
The first business of Alibaba Group, Alibaba.com (www.alibaba.com) is the leading platform for global wholesale trade serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world. Through Alibaba.com, small businesses can sell their products to companies in other countries. Sellers on Alibaba.com are typically manufacturers and distributors based in China and other manufacturing countries such as India, Pakistan, the United States and Thailand. Our Mission As part of the Alibaba Group, our mission is to make it easy to do business anywhere. We do this by giving suppliers the tools necessary to reach a global audience for their products, and by helping buyers find products and suppliers quickly and efficiently. One-Stop Sourcing Alibaba.com brings you hundreds of millions of products in over 40 different major categories, including consumer electronics, machinery and apparel. Buyers for these products are located in 190+ countries and regions, and exchange hundreds of thousands of messages with suppliers on the platform each day. Anytime, Anywhere As a platform, we continue to develop services to help businesses do more and discover new opportunities. Whether it’s sourcing from your mobile phone or contacting suppliers in their local language, turn to Alibaba.com for all your global business needs.

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B2B、e-commerce、small business、sourcing、entrepreneur、Buying: http://bit.ly/VEX1Zl和Selling: http://bit.ly/XWn91y




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    This isn’t just another webinar—it’s your lifeline in the world of #productsourcing. If you’re struggling to find reliable suppliers or don’t know where to start, don’t miss this! Our Marketing Expert Stella Shen will guide you through "Unlocking Alibaba: Your Step-by-Step Procurement Guide." 📅 Monday, 8 July 2024 ⏰ 7 pm CET / 1 pm EDT 💻 Online via Zoom 👉 Join us and Register now! https://lnkd.in/dFmCGEkC

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    Insights on B2B marketing from our Head of Marketing at Alibaba.com 📈

    查看Rah Mahtani的档案,图片

    Head of Marketing, NA at Alibaba.com

    Coming from consumer marketing into B2B was a new world for me. I spent a lot of time thinking through the differences between working with influencers in B2B vs B2C. There are a few ways that I changed my approach and thinking about B2B influencers: 1️⃣ Their reach might be lower but their sphere of influence can be even greater since they are often experts in their field or area of business. 2️⃣ Influencers in B2B can be anyone from business owners themselves, to industry thought leaders, to journalists, to power users of your product/services. 3️⃣ There's always room for humor, but real use-cases that provide meaningful solutions or benefits to the audience is the way to go. At Alibaba.com we just wrapped up an influencer push with our agency partner The Goat Agency during our HUGE March Expo (think: the ultimate online trade show for all things innovative products at amazing prices). We teamed up with 24 business owner influencers to create unboxing-style content. Many of them have ongoing relationships with our brand. Thanks to PRWeek for covering our campaign! Eric Berger #B2BMarketing #InfluencerMarketing

    Inside Alibaba’s online trade fair

    Inside Alibaba’s online trade fair


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    查看Stella Shen的档案,图片

    Marketing Expert at Alibaba.com

    🚀 Excited to be the guest 🚀 😎 Having spent 7 years at Alibaba and worked with thousands of factories, I’ve gained invaluable insights into effective product sourcing. If you’re struggling to find reliable suppliers or just unsure where to start, you don’t want to miss this! 👏 This is your chance to learn directly from my experiences and streamline your sourcing process. 📅 Date: Monday, 8 July 2024 ⏰ Time: 7 pm CET / 1 pm EDT 💻 Place: Online via Zoom 👉 Join us and take your sourcing game to the next level. Register now and don’t miss out! https://lnkd.in/dFmCGEkC See you there! #Alibaba #ProductSourcing #Webinar #GlobalTrade #Ecommerce

    查看Yulia Blinova  余莉的档案,图片

    Founder Zignify Global Product Sourcing / Co-Founder Maennersache.rocks BEST German Male Skincare (bio aloe vera base no water BS) / Keynote Speaker

    Struggling to find reliable suppliers or just unsure where to start on Alibaba.com 😰 I get it. Navigating the world of product sourcing can be a maze of confusion, stress, and uncertainty. But what if I told you there's a way to make this process easier and more efficient? Join me for our FREE webinar, Unlocking Alibaba: Your Step-by-Step Procurement Guide. This isn't just another webinar—it's a lifeline for those lost in the #productsourcing world. 🔹Date: Monday, 8 July 2024, 🔹Time: 7 pm CET / 1 pm EDT 🔹Place: ONLINE via Zoom: Register now: https://lnkd.in/dFmCGEkC 🔹Cost: FREE Why Should I Attend? Imagine this: You’ve just registered on Alibaba, but your profile isn’t attracting high-quality suppliers. Or, you’re endlessly scrolling, unable to find the products that meet your needs. 😤 Sound familiar? This is exactly where we come in. Here's what we'll cover: ➡️Steps to Register an Alibaba Account. ➡️Understanding the Platform. ➡️Sourcing Tips and Best Practices. ➡️How to request samples before placing a large order. ➡️Tips on arranging quality inspections. ➡️How to check supplier credentials ➡️How to avoid typical buyer pitfalls and learn strategies to handle disputes with sellers. .........and so much more. You'll also discover how Zignify Global Product Sourcing can assist with quality checks, order placement, logistics, and shipping. 🚚 Also, we will have an interactive Q&A session to answer all your questions. 👉 Ready to transform your sourcing game? Register now! https://lnkd.in/dFmCGEkC Looking forward to seeing you there. It's a date 😉

