career Management
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.13. Recommendation that central Human Resources offices [now People Strategy, Equity & Culture] create additional pathways for sponsorship and coaching, or leadership programs for Black employees who can be trained and developed to easily transition into senior leadership roles when they become available.



Status Description: The Centre for Learning, Leadership & Culture (LLC) shares a roster of Black, Indigenous and racialized coaches that any staff member can connect with. A Supplemental Professional Development Fund is a departmental benefit meant to help offset some costs associated with sending Professional & Managerial staff levels 6-11 on professional development training, which includes coaching.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Succession Planning and Career Management
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.14. Recommendation that the Vice-President, Communications develop regular communications plans to feature Black staff accomplishments and profiles at the University, and that EDI considerations be infused into all staff excellence and award streams.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, in partnership with University of Toronto Communications, is developing a communications plan to feature Black staff accomplishments to be featured on the PSEC website and in the Bulletin Brief. All institutional level award programs are infused with EDI considerations.


Reporting Responsibility: University of Toronto Communications and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


University of Toronto Communications / Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Engagement and Retention
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.15. Recommendation that an annual recognition event be held to bring together Black staff and senior leadership from across the University.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture has held initial meetings with the President’s Office regarding the creation of an annual recognition event, and will be reaching out to additional stakeholders this fall to discuss the next steps.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Engagement and Retention
Anti-Black Racism Task Force ReportC.16. Recommends that the University’s Employee and Family Assistance Programs be expanded to include racial-based trauma counseling and a roster of Black care providers to support Black employees when requested.



Status Description: The University initiated a formal Request for Proposal process that required potential providers to demonstrate how their services are culturally informed by and relevant to Black, Indigenous, racialized, and 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and how they will connect individuals to counsellors with diverse lived experiences. In May 2022, the University selected TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) as its new EFAP, offering an enhanced understanding of EDI as it relates to supporting employee well-being, the ability to match preferred demographics of available counsellors and accommodate more than 200 languages, and an informed approach to cultural training for its counselling team, employees, and leaders that includes training on unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and aggressions.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Division of People Strategy, Equity & CultureStaff Recommendations: Engagement and Retention
Report OriginRecommendation Details
Antisemitism Working Group Report1. The University should situate its policies and programs concerning antisemitism within the broader framework of its equity, anti-racism, and cultural diversity initiatives and policies, taking it as seriously as it takes other forms of racism and exclusion. It should ensure that University equity staff are adequately equipped to address antisemitism in the same ways that they address other forms of hatred and racism, and that more general equity policies are applied consistently in cases of reported antisemitic incidents. An individual member of the University who approaches an equity office should never be sent away to "work things out" on their own with people who violate University policies.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office (IEO) has defined its mandate and scope to explicitly include antisemitism. The IEO and representatives from Hillel at U of T meet regularly to increase opportunities for partnership and relationship building. Equity staff across the tri-campus engage in numerous opportunities to deepen their learning on antisemitism and Jewish inclusion. Members of the University community can access the Equity Offices to share their concerns and complaints of antisemitism. To learn more about how U of T is situating antisemitism within its broader equity work, please read Marking One Year Since the Entrustment of the Antisemitism Working Group Report.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report2. The University should explicitly include addressing antisemitism within the mandate of the Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) and all Equity offices, ensuring that it is included in all of the University's Anti-Racism training, education, and outreach campaigns. To that end, ARCDO should appoint an Advisor focused on countering antisemitism, and Divisional Equity leads should be equipped to address issues of antisemitism as they arise.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office has hired an Assistant Director, Faith and Anti-Racism, who will provide guidance to the University community in addressing individual and systemic faith- and race-based discrimination. The Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) held a community discussion to inform the development of a Faith and Anti-Racism Education Strategy, including efforts to address antisemitism, as part of its 2023 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination event. This year, ARCDO also held education sessions on antisemitism for students, faculty, librarians, and staff, and a restorative circle for Jewish community members.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report3. In situating antisemitism policies within its broader framework of equity, anti-racism and cultural diversity initiatives, the University should focus on problems and issues specific to the distinctive context of the University as a place in which difficult and controversial questions are addressed. In so doing, it should not adopt any of the definitions of antisemitism that have recently been proposed.



