Code Review Stack Exchange Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Movie Barcode Generator

Task I wrote a movie barcode generator in C++ using OpenCV. Self-described engineer, space lover and tea drinker Thomas Poulet defines a movie barcode as follows: A Movie Barcode is the color ...

c++ multithreading opencv  
user avatar asked by Jay Gupta Score of 8
user avatar answered by indi Score of 1

Rudimentary black jack game implementation

I started the 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Bootcamp about a week ago. I finished day 11, and I wrote a rudimentary blackjack game. I'm just looking for some advise on how I did. Am I showing ...

python beginner game playing-cards  
user avatar asked by Wazeewa Score of 7
user avatar answered by toolic Score of 3

GUI Interface for a command line program in C# Windows Forms

I am brand new to C# and this is my first time making a GUI. The program is pretty simple, since I don't have too much knowledge of GHDL. All it does is take the file paths, and generate relevant ...

c# winforms  
user avatar asked by blipblap Score of 6
user avatar answered by J_H Score of 10

Fluent VBA: Two (Almost Three) Years Later

Part 1 - A fluent unit testing framework in VBA: A fluent unit testing framework in VBA Part 2 - Fluent VBA: One Year Later: Fluent VBA: One Year Later Two (almost three) years have now passed since I ...

vba unit-testing fluent-interface  
user avatar asked by Brian Gonzalez Score of 3

First .bat script to update a git branch

update-branch.bat is my first batch script. Its current behavior is update-branch updates the current branch ...

user avatar asked by joseville Score of 3
user avatar answered by RoToRa Score of 2

imgaussfilt Template Function Implementation for Image in C++

This is a follow-up question for im2double and im2uint8 Functions Implementation for Image in C++, conv2 Template Function Implementation for Image in C++ and An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data ...

c++ reinventing-the-wheel image template c++20  
user avatar asked by JimmyHu Score of 3
user avatar answered by Cris Luengo Score of 4

Simple Stack and Deque implementation (v2)

My previous post: Simple Stack and Deque implementation I have implemented 2 classes for my project similar to stack and deque. This is my second attempt to get advice and evaluation of my code. Maybe ...

c++ linked-list stack deque  
user avatar asked by vansergh Score of 2
user avatar answered by ALX23z Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Count number of each char in a String

I know there is a simpler way of doing this, but I just really can't think of it right now. Can you please help me out? ...

java strings  
user avatar asked by statius Score of 16
user avatar answered by Marco Acierno Score of 35

Designing classes and methods for hospital management system

I am working on hospital management system project. I have implemented it using the following design. Is it a good design? I have created four classes: Patient, <...

java object-oriented  
user avatar asked by Malwaregeek Score of 3
user avatar answered by unholysampler Score of 8

Snake game with canvas element code

I created a classic snake game in the canvas element. I have not considered best practices when doing this, I just wanted to finish it first. Now it's time to improve the coding practice. You can ...

javascript html5 canvas snake-game  
user avatar asked by Vignesh Score of 16
user avatar answered by konijn Score of 9

Dropping rows from a PANDAS dataframe where some of the columns have value 0

I am dropping rows from a PANDAS dataframe when some of its columns have 0 value. I got the output by using the below code, but I hope we can do the same with less code — perhaps in a single line. df:...

python pandas  
user avatar asked by pyd Score of 9
user avatar answered by jezrael Score of 13

Bank ATM program

I'm new to Java and have been reading Java for Dummies and other ones as well. I've started building this program like a week ago. I'm sure it's very messy. Just seeing if someone can clean it up and ...

java beginner finance  
user avatar asked by Matt McCarthy Score of 10
user avatar answered by palacsint Score of 10

cm-to-inch calculator

After a few pages reading Learning Python Hard Way, I've decided to try to make a simple cm-to-inch calculator. I am very excited about this achievement, and I want someone to check my code. It works ...

python beginner converting  
user avatar asked by nikola1970 Score of 14
user avatar answered by jonrsharpe Score of 20

Simple Java animation with Swing

I am learning to use Java Swing and have made a simple animation that makes a small shape bounce around the predetermined borders of a panel. The program works well, but I am looking for feedback in ...

java swing animation  
user avatar asked by Jeremy Johnson Score of 25

Can you answer these questions?

Makefile for C project

This is a makefile for a project I'm currently working on. I was wondering, if there was a way to write it more concisely, especially concerning tests and libraries. I would like to maintain the ...

c makefile  
user avatar asked by vdrummer4 Score of 1

Gradient in C++/SFML

As an exercise, I've decided to try my hand at gradients using SFML. To truly make this a learning experience, I didn't look at any resources or papers that described an algorithm for doing so; I ...

c++ sfml c++23  
user avatar asked by Linny Score of 1

Update Member "In Place" within VBA Collection

Background I encountered this issue a while back, where I tried to "set" the value of a member "in place", without changing its position within the ...

vba collections  
user avatar asked by Greg Score of 2
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