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    查看The Goat Agency的公司主页,图片

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    Read all about it! 🗞️ We've been featured in PRWeek for our work with Alibaba.com 🎉 Tasked with raising awareness for March Expo, we collaborated with 24 fantastic KOLs to create 30 unique unboxing content pieces across Instagram and TikTok. Each KOL showcased a specific product, aligning with their style and interests, ensuring authenticity and relevance for their audiences. Shoutout to everyone involved in this incredible campaign! 🙌 🔗 Read more about our work here: https://loom.ly/YcSPeNU #InfluencerMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #ContentCreators

    Inside Alibaba’s online trade fair

    Inside Alibaba’s online trade fair


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    🔥 More speakers are coming to #CoCreate2024. Use code "LISAVE" to enjoy an additional 20% discount on your ticket! Only 10 limited offers available: https://bit.ly/4chEsbf Accelerate your business growth with insights and strategies from our top industry experts: Jennifer Kennedy Founder, HoneyBug Tested & Proven: Simplified Strategies for Success on Alibaba.com Vivek Ramchandani Rama, Director of Digital, Superline Wholesale From Zero to Hero: How to Make Your Brand Go Viral Jules Weldon, Owner of OME Gear and founder of BoldSKY Foundation The Power of Funding Women Entrepreneurs Andrew Zheng VP, Alibaba.com Navigating the Global Supply Chain Landscape

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    查看Jules Weldon的档案,图片

    Co-Founder/CEO OME Gear | Creator of Innovative Outdoor Products | Podcast Host | TEDx Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Champion Women Inventors | Investor

    When stacey and I started this OME Gear journey years ago, it was only in our wildest dreams to think we'd be invited to be on Alibaba.com's main stage for the largest annual conference they host. But this is the true, and beautiful, power of resilience, resoluteness, and relationships. Resilience - we haven't given up. Despite feeling like we're climbing a massive mountain, in the freezing cold, naked, with thousands of iceballs being consistently hurled at us... we've kept climbing. Even when people thought we were crazy and had every reason to go back to base camp, we've pressed on. Resoluteness - somewhere along this journey, we purposed in our hearts that we would see this thing through to success. Often times, this resolve was the only thing that kept us continuing to put one foot in front of the other. Relationships - these are, and always will be, paramount to us. Deep gratitude to Carmine Denisco for the intro to Alexander Tsai, who introduced us to Rah Mahtani and Ciara Cristo. This Alibaba team is first class and we look forward to continuing to build a true friendship with each of them. Our topic will be "The Power of Funding Women" - a topic that is near and dear to our hearts because it's affected us in so many ways. So much so that we've started a non-profit, BoldSKY Foundation, to help other female inventors. The need is great. We'd love for you to join us at the conference and lucky enough, we've been given a code to save you some $$$. 🙌 Just go to this link - https://lnkd.in/epT3GHxx - and enter the code "boldsky" to save you 10% off of General Admission, and 20% off Premium and VIP tickets. It's invites like this that make the mountain climbing worth it. 💪 💙 #alibaba #speakers #founderstory #womenowned #entrepreneurship #neverquit #chaseyourdream #inventors #femalefounder

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    查看Kuo Zhang的档案,图片

    President, Alibaba.com

    Today marks Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (MSME) Day. I recently joined a discussion at the United Nations International Trade Centre with James Howe. James asked me an important question: "How to make sure MSMEs in developing countries are not left behind in the era of AI?" One thing was clear: AI is accelerating the growth of global supply chains and MSMEs. On our platform alone we’ve seen: ●     Adoption of our AI tools by approx. 30,000 businesses ●     10 of the top 20 countries with the most frequent use of our AI tools are developing nations ● Businesses using our AI tools saw a 37% increase in product exposure ●     Optimization suggestions from Alibaba.com AI tools are accepted 70% of the time by businesses using our technology I also joined a panel at the World Trade Organization's bi-annual Global Review of Aid for Trade and a conversation with four MSMEs from countries around the world to celebrate the progress we’ve made over these past few years and look ahead to what’s next. We at Alibaba.com know the importance of ensuring that MSMEs worldwide—particularly in developing nations—have access to cutting-edge technology. This is why we’re aiming to expand our global supplier base to cover 100,000 suppliers in the next three years and will hold approx. 300 events and seminars in developing nations. In a nutshell, we’re building a global supply chain by and for MSMEs leveraging AI. Read more about our efforts here: https://lnkd.in/gW_EQt-R #MSMEDay #AI #GlobalTrade #Entrepreneur #B2B #Alibaba #developingcountries

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    2024 MSME Day Live streaming: This livestreaming will discuss the challenges faced by E-commerce small businesses and how AI can help them survive and win in the global market. This session is part of the WTO’s 9th Global Review of Aid for Trade, and also part of the MSME day celebration. Register and get ready to pick the brains of some of the best practitioners in global trade!!! Date and Time: 26th June 2024, 12:00 - 13:00(CEST) Geneva, Switzerland, the WTO headquarter.