Status Description: The University's equity and anti-racism mandate and initiatives will continue to address all concerns of antisemitism and will provide ongoing education opportunities to deepen understanding of the many manifestations of antisemitism and tools to address it.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report4. The University should frequently reiterate its commitment to academic freedom and inclusion, emphasizing in particular that academic freedom both permits people to say things that other people find troubling and, conversely, entails that individual members of the University are entitled to take whatever position they wish on controversial scientific, cultural, social, political religious and historical questions. In order to secure this type of academic freedom, participation in the life of the University is not conditional on taking any specific position at all on any question. Academic freedom is an individual right, the protected exercise of which depends upon every level of the University refraining from taking such positions or making public statements on such issues that will be taken to be made on behalf of their members. Academic units, administrative units, and student organizations in which enrollment is mandatory must not make participation in their activities or access to their resources conditional on taking a particular position on any controversial question. Nor can preconditions (such as articulating positions on controversial issues) be attached to participation in academic events or discussions, or in extra- or co-curricular events and programs, or for standing for office in student organizations or academic administrative leadership positions.



Status Description: The University’s commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom is enshrined in our Statement of Institutional Purpose. The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has increased its communication on inclusive spaces, religious accommodations. Annually in the Fall, the Vice-President, PSEC issues a memo outlining workplace policies and guidelines, as well as how employees who witness acts of racism or discrimination (including antisemitism) can raise complaints or concerns, and access support and training. Additionally, as mentioned in recommendation #5, the Institutional Equity Office continues to provide support to equity leads across the tri-campus managing matters related to academic freedom and EDI principles.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report5. The University should issue periodic communications about its approach to controversial events, emphasizing that it will not enforce content-based restrictions on such events but that such events must be held in a respectful, safe, and open manner. It is inevitable that when controversial events are held, some members of the University community will be troubled by the views that are expressed. As the place where controversial issues are addressed, such discomfort and offense are the unavoidable concomitant of open discussion fostered by the University. At the same time, the University must clarify that nobody can be compelled to participate in such events, and nobody should be stopped, accosted, or harassed as they walk past a display or attend an event and told that they must respond to the claims made.



Status Description:  The Institutional Equity Office within the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture provides ongoing discussions and reminders to tri-campus EDI leads outlining our responsibility to the University’s principles of free speech and EDI, as they provide supports to their respective constituents.


Representatives from the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students and the President's Office deliver ongoing presentations on the University's Policy on Controversial Events to college leadership and student leaders.


The University publishes a Freedom of Speech Report annually.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report6. The University must develop measures for responding to various forms of social exclusion, harassment, microaggressions and bullying (including online instances of these) for all equity-deserving groups and apply these consistently.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office engaged preliminary consultations in the spring/summer 2022 with key partners across the tri-campus on complaints resolution supports provided by the Central equity offices. The IEO is in the process of developing the participatory consultation framework to review the University's Statement on Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment.


The Division of Vice-President & Provost created a resource guide and list of supports for faculty and librarians engaging in social media.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and the Division of the Vice President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report7. The University and its divisions and academic units should apply its Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances consistently, both avoiding scheduling mandatory events on significant Jewish holidays, and permitting Jewish members of the University to participate fully in a range of accommodations. In applying such accommodations, the University must recognize that there is significant variation of religious observance within the Jewish community; Jews requesting religion-based accommodations must not be required to prove that they meet some other person's view of what qualifies as religious observance in order to be granted ordinary accommodations.



Status Description:  The University of Toronto welcomes and includes students, staff and faculty from a broadly diverse range of communities and backgrounds. The University recognizes its obligation to prevent discriminatory impacts on members of its community that arise from the failure to accommodate based on religion or creed. For personal reasons, people may observe religious holidays in various ways.


The Office of the Vice-Provost, Students, the Multi-Faith Centre, and the Office of the Vice-President, PSEC collaborate on an annual list of religious observance dates (including Jewish religious observances), available online and automatically inserted into employee Outlook calendars. These dates are intended to assist those planning academic activities to anticipate when students might seek accommodations for religious observances. The University’s expectations on this matter are articulated in the Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances.


To enhance employee understanding and familiarity with the holidays and observances on this list, PSEC prepares and distributes more than 20 Inclusive Employer Guides. In 2022, PSEC updated these guides to include more detailed information on intentional planning and accommodations.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Antisemitism Working Group Report8. The University should ensure that kosher food is readily available on all its campuses.



