Toyota High School Athlete of the Week: Bella Mondello, Marcellus girls softball

Bella Mondello persevered through offseason shoulder surgery to come back and dominate this season on the mound and in the batter's box for Marcellus softball. Photo by CNY Central{p}{/p}
Bella Mondello persevered through offseason shoulder surgery to come back and dominate this season on the mound and in the batter's box for Marcellus softball. Photo by CNY Central

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One of the most dominant pitchers in Section-III girls softball this season wasn't able to throw a pitch until just weeks before the season started.

Bella Mondello, the senior star of Marcellus softball, underwent shoulder surgery last fall that left her unsure on if she would fully recover for her senior season.

"It was a very different offseason for her," said coach Lisa Machlachlan. "She couldn't pitch until late February/early March...and we weren't sure what her stamina would be."

Mondello had a breakout junior season on the mound in 2023 that included 220 strikeouts and just 21 earned runs in 104 innings pitched. Despite the offseason surgery, she's back to her old self and then some, mowing down opposing Section-III hitters weekly.

"I surprised myself," said Mondello. "I honestly didn't realize I'd be able to get back so fast, but with PT and rehab and everything I was able to get back."

Last month, she threw a no-hitter against Cazenovia that saw her strike out an astounding 17 batters. She credits that game with helping to get her confidence back.

"It was very special to me...especially because of the surgery, to just see I was able to get back to how I was before," she said.

This season, Mondello has given up just nine earned runs so far. She's a threat at the plate as well, hitting a home run to deep center field in Tuesday night's 12-3 win over Skaneateles. The dual-threat has led the Lady Mustangs to sit atop their division and earn a rank of the 5th best team in Class B statewide.

"We know that when Bella's on the mound, we're going to be in any game," said Maclachlan. "And then, the icing on the cake- she hits the ball over the fence and helps herself offensively, we'll take that too."

Graduation is quickly approaching for the senior, who will take her talents over to Utica next season to play for the SUNY Polytechnic Institute, where she will pursue a career in nursing. But not before she takes the mound a few more times for the Lady Mustangs, and pursues the postseason and a Class B Section-III title, a mark she achieved with Marcellus in 2021 and 2022.

"She's an example on and off the mound, and the younger girls look up to her," said Machlachlan. "She's really matured. She's been with us since she was a freshman, and just to see her grow into a young lady now...she's ready to go off to college and move on to the next level and make Marcellus proud."

Congratulations to Bella on being named CNY Central's Toyota High School Athlete of the Week!

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