Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Is there a way to disable system status notices for all users?

Is there a way to disable the system status notice popup that appears at the top right in civiCRM when extensions need updating, etc?

user avatar asked by A. Block Score of 1
user avatar answered by Demerit Score of 0

After upgrade, php error file_get_contents

After upgrading from Civi 5.64 to Civi 5.75, CiviCRM throws a fatal error: ValueError: Path cannot be empty in file_get_contents() (line 540 of xxxx/vendor/civicrm/civicrm-core/CRM/Core/Resources.php) ...

user avatar asked by Edward Peters Score of 1

HTML Code for Page

I have a Contribution Page that acts as a member sign-up page without contributions. I'm trying to find the HTMl code so that I can change the CSS to look appeal to my companies theme on the webpage. ...

civimember contribution-page css html  
user avatar asked by Avi Score of 1
user avatar answered by Demerit Score of 1

QuickSearch Custom Query

Is it possible to modify query for quicksearch? hook_civicrm_contactListQuery is no longer being called so query cannot be modified. I tried apiWrapper hook but I am not sure how to make filter like ...

user avatar asked by darkmode Score of 1
user avatar answered by darkmode Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

fatal error "unconstructed IntlDateFormatter" after upgrade to php 8.1

On submitted contribution pages, I get a fatal php error "unconstructed IntlDateFormatter." At first I thought the answer was a simple case of a missing php-intl extension. However, it is ...

user avatar asked by kapn Score of 4
user avatar answered by Demerit Score of 4

How can I speed up CiviCRM on Wordpress

Hi I've installed CiviCRM on Wordpress. The Wordpress side of things run smoothly and fast. But inside the administration area of CiviCRM adding contacts, and any other administrative functions takes ...

wordpress best-practice  
user avatar asked by bynw Score of 12
user avatar answered by Andrew West Score of 16

Fails to open ClassLoader.php file

I've installed the plugin successfully, but when I go visit the CiviCRM page in the backend, I get the following error: Warning: require_once(CRM/Core/ClassLoader.php): failed to open stream: No ...

wordpress civievent  
user avatar asked by Efat Ahmed Score of 3
user avatar answered by Kainuk - CiviCooP Score of 4

What does "You have requested a non-existent service "afform_scanner" mean during an upgrade?

During the upgrade to 5.72 from 5.69.5, Wordpress, I got the following error: [Error: Finish core DB updates 5.72.0]] However going to CiviCRM it appears like everything is fine - no issues on system ...

upgrade formbuilder  
user avatar asked by themak Score of 3
user avatar answered by Pradeep Nayak Score of 3

Problem with open_basedir restriction in effect

Issue began with - Wordpress 4.2.2 CiviCRM 4.6.2 (later 4.6.3 - see below) Php 5.4.33 About 5 days ago on Wordpress installation we were suddenly unable to click into the CiviCRM dashboard via ...

user avatar asked by Chris Dubrow Score of 6
user avatar answered by Nicholai Score of 4

How to import to multi-record set custom fields

I am trying to import records to a custom multi-record set of fields. I read somewhere that it was a new feature for 4.5.8 but now for the life of me I cannot find where I read it - pretty sure it was ...

user avatar asked by Catherine Score of 5
user avatar answered by Sanjay Jain Score of 5

Is 1Gb memory enough for small server?

We have AmazonAWS t2.micro server (free tier). T2. micro has 1 Gb of ram and 1 vCPU. Only CiviCRM (4.7.14) is hosted there along with its Drupal. Currently the database is very small (less than 5000 ...

mysql core performance  
user avatar asked by Aivars Score of 3
user avatar answered by naomi Score of 1

Can you answer this question?

Get title/label in other languages using APIv4?

I have a multilingual installation of CiviCRM with en_US, nl_NL, and fr_FR enabled. The civi version is 5.58.1 Basically, I want to do select id, title_en_US, title_nl_NL, title_fr_FR from ...

apiv4 multilingual  
user avatar asked by AlainB Score of 1
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