school violence

China Takes Chilling Look at Security in Its Schools

Initial comparisons between the Newtown and Chenpeng school attacks this month tended to focus on the attackers’ weapons. Many noted that the 23 slashed in China all survived, in contrast with the 26 killed in Connecticut....

School Violence in China and U.S. Spurs Reflection, Debate

On Friday in Henan Province, a man walked into a primary school and stabbed 22 children. None were killed. The same day, in Newtown, Connecticut, a man armed with at least three semi-automatic weapons shot his way into an...

Four Killed in Attack on Kindergarteners in China

The Los Angeles Times reports on a new attack on school children in China: The brutal killing of at least three children and a teacher at a school in northeastern China had residents confounded and authorities tight-lipped on...

Chinese School Attacker Executed

The assailant in one of the recent attacks on school children in China has been executed. From the BBC: A man who attacked 29 children and three teachers at a nursery school in east China has been executed, state media says. Xu...

Man Sentenced to Death in China for School Attack

A man accused of attacking school children in Taixing, Jiangsu has been sentenced to death. From AFP: Twenty-nine children aged four or under and two teachers and a security guard were injured when Xu attacked them with the...

Scott Simon: Suffer The Little Children Of A Brutal Machine

National Public Radio host Scott Simon wrote a commentary about the recent attacks on children in China: The death of any child is impossible for a parent to bear. But imagine the loss of a child in a place in which most...

China’s Premier Discusses School Attacks

Despite a ban in the domestic media on discussion of the recent attacks on children in China, Premier Wen Jiabao has acknowledged that larger societal forces may be a factor in the violence. From the New York Times: Prime...

China Kindergarten Massacre Seen as Symptom of Progress

Experts interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald say that the recent attacks on school children in China are a result of the government’s focus in recent decades on economic development while not confronting the...

China School Killer Erupted after Lease Row

More details are coming to light about the brutal attack at a kindergarten in Shaanxi. Reuters reports: Wu Huanming, the owner of the two-storey building with a walled, concrete courtyard, wanted the kindergarten to vacate the...

Nine Killed in Latest China School Rampage (Update)

At least seven children have been killed and more than twenty injured in another knife attack at a kindergarten. From the New York Times: The attack occurred about 8 a.m. at a kindergarten in Nanzheng County, in Shaanxi...



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