symbol for rip currents
symbol for rip currents

Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, trips, and falls can occur on sharp or slippery rocks; or on unstable or slippery logs. A fall can result in a serious injury on the rocks or logs, or a deadly tumble into the cold ocean from a rock cliff.

Sharp, Slippery Rocks

Rocks on the Pacific Rim Region’s coastline are very sharp and extremely slick, even when it isn’t raining. The area between the exposed shoreline and underwater rocks can be very slippery.


Rock Cliffs

Rock cliffs occur on the shoreline near beaches and along trails. In addition to slip, trip, and fall hazards, rock cliffs are a significant hazard and may result in unexpected water entry. Many people who are injured or die in the ocean didn’t even intend to get wet.

How to be CoastSmart