


Shanghai,Shanghai 16,953 位关注者



Moët Hennessy Moët Hennessy, the sector of Wines and Spirits of LVMH Group, is one of the global leaders in premium wines and spirits market with 27 iconic houses. Many of our Maisons are centuries-old Houses with a unique character and are synonymous with the most prestigious origins and terroirs. We are recognized for the premium quality of our products, our constant pursuit of excellence and innovation, and the embodiment of the French art de vivre. Moët Hennessy Diageo China China is the second biggest market for Moët Hennessy. Moët Hennessy Diageo China is a joint venture between Moët Hennessy and Diageo. Established in Shanghai back in 2002, MHDC operates 10 offices spanning over 50 cities in the market. The company markets and distributes an unrivalled portfolio of quality and premium wines and spirits from Cognac (Hennessy), Champagnes (Moët & Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, Dom Pérignon, Armand De Brignac, Krug, Ruinart), Single Malt Whiskies (Glenmorangie, Ardbeg), Blended Whiskies (Johnnie Walker Red Label/Black Label), Vodka (Belvedere), Tequila (X.A), Wines (Cloudy Bay, Minuty, Château d'Esclans, Terrazas de los Andes, Ao Yun, Numanthia, Joseph Phelps, Mouton Cadet, Mapu) and Sparkling Wines (Chandon). Moët Hennessy has been committed to long-term development in China, with one winery in Deqin in the Yunnan province producing wines for Ao Yun and the other one in Yinchuan in the Ningxia province dedicated to the production of premium sparkling wine for Chandon. Hennessy’s first flagship retail store establishment in Asia was inaugurated at Taikoo Li Qiantan in Shanghai, with the design concept of “Crafted by Men, Forged by Time”. Offering a comprehensive array of Hennessy products, including limited editions, the flagship store is poised to introduce a new era of opulent retail experiences in Shanghai by taking consumers on a journey through the unique world of cognac and the Hennessy brand. Please drink responsibly.

201-500 人
Whisky、Vodka、Premium Drinks、Marketing、Innovation、Premium Wines and Spirits Supplier、Super Premium、Wines、Champagne、Sparkling Wines、Cognac和Spirits


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    36F , Tower 2, Plaza 66 1266 Nan Jing Road West





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    At Moët Hennessy Diageo China, we celebrate culture exchange and partnership.   In celebration of the 60th anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic relations, MHD China has participated in a number of industry celebration events with a shared pursuit of art de vivre among both cultures.   Celebrating ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP: At the CCI France Chine 2024 Gala held in Shanghai on 24 May, LVMH was awarded the “FRANCE-CHINE 60 ANS DE RELATIONS DIPLOMATIQUES TROPHÉE D'HONNEUR” in recognition of the group's impact on the relationships between two countries.   Marc-Antoine Jamet, Secretary General of LVMH, highlighted Hennessy’s connection with Maotai in his acceptance speech for the win-win exchange between two of the leading alcohol brands— in France and China respectively— and our long-term commitment towards both culture and economy.   Celebrating CULTURE CONNECTION: Some of our exceptional products, including Hennessy, Moët & Chandon and Mouton Cadet were served at both the CCI France Chine Gala as well as the Europe Day celebration held earlier this month at the Consulate General of Belgium in Shanghai, crafting bespoke experiences to hundreds of attendees.   Please drink responsibly. 酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧(MHD)中国以酒载情,于多元层面共话中法厚谊。   2024年正逢中法建交60周年,MHD作为LVMH旗下葡萄酒及烈酒事业部,参与了多项行业庆典与活动,为中法友谊举杯,敬经济合作,敬文化交融。   经济合作的篇章,以共创谱佳话——5月24日,在上海举行的中国法国工商会2024年会晚宴上,路威酩轩(LVMH)集团荣膺“中法建交60周年荣誉奖”,以表彰其对促进双边关系的卓越贡献。路威酩轩(LVMH)集团秘书长Marc-Antoine Jamet在获奖致辞中特别提到了轩尼诗与茅台的交流,展现了我们对促进中法文化与经济交流的长远期许。   文化交流的舞台,以美酒献赞歌——MHD旗下部分品牌包括轩尼诗、酩悦香槟与木桐嘉棣,鼎力支持中法欢庆时刻,不仅在中国法国工商会晚宴中为嘉宾开启赏味时刻,还于本月早前在比利时驻上海总领事馆举办的欧洲日庆典中,为数百名宾客敬献非凡佳酿,为和平与团结共同举杯。   【请理性享用美酒】