Status Description: At UTM, the EDI Office is working with Hospitality and Ancillary Services to ensure Jewish members of the community can access a wide variety of kosher food options.


At UTSC, kosher food is available and the Office of Student Experience & Wellbeing is working to improve cost and labelling.


At UTSG, kosher food is available at Chestnut, New College and Campus One residence locations, as well as Robarts Grab ‘n’ Go, Medical Sciences Building Grab ‘n’ Go, and Goodmans LLP Café. Hillel U of T offers kosher dinners through Allen’s Table at the Wolfond Centre. In addition, University College, St. George Catering and Chestnut Catering provide kosher meals upon request. Learn more about kosher food options.


Reporting Responsibility: Office of Vice-President Operations and Real Estate Partnerships


Last Updated: November 2023


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Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report
Report OriginRecommendation DetailsStatus
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.1. Track Asian representation in the University’s workforce with granular attention to different Asian groups/subgroups. More analysis and data are needed to address the perceived underrepresentation of certain Asian identities at the University, especially among faculty and student-facing employees.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.2. Establish consistency when collecting and communicating data about Asian community groups/subgroups to support accurate interpretation of Asian representation.



Status Description: Work is underway to establish consistency in how student and employee data is collected, communicated, and interpreted. In 2023, the University launched an updated Employment Equity Survey, informed by feedback from the Equity Survey Advisory Group, which uses language more closely aligned with the Student Equity Census. In early 2024, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture; the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students; and the School of Graduate Studies will establish an Equity Data Group focused on furthering the alignment between the Employment Equity Survey and the Student Equity Census.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.3. Refine the collection and communication of qualitative survey data (such as 'Speaking Out!' Employee Engagement Survey) in order to understand the workplace conditions and experiences of Asian-identifying and other racialized University employees.



Status Description: Data from qualitative surveys (such as Speaking Out and Pulse Surveys) is confidentially linked to employee data in the HR Information System, including Employment Equity Survey data. Where sample sizes permit, high level data sets, with identifiable data removed, are explored at relevant tables.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.4. Make self-identified race-based data available to those who track and support career progression such as the Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) so that leaders and coordinators can make concrete plans to improve diversity within their programs.



Status Description: Self-identified race-based data (provided with confidentiality masking: any responses where the sample size is five or fewer are hidden) is available to the Centre for Learning, Leadership, and Culture (LLC) as requested, and is taken into consideration as part of the recruitment and selection process for leadership and mentorship programs. Further work to enhance this process is ongoing.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.5. Explore ways to create a database like the one used for the Co-Curricular Record (e.g., managed via Success Factors) for staff and faculty to document learning. Explore process for reporting statistics on EDI-focused programs taken through LLC, to help build accountabilities and measure demand for EDI-focused training offered through LLC and the Institutional Equity Office (IEO).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.6. Establish and clearly communicate procedures for responding to complaints of racism, and manage expectations regarding the confidentiality of disciplinary or remedial outcomes. This is necessary to address the perception that there are no consequences for misconduct (including anti-Asian racism).



Status Description: There are established procedures for responding to complaints of racism, with support available through the Institutional Equity Office (IEO); Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO); UTSC Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office (EDIO); UTM EDIO; Workplace Investigations (WPI); and divisional HR offices. The IEO’s Complaints Resolution Supports page outlines the support available for students, staff, faculty, and librarians. For employees, the WPI webpage is featured prominently on the homepage for the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) and outlines how to obtain support or raise a concern or complaint. Additionally, the Vice-President, PSEC issues a memo each fall that outlines the University’s policies and guidelines as well as how employees who experience or witness acts of racism or discrimination can raise complaints or concerns.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.7. Expand capacity by hiring additional staff or redeploying existing personnel to support and track implementation of all recommendations on the University’s Commitments Dashboard and to serve as a point of contact for the University community concerning the various EDI task forces and working groups.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report1.8. Review and, where possible, revise existing University policies, procedures, practices and guidelines to incorporate more up-to-date language of equity and diversity, as well as expanded definitions of prohibited grounds of discrimination, harassment, etc.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Institutional Accountability, Data, and Transparency
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.1. Ensure that a central website, such as the Institutional Equity Office website, is widely known and readily accessible, so that students, staff, faculty, and librarians can learn about the University's commitment to EDI and find links to resources for reporting and seeking help.



