Berikan instruksi yang jelas dan spesifik

Memberikan petunjuk kepada model tentang apa yang harus dilakukan adalah cara yang efektif dan efisien untuk menyesuaikan perilaku model. Berikan petunjuk yang jelas, singkat, dan terarah, dengan memberikan konteks yang diperlukan dan menguraikan output yang diinginkan. Petunjuk bisa sesederhana daftar petunjuk langkah demi langkah atau serumit memetakan pengalaman dan pola pikir pengguna.

Poin utama strategi ini adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Berikan petunjuk kepada model tentang hal yang harus dilakukan.
  • Buat instruksi yang jelas dan spesifik.
  • Tentukan batasan atau persyaratan pemformatan untuk output.

Menentukan tugas yang akan dilakukan

Jelaskan secara mendetail tugas yang Anda inginkan untuk dilakukan model. Perintah berikut memberi tahu model untuk meringkas blok teks:

Summarize this text.
Text: A quantum computer exploits quantum mechanical phenomena to perform calculations exponentially
faster than any modern traditional computer. At very tiny scales, physical matter acts as both
particles and as waves, and quantum computing uses specialized hardware to leverage this behavior.
The operating principles of quantum devices is beyond the scope of classical physics. When deployed
at scale, quantum computers could be used in a wide variety of applications such as: in
cybersecurity to break existing encryption methods while helping researchers create new ones, in
meteorology to develop better weather forecasting etc. However, the current state of the art quantum
computers are still largely experimental and impractical.
Quantum computers utilize quantum mechanical phenomena to perform computations significantly faster
than traditional computers. By exploiting the particle-wave duality of matter at tiny scales,
quantum computers leverage specialized hardware to solve problems beyond classical physics.
Potential applications include breaking encryption, developing better weather forecasting, and more.
However, current quantum computers are still largely experimental and impractical.

Menentukan batasan

Tentukan batasan apa pun untuk membaca perintah atau menghasilkan respons. Anda dapat memberi tahu model apa yang harus dilakukan dan tidak boleh dilakukan. Dari contoh sebelumnya, ringkasannya lebih pendek dari teks asli, tetapi mungkin Anda ingin ringkasannya lebih pendek. Dalam hal ini, Anda dapat menentukan batasan di prompt terkait berapa lama Anda ingin ringkasan:

Summarize this text in two sentences.
Text: A quantum computer exploits quantum mechanical phenomena to perform calculations exponentially
faster than any modern traditional computer. At very tiny scales, physical matter acts as both
particles and as waves, and quantum computing uses specialized hardware to leverage this behavior.
The operating principles of quantum devices is beyond the scope of classical physics. When deployed
at scale, quantum computers could be used in a wide variety of applications such as: in
cybersecurity to break existing encryption methods while helping researchers create new ones, in
meteorology to develop better weather forecasting etc. However, the current state of the art quantum
computers are still largely experimental and impractical.

Quantum computers use quantum mechanical phenomena to perform calculations much faster than
traditional computers. They have the potential to revolutionize various fields, but current quantum
computers are still experimental and impractical.

Menentukan format respons

Tentukan format respons untuk konsistensi dan keterbacaan respons. Misalnya, Anda dapat meminta respons diformat dalam bentuk tabel, daftar berbutir, presentasi singkat, kata kunci, kalimat, atau paragraf. Anda dapat menentukan JSON sebagai format respons untuk format output yang diatur dengan lebih baik dan rantai untuk interoperabilitas. Perintah berikut menginstruksikan model untuk memberikan poin-poin informasi penting dalam teks:

Summarize this text as bullets points of key information.
Text: A quantum computer exploits quantum mechanical phenomena to perform calculations exponentially
faster than any modern traditional computer. At very tiny scales, physical matter acts as both
particles and as waves, and quantum computing uses specialized hardware to leverage this behavior.
The operating principles of quantum devices is beyond the scope of classical physics. When deployed
at scale, quantum computers could be used in a wide variety of applications such as: in
cybersecurity to break existing encryption methods while helping researchers create new ones, in
meteorology to develop better weather forecasting etc. However, the current state of the art quantum
computers are still largely experimental and impractical.
- Quantum computers leverage quantum mechanical phenomena for exponentially faster calculations than
  traditional computers.
- Quantum devices utilize specialized hardware to exploit tiny-scale matter behavior as both
  particles and waves.
- Their operating principles transcend classical physics.
- Potential applications include cybersecurity, weather forecasting, and more.
- Current quantum computers are largely experimental and impractical.