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Summer China Reads

Five new China books for your summer reading list, from an intergenerational family memoir to a children's picture book of the Cultural Revolution.

What to Read in 2024

A few China titles we're excited to read in the year ahead — and deeper pickings to draw from in our comprehensive book listings project.

Best China Books of 2023

Our round-up of recommended titles (and one anti-recommendation) from the past year, selected by our editors and various guests.

What China’s Reading

Our round-up of untranslated Chinese books from the Sinophone world, from “everyday feminism” to working-class struggles, and a globetrotting frog.

China Book Listings

Our dynamic, regularly updated lists of all upcoming and recent China books, as well as bestsellers and editors' picks from the pack.
Browse the full archive

Seeking Editors

Work for China Books Review

We're looking into expanding our operations, seeking an experienced editor with knowledge of China and Chinese language, based in New York. A job description has not yet been posted, but for informal inquiries please write to editor@chinabooksreview.com.