Google Distributed Cloud air-gapped frequently asked questions

Can Distributed Cloud operate disconnected from the internet?

Yes, Distributed Cloud is a fully disconnected, air-gapped solution. It does not depend on a connection to Google Cloud.

Can I use my own hardware, and just install the software?

No, Distributed Cloud is a converged solution consisting of hardware and software.

What's the difference between a "hosted" proof of concept (POC) and an "on prem" POC?

A "hosted" POC is a short-term POC intended for customers to test Distributed Cloud services without shipping and installing hardware. Customers can remotely sign in to a Distributed Cloud instance and evaluate service performance and capabilities.

An "on prem" POC is for customers that want a more hands-on experience where hardware is shipped to and installed at a trusted customer facility. This POC allows users to assess how Distributed Cloud hardware and software will interact with their current infrastructure, test non-production workloads, and familiarize IT operators with the system.

What's the minimum amount of hardware needed for Distributed Cloud to run?

A production Distributed Cloud system can run on as few as four racks of hardware and can be scaled up as the customer needs additional capacity.

How can I find out more information about Distributed Cloud?

Read our Distributed Cloud documentation to find out more. If you want to know more, contact us.

How will Distributed Cloud be supported?

Distributed Cloud can be fully managed by Google or managed by a trusted partner. Google provides full support to our operating partners, and those partners provide support to their end users.

Does Distributed Cloud use custom Google infrastructure?

No, Distributed Cloud is designed to operate using industry standard racks and equipment, ensuring the customers have access to a global, trusted, supply chain.

Is Distributed Cloud a managed cloud offering?

Yes. End users will consume cloud services provided by Distributed Cloud as managed cloud services. Distributed Cloud includes a full suite of operations tools, runbooks, and processes, to help ensure that customers have a quality cloud experience, regardless if it's delivered directly by Google, or by a trusted local operating partner.

I'm a software vendor, how can I enable Distributed Cloud customers to use my product?

Distributed Cloud Marketplace enables software vendors to distribute certified software in air-gapped environments. Get started with the Distributed Cloud software certification program by contacting us at

What partners can operate GDC today?

We just signed our first partnership agreement with Proximus in Belgium and Luxembourg, and expect more to be announced later this year. More generally, we collaborate with best-of-breed operators on a country-by-country basis based on the needs of our customers in that market. Customers generally choose an operating partner based on regulatory or sovereignty requirements.

How much does Distributed Cloud cost?

The Distributed Cloud evaluation configuration pricing starts at $300,000 per month. Distributed Cloud offers additional flexible commercial models and provides cloud billing capabilities, including labeling of resources, enabling budgeting, and chargeback between different organizations. To learn more, visit the Distributed Cloud website. If you would like to discuss your air-gapped cloud requirements, complete the Distributed Cloud form, and a member of our team will be in touch.