401(k) Calculator With Match

This 401(k) calculator is designed to help you estimate how much money you could have in your 401(k) retirement account by the time you retire. It takes into account various factors such as your current age, income, existing savings, contributions, employer match, and investment growth. The results are updated automatically as you adjust your input amounts. There is a help

Your estimated total savings at retirement age
Total Contributions
Your Contributions
Total Dollars Contributed (Match) By Employer
Total Investment Growth
Investment Growth from Your Contributions
Investment Growth from Employer Match
401(k) Calculator Help Guide

Based on the information you provide, the calculator projects your 401(k) account balance by the time you reach your retirement age. It takes into account your and your employer’s contributions, as well as the expected growth of your investments over the years.


  • Current Age: This is the starting point of the calculation. It helps in determining the number of years you have until retirement.
  • Retirement Age: This tells the calculator when you plan to stop working. It’s used in conjunction with your current age to calculate the total number of years you’ll be contributing to your 401(k).
  • Annual Income: This is your yearly earnings. It’s crucial for determining how much money you can contribute to your 401(k) annually, especially if your contributions are a percentage of your income.
  • Contribution Rate: This percentage of your annual income that you decide to contribute to your 401(k) directly affects the total yearly contribution amount.
  • Employer Match: This is the percentage of your contributions that your employer agrees to match. It effectively increases the total amount going into your 401(k) each year.
  • Maximum Employer Match: This is the upper limit of what your employer will match in terms of your salary percentage. It ensures that the employer’s contribution doesn’t exceed a certain portion of your salary.
  • Current Savings: The amount you already have saved in your 401(k). This serves as the initial amount to which your contributions and investment growth are added.
  • Estimated Return Rate: This is the expected annual return rate on your 401(k) investments. It’s used to calculate how much your existing savings and future contributions will grow each year due to investment returns.
  • Expected Annual Salary Increase: This accounts for the growth in your income, affecting how much you’ll be able to contribute in future years as your salary increases.


  • Estimated 401(k) Balance at Retirement: Calculated by adding your and your employer’s contributions to your current savings, and then applying the estimated return rate each year until retirement. It’s the total amount you’re expected to have in your 401k at retirement.
  • Your Contributions: This is the sum of all the money you will contribute from now until retirement. It’s calculated by taking a certain percentage (your contribution rate) of your (increasing) annual income each year until retirement.
  • Employer Contributions: Calculated based on the employer match rate. It’s the total sum your employer will contribute, which is typically a match of your contributions up to a certain percentage of your salary.
  • Investment Growth: This is the total earnings from the investment growth of your 401(k). It’s calculated by applying the estimated return rate to the cumulative balance of your account each year.
  • Detailed Year-by-Year Breakdown: This output shows how your balance grows each year, taking into account your contributions, employer contributions, and the compound growth from investments. It helps you visualize the growth of your savings over time.
401(k) Contribution Limits

401(k) contribution limits are set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and can vary year by year. Generally, these limits dictate how much money you can contribute to your 401(k) plan each year. There are two primary types of contributions to consider: employee contributions and catch-up contributions for those aged 50 and over.

  • Employee Contribution Limits: This is the maximum amount you can contribute from your salary to your 401(k). For 2023, the limit is $22,500 and $23,000 for 2024. This amount is periodically adjusted by the IRS to account for inflation.
  • Catch-Up Contributions: If you are aged 50 or older, you can make additional catch-up contributions to your 401(k). For 2023 and 2024, the catch-up contribution limit is $7,500. This is in addition to the standard employee contribution limit, meaning that if you are 50 or older, you could contribute up to $30,000 in total to your 401(k) in 2023 and $30,500 in 2024.
  • Total Contribution Limit (Employee + Employer Contributions): There’s also a limit on the total annual contributions (from both employee and employer) to all of your accounts in plans maintained by one employer. For 2023, this limit is $66,000 and $69,000 in 2024, or $73,500 and $76,500 including catch-up contributions.

401(k) contribution limits

Pretax and roth employee contributionsEmployee and employer contributionsCatch-up contributions (in addition to the employee and employer limit)
401(k) contribution limit for 2023$22,500$66,000$7,500
401(k) contribution limit for 2024$23,000$69,000$7,500