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  • World Seminar 2024 Registration Is Open!

    Sept. 27-Oct. 2, 2024 | St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA

  • For Over 30 Years...

    ...We've Been Changing the World of Mental Health!

    Members of Gibraltar Clubhouse
  • WANA Webinars: Sharing Best Practices

    Watch Our Most Recent Webinars!

    Members of Mosaic Clubhouse, London
  • Employment Programs Help Prevent Isolation

    Helping Clubhouse Members Find Work and Wellness

  • 1 in 4 people worldwide has a mental illness.

    If we had more Clubhouses, we could do so much more.

    Work Ordered Day at Clubhouse De Waterheuvel, Amsterdam
  • Do you know someone who is living with mental illness?

    Clubhouses can help change their lives.

    Community and Fellowship at Mosaic Clubhouse, England
  • Mental illness can strike when you least expect it.

    Tour a Clubhouse now to see how Clubhouses can help.

    Food Service at Vail Place Clubhouse, Minnesota USA

Creating Community:
Driving Growth in Mental Illness Recovery

There simply are not enough resources today for everyone with a mental illness who needs help. It’s a crisis situation and the numbers are growing. We are a non-profit organization that helps start and grow Clubhouses globally where people can go to get their lives back.

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What's New

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breaking news

World Seminar 2024: Registration Is Now Open!

Watch the Video Here!

our community speaks

Who We Are: Our Mission and Our Work. Our Community Speaks Out.

Learn More Here!

Clubhouse International Celebrates its 30th Anniversary This Year!

Clubhouse International, the only global non-profit organization that helps communities around the world create sustainable solutions for mental illness, celebrates its 30th Anniversary in 2024. Download our press release, or browse our online brochure to learn more about how we save lives through our global Clubhouse network, increase visibility and understanding of the Clubhouse Model, and much more!

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Clubhouse Week of Action 2024

Celebrating May as Mental Health Awareness Month, Clubhouse International and Fountain House collaborated on the Clubhouse Week of Action 2024 (May 18-21). It was a great success! Clubhouses across 18 states hosted over 40 actions in support of our communities and model. Click here to learn about some of the activites and here to see where these clubhouses are located across the U.S. Read our joint press release here.

Click Here to Learn More!

New Clubhouse Research Supports Advocacy

NEW! Transforming Lives: Clubhouse Impact Report, summarizing the most compelling research on the Clubhouse Model, is now available! This visual report integrates findings from 15 rigorous, peer-reviewed studies conducted between 1999 and 2021 into an integrated theory of change, shown in the image above created by Dr. Joy Agner and her team at the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, USA. Click here to learn how to download and customize this invaluable advocacy tool!

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Clubhouse Model Included in WHO Guidance on Mental Health Services

Clubhouse Model Orientation Program Image

Clubhouse International welcomes and supports the launch of the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centered and rights-based approaches. We are pleased that the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation is included in the WHO guidance and technical packages, and that our Training Center, Phoenix Clubhouse in Hong Kong, is identified as an example of community-based mental health services that are following good practices.

View Latest Update Here!

recent articles/research

There is significant research substantiating the effectiveness of the Clubhouse Model and the added benefits of Clubhouse Accreditation. New research is continually available: visit our research page at https://clubhouse-intl.org/what-we-do/research/ to learn more.

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career opportunities

Commerce Park Clubhouse seeks Clubhouse Rehabilitation Associate

Position based in Williamsport, PA

Hidden River Clubhouse seeks Driver

Position based in Pottsville, PA

Our Impact

how your donation is used

Program Services
*Statistics for 2020

proven model works everywhere

Global Logo

people/year are reached by 320 Clubhouses in 30+ countries

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jobs stats people

employment rate at Accredited Clubhouses annually – double the rate for people in the public mental health system

cost effective

dollar sign

One year of holistic recovery services are delivered to Clubhouse members for the same cost as a 2-week psychiatric hospital stay

reduced incarcerations

Criminal Justice System

Criminal justice system involvement is substantially diminished during and after Clubhouse membership

Donate Today to Help

Donate Today to Help

Clubhouses powerfully demonstrate that people with mental illness can and do lead productive, happy lives. Each Clubhouse we open touches +/- 500 people in need!

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Open a Clubhouse

Help ensure that people living with mental illness in your area have a place to go and support to find jobs, education, housing and a new lease on life.

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Find a Clubhouse Near You

Imagine if you had a place to go where you felt accepted, understood, hopeful AND that helped you get a job, go back to school or find a home. That is what Clubhouses offer.

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