How the weather affects fireworks vibrancy and tips to stay safe this 4th of July

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SYRACUSE, N.Y. - The 4th of July is nearly a week away and firework shows are gearing up for their big night! However, the weather will play an important role on what the fireworks will look like.

The four main weather factors that will affect viewing conditions are wind, clear skies, dry air, and warm temperatures.

First, the wind needs to be just right, not too strong or too light. This is because the wind helps carry away the smoke between each firework explosion. If the wind is too light, then the smoke isn't blown away and it can cloud up the view of the fireworks. If the wind is too strong, it can pull the firework off course when it is shot into the sky and bend the explosion, so it looks warped instead of a perfect circle. Also, strong wind can cause a safety hazard at the surface if it prevents the firework from being shot straight up into the sky.

Clear skies are best for viewing fireworks because it creates a black background which helps the firework colors pop out against. Cloudy skies can drown out the colors of the fireworks making them look duller. Also, humid air can affect the vibrancy of fireworks, because the water vapor scatters light, and the colors will look more faded. This is why low humidity and dry air are best for firework viewing. Warm air can help the fireworks shoot higher in the sky and the smoke to rise away faster instead of settling at the ground.

If you plan on buying any sparklers to use at home on the 4th of July, here's some safety tips. Remember, light one at a time and only light it outside. If you are going to let children use them, watch them at all times, or only put the sparkler in the ground instead of letting them hold one. When you are done, even when the sparkler looks like it is out, always extinguish in a bucket of water to prevent any fires. Keep in mind, 25% of emergency room visits from firework injuries are specifically from sparklers burns. Stay safe this 4th of July!

For a look ahead to the forecast for 4th of July and updates each day, CLICK HERE!

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