Status Description: The Institutional Equity Office website is accessible to all members of the U of T community and provides information about the University’s commitment to EDI, as well as how to report complaints and seek support. Communication about this website is ongoing and includes promotion through statements/memos from senior leaders, the Bulletin Brief, and Orientation events and materials.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and University of Toronto Communications


Last Updated: November 2023


Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.2. Make an inventory of anti-Asian racism initiatives, training, and supportive resources available on a visible University platform, update the list on an ongoing basis, and share and promote it widely among the University community.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.3. Clarify process for reporting incidents and improve awareness of procedures and available resources. Ensure that anti-Asian racism is specifically mentioned, where appropriate, in communications about discrimination and harassment.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.4. Explore ways to increase awareness in the broader University community of the extent of anti-Asian racism and to effectively communicate how issues are being addressed.



Status Description:The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report2.5. Improve culturally appropriate and accessible communication regarding support and resources tailored specifically to Asian international students, including financial aid and health and wellness supports. Communication ought to begin during international recruitment and orientation events and be made readily available at appropriate points in an international student’s journey at the University.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.1. Develop hiring guidelines that incorporate EDI to ensure that hiring managers and senior management understand the value that diverse candidates bring to the University, including considerations of ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity as well as racial and gender identities.



Status Description: The Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture (PSEC) has created a Diversity in Recruitment Manual and Toolkit to be used by hiring panels and HR representatives across the University, which people managers can access via the HR Service Centre with their UTORid. PSEC has also incorporated Unconscious Bias training into the recruiting and interview process. The training is available in the Learning Management System (LMS) and members of hiring panels are reminded to complete this training prior to beginning the interview process. PSEC will continue building on these efforts to ensure that hiring managers and senior management understand the value that diverse candidates bring to the University.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Hiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.2. Incorporate EDI and anti-discrimination training (that discusses anti-Asian racism) as part of onboarding for all new staff at the University, especially Professional & Managerial (PM), and regularly offer similar training for current staff, especially PMs, in the form of professional development opportunities.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Hiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.3. Include a section in faculty and librarian annual activity reports about contributions or work done to further the University’s EDI priorities.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Hiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.4. Incorporate EDI into staff and PM performance reviews with expectations for ongoing knowledge development, goal setting, and implementation of EDI initiatives.



Status Description: In Fall 2023, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture introduced updated organizational competencies, including one specifically focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Beginning in the 2023-24 review cycle, this EDI competency will be part of the Performance Assessment process for all Professional & Managerial, Confidential, Advancement Professionals, and Research Associate / Senior Research Associate employees. EDI is also a factor in other relevant organizational competencies (such as leadership and stewardship).


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Hiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report3.5. Develop institutional strategies to ensure advancement opportunities for Asian-identifying staff to contribute to the increasing diversification of senior leaders at the University.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Hiring, Reviews, and Career Development
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report4.1. Provide EDI training, including awareness of anti-Asian racism, to the following groups and strongly encourage participation:
  • Members of governance bodies
  • Academic administrators (PDAD&C)
  • Senior staff (PMs)


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, and the Office of the Governing Council


Last Updated: November 2023


Education, Training, and Mentorship
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report4.2. Increase availability of EDI training among faculty, staff, students, and all members of the University community. In order to raise awareness of anti-Asian racism, this training should include:
  • Awareness of nuances of identity among Asian Canadians and new immigrants, including historical contexts;
  • Allyship and bystander/upstander training geared towards supporting Asian-identifying students;
  • Understanding of Asian cultures and practices;
  • Understanding of specific challenges faced by Asian international students, including different cultural contexts and customs, communication styles, expectations, and difficulties in transitioning to the Canadian higher education and living environment;
  • Awareness of Asian stereotyping and anti-Asian microaggressions (e.g., the importance of making the effort to use and pronounce students’ names).


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Education, Training, and Mentorship
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report4.3. Include and increase EDI content that raises awareness of anti-Asian racism in:
  • Student, staff, and faculty mentorship programs;
  • First-year student orientation, orientation leader training, and international student orientation;
  • Student co-op and learner placement orientation;
  • Training for student-facing staff.


