Family: Online fundraisers for 17-year-old teen killed in Utica are fake

Family: Online fundraisers for 17-year-old teen killed by Cicero man are fake (MGN Online, Devins/William Family)
Family: Online fundraisers for 17-year-old teen killed by Cicero man are fake (MGN Online, Devins/William Family)
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The family of Bianca Devins, the 17-year-old teen from Utica whose murder was shared across social media, has put out a statement cautioning everyone that online fundraisers in their daughter's name are fake.

READ MORE: Bridgeport man charged with murder of 17-year-old social media star from Utica

An official donation site in Bianca's name has been set up here. All donations will go towards a scholarship fund for local students.

Their full statement can be read below:

The Family of Bianca Devins would like to inform the public that our Family has not, at this time, authorized or set up internet or other fund-raising or donation sites for Bianca or in Bianca’s name.
Unfortunately, there are some fund-raising sites that have been put up on the internet purporting to be raising funds for Bianca and these are not legitimate sites.
The Devins/Williams Family will be setting up a donation site in Bianca’s name as a scholarship program for local students. At the proper time this will be made public and specifically be approved by the Devins/Williams Family

READ MORE:Utica social media star's murder shared on subculture forums where she gained fame

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