Approved Training Programmes

These are the currently available training programmes which are approved by the CLD Standards Council.

These are separated into the 3 different approval routes.

Professional approved programmes

Providers offering learning opportunities at Degree or Post Graduate level. These are recognised for registration purposes to become a Registered member of the CLD Standards Council.

Developmental approved programmes

For providers offering learning opportunities below degree level that have already been verified by an awarding body. E.g. HNC or PDA

Standards Mark approval route

To recognise the quality of CLD learning provided to the CLD field either at induction or for professional learning. It is the provider of the CLD learning that is approved and not individual programmes.

You can download a list of the programmes we have previously Approved – including courses approved by CeVe. Download: Historically Approved Training(PDF)

Career pathway – Common Qualifications for practitioners

The CLD standards Council has collated a table of the most common qualifications for practitioners based on SCQF levels to showcase a career pathway and where these qualifications may be delivered in a School, College or Workplace/CPD setting.
Links have also been provided to those qualifications and if you require further information please contact the CLD Standards Council for information on other providers.