village governance

Chengyu For Xi Jinping’s New Era (Part 1)

Xi Jinping’s New Era has inspired the creation of a host of “new chengyu”: idiomatic, often four-character, literary expressions that are the kernel of a larger tale. The following New Era chengyu are all references to infamous...

Translation: Sharp Eyes—A Year in Rural Surveillance

Surveillance in Chinese cities is ubiquitous, with highly visible security cameras trained on most every intersection, public space, and building, but over the past decade, it has been seeping into the countryside as well. In an...

As Cities Expand, So Do Local Campaign Finances and Vote-buying – Liaowang Weekly

What’s really puzzling, at least on the surface, in some villages around some Chinese cities or towns is political candidates are offering significant cash gifts to buy votes. In one village in Inner Mongolia, villagers are receiving cash deliveries ranging from 500 to 1,000 yuan per ballot from each candidate. But as the land appreciates […]

Opulent Offices Trigger Debate, Anger in Rural China – Louisa Lim

From NPR: Just how swanky does your office need to be? That’s a loaded question in parts of China, where some district governments have built huge, palatial headquarters next to the small, rural villages they govern. There has long been unrest in China over waste and mismanagement in local government. But as the country’s economy […]

Grassroots democracy quells rural unrest – Xinhua

From Xinhua News Agency (link): In a study tour of Tibet, Wang Jinhong, a Chinese professor keen on grassroots democracy, was amazed to find that elections in remote villages had proceeded smoothly and efficiently. “In voter registration, the nomination of candidates, election speeches and ballot counting, the principles of equality, fairness and openness have been […]



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