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The Latest:

Getting the team back together! Join, donate, or leave a word of cheer for Team Joe Rau as we gear up for another Walk2EndAlz: https://act.alz.org/site/TR?fr_id=17803&pg=personal&px=15005709

The Sailor’s Review interviewed me about yoga and poetry. You can read it here starting on page 49: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10weQnQqbjhekzxHglLfJcpWQTYp0bQ4N/view

“The Ice Critters” aired on Destinies: The Voice Of Science Fiction radio show. (Poem at 17:59) https://captphilonline.com/Destinies/Destinies_06_28_24.mp3

Summer 24 dates

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