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Education, Training, and Mentorship
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.1. Explore ways to create and fund an Asian Research Network (research, teaching, community engagement) for Asian-identifying faculty that brings together researchers including those focused on Asia, the Asian diaspora, and anti-Asian racism.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives


Last Updated: November 2023


Teaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.2. Develop and offer curriculum transformation workshops and resources to help instructors of undergraduate, graduate, and professional school courses strengthen their inclusion of content pertaining to topics related to Asia, Asian peoples and cultures, Asians in Canada, Asian diasporas, and anti-Asian racism.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Teaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.3. Develop and maintain an inventory of courses with Asian and Asian diaspora content.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Teaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.4. Establish and appropriately resource a peer support network for Asian-identifying graduate students.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Teaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.5. Enhance routine faculty training in inclusive pedagogy in undergraduate and graduate courses and in individualized teaching/mentoring.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


AcceptedTeaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report5.6. Develop training for faculty and TAs on barriers faced by international students and how to support them inside and outside the classroom.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Teaching, Curriculum, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.1. Launch an anti-Asian racism awareness campaign addressing the experiences of U of T Asian staff, students, faculty, and librarians. This could include an annual conference and a variety of resources available to the University community throughout the year (print, visual, online, etc.).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture and University of Toronto Communications


Last Updated: November 2023


Community and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.2. Consider ways to support cultural and social events organized by the U of T Asian community for holidays, festivals, etc.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost and the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Community and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.3. Explore ongoing, supported spaces and opportunities for Asian employees to connect and foster community with other Asian members of the University, through either an existing or a new affinity group.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Community and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.4. Support student-led initiatives where Asian students, both domestic and international, can share experiences and create community (e.g., Asian Alliance Forum).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President, International and the Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Community and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report6.5. Consider the feasibility of creating multi-purpose spaces on each campus connected to the University’s equity services and programs dedicated to equity-deserving groups and programming.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of Operations and Real Estate Partnerships, the Division People Strategy, Equity & Culture, University of Toronto Mississauga, and University of Toronto Scarborough


Last Updated: November 2023


Community and Belonging
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report7.1. Increase access to culturally appropriate and sensitive student services to support Asian identifying students by:
  • Strengthening understanding of Asian undergraduate and graduate student experiences among student mental health staff;
  • Hiring counsellors and other professionals who can assist in both English and other languages represented by domestic and international Asian identity groups;
  • Expanding Navi to help domestic and international students navigate racism and discrimination resources and services at U of T.


Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Health, Wellness, and Support
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report7.2. Provide and promote culturally appropriate and sensitive mental health and wellness services for Asian staff, faculty, and librarians.



Status Description: Following a formal Request for Proposal process that required potential providers to demonstrate how their services are culturally informed/relevant, and how they will connect individuals to counsellors with diverse lived experiences, the University selected TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) as its new Employee and Family Assistance Program in May 2022. TELUS Health offers an enhanced understanding of EDI as it relates to supporting employee well-being, the ability to match preferred demographics of available counsellors and accommodate more than 200 languages, and an informed approach to cultural training for its counselling team, employees, and leaders that includes training on unconscious bias, micro-inequities, and aggressions. TELUS Health can also assist the University in sourcing mediators and session facilitators with preferred demographics and training.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Health, Wellness, and Support
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report7.3. Explore ways to meet the emotional support needs of Asian-identifying students to relieve the burden on Asian-identifying faculty.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Health, Wellness, and Support
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.1. Boost resources for offices across campuses and divisions that focus on areas of anti-Asian racism (e.g., cultural competency programming).



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture


Last Updated: November 2023


Resources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.2. Explore ways to increase resources for libraries to expand and strengthen library programming about Asia, Asian Canadians, Asian diasporas, and anti-Asian racism.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Resources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.3. Make ad-hoc funding available for student-led initiatives that may arise in response to incidents of anti-Asian racism or other time-sensitive issues of concern for Asian-identifying students.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Resources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.4. Enhance equitable and accessible educational opportunities for international Asian students by analyzing whether existing funding and scholarships available to international Asian students fully meet their financial needs.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost


Last Updated: November 2023


Resources - Funding, Staff, and Research
Anti-Asian Racism Working Group Report8.5. Develop EDI toolkits that explain to users how to apply an EDI lens to work, research, study, and other campus activities and services.



Status Description: The University accepted all recommendations of the Anti-Asian Racism Working Group on May 29, 2023. Updates on progress will be posted as the work moves forward.


Reporting Responsibility: Division of the Vice-President & Provost, the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, and the Division of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives


Last Updated: November 2023


Resources - Funding, Staff, and Research

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