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    What does “being bold and courageous” mean to you in life and at work?   In celebration of #internationalwomensday (IWD), MHD China participated in the “Courageous Leadership: Stories of Being Bold and Daring” Forum organized by EllesVMH China, featuring women leaders from across LVMH Maisons.   Echoing the theme of “being BOLD”, Veuve Clicquot was featured as the cocktail of the event. The BOLD by Veuve Clicquot program supports women entrepreneurs and gives them a voice, encouraging future generations to be even more audacious.      Launched in 2007, EllesVMH is committed to the professional development of women through a variety of actions, fostering Gender Equity with tangible results: the percentage of women in key positions at LVMH is 46%. Moreover, 65% of our Executives & Managers are women and 18 women are CEOs.   Let’s raise a glass of Veuve Clicquot to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and all the BOLD women around the world! #diversity #equity #inclusion #iwd2024 #lvmh #genderequity #veuveclicquot #lagrandedame   [Please drink responsibly]     在生活与工作中,“勇敢”对于你来说意味着什么? 今年国际妇女节,EllesVMH中国社群主题活动聚焦:勇敢无畏领导力,来自LVMH集团多位非凡女性真诚讲述有关勇气的故事。 “凯歌夫人“熠耀现场。 “凯歌先锋女性计划”传承BOLD精神,激励女性敢为不凡,大胆追求事业和梦想。 自2007年LVMH集团创立EllesVMH以来,社群持续关注女性发展,并为女性员工的职业成长提供支持与帮助。LVMH始终为女性提供璀璨闪耀的舞台,全球核心岗位中,女性员工占比已达46%。其中,管理层女性占比高达65%,更有18位女性菁英担任首席执行官。 用一杯凯歌香槟,致敬多元与包容,致敬女性力量! 【请理性享用美酒】

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  • 查看酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧中国的公司主页,图片

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    Maison Hennessy's unwavering relationship with China is grounded in 163 years of shared history. As a testimony of its commitment to mutual enrichment through art and culture, Maison Hennessy has been a proud sponsor of the Yishu8 Golden Phoenix Prize for Chinese Handicraft since 2020. Through the selection of young Chinese craft artists and a specific theme every year, the prize promotes outstanding traditional Chinese culture. This year, the Yishu8 Golden Phoenix 2023 award for Chinese contemporary art has been given to Yao Bangliang, a lacquer artist who studied at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, which gave him the opportunity to experience a 5-day immersion in Cognac and discover our Maison's history and savoir-faire. [Please drink responsibly] 轩尼诗与中国的联系源远流长,这份深厚的情谊已经跨越了163年的时光。多年来,轩尼诗致力于通过艺术与文化的桥梁深化中法交流。自2020年起,轩尼诗持续支持智慧之手-金凤台·艺术8奖项,该奖项旨在每年表彰一位中国手工艺传承人,弘扬中华优秀传统文化。 2023年智慧之手-金凤台·艺术8奖项由毕业于广州美术学院的姚邦亮获得。他受邀前往干邑地区进行为期5天的深度交流,了解轩尼诗的悠久历史和精湛工艺,庆祝中法文化的联结。 【请理性享用美酒】


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    La Maison Hennessy entretient depuis 163 ans des relations priviliégiées avec la Chine. Depuis 2019, chaque année, Hennessy soutient le prix Yishu8 Golden Phoenix, récompensant un artiste chinois en l’invitant à résider 5 jours à Cognac, et à découvrir le savoir-faire de la Maison, célébrant ainsi le lien entre les cultures française et chinoise. Cette année, le prix Yishu8 Golden Phoenix 2023 pour l'art contemporain chinois a été remis à Yao Bangliang, un artiste diplômé de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Guangzhou spécialisé dans l'art de la laque. - Maison Hennessy's unwavering relationship with China is grounded in 163 years of shared history. As a testimony of its commitment to mutual enrichment through art and culture, Maison Hennessy has been a proud sponsor of the Yishu8 Golden Phoenix Prize for Chinese Handicraft since 2020. Through the selection of young Chinese craft artists and a specific theme every year, the prize promotes outstanding traditional Chinese culture. This year, the Yishu8 Golden Phoenix 2023 award for Chinese contemporary art has been given to Yao Bangliang, a lacquer artist who studied at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, which gave him the opportunity to experience a 5-day immersion in Cognac and discover our Maison's history and savoir-faire. #Hennessy #MoetHennessy #Cognac #lvmh #Yishu8 Please drink responsibly. L’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération.

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  • 查看酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧中国的公司主页,图片

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    At Moët Hennessey, we are committed to providing enriching opportunities for our talents to craft their careers.   Moët Hennessey Diageo China (MHDC) recently concluded its 1st cohort of the Emerging Talent Acceleration program with 7 talents from marketing, sales and ecommerce functions to share their growth and learnings through team presentations.   Spanning over 2 years, the MHDC Emerging Talent Acceleration program included 1,000 hours of training; and covered several key company-wide cultural initiatives including “short term assignment” on cross-function collaboration; “call me by my name” to promote diversity and inclusion; and representing MHDC at various industry events including LVMH’s Youth Talk at the China International Import Expo.   Congratulations to the 7 talents, as we continue to craft more development opportunities to unlock the possibilities of our talents! [Please drink responsibly]   酩悦轩尼诗(MH)致力于为员工提供丰富的机会,酩造精彩职旅。   酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧(MHD)中国Emerging Talent Acceleration 项目首期课程近期成功收官。7位来自市场、销售以及电商部门的同事通过团队汇报,分享项目成长心得和收获。   MHD中国Emerging Talent Acceleration项目开展两年期间,包含1,000小时培训时间,以及开展了一系列活动,包括跨部门合作的短期派遣;提倡多元与包容的“Call me by my name”;以及代表公司参与中国国际进口博览会LVMH论坛等一系列行业活动。   MHD中国持续为员工打造五彩职旅。酩造,更多可能! 【请理性享用美酒】

