TOYOTA HS ATHLETES OF THE WEEK: Jamesville-Dewitt boys lacrosse is a team of brothers

The playoff roster for Jamesville-Dewitt boys varsity lacrosse features four pairs of brothers and is coached by brothers Jamie and Dave Archer. (Photo by CNY Central)
The playoff roster for Jamesville-Dewitt boys varsity lacrosse features four pairs of brothers and is coached by brothers Jamie and Dave Archer. (Photo by CNY Central)
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Another year, another deep playoff run for Jamesville-Dewitt boys lacrosse....and the Red Rams are a team of brothers in more ways than one.

On Wednesday, the Red Rams bulldozed Honeoye Falls-Lima 22-7 in the Class C state semifinals adding to the legacy of one of the best high school lacrosse programs in central New York.

"We've been playing together ever since we were born," said junior Luke Patchen. He isn't exaggerating- the Red Rams playoff roster features four sets of brothers: Luke and Miles Patchen, Carson and Cameron Corona, Samuel and Lucas Brazell, and Graham and Brody Kesselring.

"We're best friends on and off the field, he knows what I'm gonna do, I know what he's gonna do, we just make a great team out there," said senior Carson Corona. His younger brother agrees.

"Not only is it fun, but it's good to have somebody that can keep me accountable. It's a lot easier to do harder work when you know it's your brother and not just your friend," said junior Cameron Corona.

"We have a special connection," said senior star Graham Kesselring of his junior brother Brody.

The family connections don't stop there. Former SU men's lacrosse star All American Jamie Archer, longtime head coach of the Red Rams, leads the program alongside his brother Dave, who coaches the JV team.

"He loves the sport just like I do, and it's been fun to just have family there all the time," said Archer, a 2023 inductee into the Greater Syracuse Sports Hall of Fame. "We're close."

All four sets of brothers were on the field at the same time in J-D's regional title win over Ogdensburg Free Academy, providing a special moment for their families.

"It's kind of like everything you've ever wanted, looking up to your brother everyday, and finally just getting to be on the same team with him is pretty cool," said freshman Lucas Brazell of his senior brother Sam.

For many of the siblings, it's one of the final times that they'll share the lacrosse field.

"Especially since some of the brothers are seniors and freshman, this is probably the only chance they'll get to ever play with each other," said Archer. "It's kind of fun to be able to do that, and we've had a great line of brothers come through this program."

The Red Rams say that even those who are not blood related on the team are a part of the family.

"We're all brothers on the field, but we're also brothers off the field," said Graham Kesselring. "It brings a lot of chemistry, we all love each other."

UP NEXT: J-D will face Bayport-Blue Point in the Class C state championship game on Saturday, June 8. The game is set slated to start at 5:30 p.m. and will be played at Hofstra University. Fans can pay to stream the game at

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