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    MHD China is honored to be awarded the “LinkedIn MostIn – Global Talent Magnet Employer” Award. This recognition, based on LinkedIn's 1-billion-member database and analyzed by their data science team in terms of company talent and content engagement, is a testament to MHD China’s favorability in engaging talents globally. Come and explore the possibilities with MHD China! 【Please drink responsibly】 MHD中国荣获2023年度⎾领英 MostIn 全球化企业人才管理-- 全球人才吸引力雇主⏌奖。此奖项是领英数据科学团队根据全球10亿会员大数据,分析了过去一年内中国企业通过领英平台人才以及内容互动两方面的真实数据和相关成果,表彰对全球成熟人才具有极强吸引力的雇主品牌。酩造,更多可能! 【请理性享用美酒】 #MHDChina #ohthepossibilities

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    Hennessy, alongside 11 Maisons of the LVMH group, participated in the 2023 edition of the China International Import Exhibition (CIIE) in Shanghai, China from 5-10 Nov. Under the theme of “Our Know-How, a Cultural Heritage,” Hennessy was proud to trace its presence in China back over 160 years, to 1859, when the first shipment of Hennessy cognac arrived in Shanghai, China. Hennessy’s President and CEO, Laurent Boillot participated in a panel underscoring the profound cultural bond shared between the Maison and China, emphasizing its dedication to local cultural initiatives and environmental conservation efforts. At the Hennessy booth, visitors were immersed into an animated experience around Hennessy X.O, Hennessy Paradis and Hennessy V.S.O.P. They were also able to discover the Hennessy Chinese New Year artist collaborations from 2018 to 2024, as well as Hennessy’s global initiative, Forest Destination with a focus on two projects currently supported in China. 【Please drink responsibly】 11月5日至11月10日,路威酩轩(LVMH)集团携手包括轩尼诗等一众12个代表性品牌,以“匠心艺术,文化遗产”为主题,共同亮相上海2023年中国国际进口博览会(CIIE)。 轩尼诗与中国的情缘始于160多年前——1859年,第一批轩尼诗干邑运抵上海,一段“世纪传说”自此开启。 轩尼诗总裁兼首席执行官Laurent Boillot出席了论坛,讲述轩尼诗与中国广博深厚的文化联结,着重阐述品牌对本地文化艺术和环境保护事业的倾力支持。 在轩尼诗展台,参观者开启了一场关于轩尼诗X.O、轩尼诗百乐廷和轩尼诗V.S.O.P的沉浸式视觉体验。同时,参观者亦了解了品牌2018年至2024年与艺术家合作推出的春节联名系列,以及轩尼诗在全球推出的“‘植’此青绿计划 Forest Destination”和目前已在中国启动的两个重点支持计划。 【请理性享用美酒】

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    At Moët Hennessy Diageo (MHD) China, we celebrate the diversity of cultures and connections, which echoes our values of SHARING and EPICUREANISM, and the experiences that our products bring to consumers. In celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival, one of China’s most important traditional holidays, MHD China crafted a blended virtual & physical experience for our colleagues nationwide. Under the theme of “Acceleration and Connection”, our offices were decorated with customized festive elements where our colleagues participated in a fingerboard competition and the Moët & Chandon X Shanghai Masters tennis Switch game. The experience was expanded to online for all to join an engaging skateboard game through a QR code on the MHD exclusive Mid-Autumn gift package. Taking this occasion, we wish you and your family a joyous Mid-Autumn Festival! 【Please drink responsibly】 在酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧(MHD)中国,我们秉承“优享”和“优乐”价值观,庆祝不同文化的多元融合与人际连结,正如我们的产品——庆祝每一个相聚时刻。 中秋佳节之际,MHD中国以“跃入佳境”为主题,为全国同事精心策划了一场融合虚拟与现实的独特体验。办公室中秋元素到位,搭配桌上指尖滑板挑战以及酩悦香槟X上海网球大师赛的Switch互动游戏。节日体验不止于此,线上同样互动感十足!同事们还通过MHD独家中秋礼盒上的QR码,参与了有趣的线上滑板游戏。 在这圆月当空之际,我们向您和您的家人送上最诚挚的祝福,愿您中秋快乐,阖家幸福安康! 【请理性享用美酒】

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