Community Digest

Top new questions this week:

Zugzwang where the side to move must be mated in exactly 2 moves

On page 6 of this PDF, it mentions the existence of a legal position such that whoever moves first must be checkmated in exactly 2 moves. Can someone please show me this position?

problems zugzwang  
user avatar asked by Lucenaposition Score of 16
user avatar answered by Noam D. Elkies Score of 30

Why not use computers to evaluate strength of players?

A computer like Stockfish can evaluate the rating performance of individual players based on a game. Why don't we take the average rating evaluation of a player's games to measure the player's ...

rating computer-chess elo  
user avatar asked by Unipolar Personality Score of 12
user avatar answered by David Score of 18

Puzzles where the goal is to avoid being checkmated in x or fewer moves

Is there a name for puzzles where the goal is to avoid being checkmated in x moves? An example is this puzzle: [Title "White to play and avoid being mated on or before move 4 (there is a unique ...

checkmate puzzles  
user avatar asked by Lucenaposition Score of 4

Does this problem work under the standard AP condition?

[Title "André Hazebrouck. Die Schwalbe 47 10/1977 4. Preis"] [FEN "r1b1k2r/P2p4/2p1n2p/ppPq4/1np5/p7/P2PP3/R3K2R w - - 0 1"] а) h#2,5 b) h#2,5 (AP) 2 solutions What is meant by ...

problems castling retrograde-analysis en-passant a-posteriori  
user avatar asked by Элси Ринген Score of 3
user avatar answered by Laska Score of 1

Since what year would small-scale cheating have given an advantage in e.g. the World Championship?

This is a purely hypothetical question that could give me some insight into chess history because I am by no means an expert in the latter. From what year would e.g. the world champion or the ...

engines history cheating  
user avatar asked by Chris Sanders Score of 2
user avatar answered by David Score of 8

Why is Chess Position Trainer slow in Windows 11?

I'm running Chess Position Trainer in Windows 11 through a VM on a MacBook air with the m2 processor. The animation of the pieces is incredibly slow and the program overall is slow. Does anyone have ...

user avatar asked by Roderick Gorby Score of 2
user avatar answered by Nils Lindemann Score of 0

Long proof game with rooks

I am trying to track a very special proof game I saw many years ago when I learned about proof games (a board position is given, and the challenge is to find the unique sequence of moves from the ...

problems retrograde-analysis identify-this  
user avatar asked by yrodro Score of 2

Greatest hits from previous weeks:

Is there any good app for learning openings?

My great fail is that I cannot learn opening or initial play. Normally I only play when I can connect to my mobile app (Chess Free on iOS), and play at a very low level (adjusted as a single bar), ...

opening learning beginner  
user avatar asked by Brethlosze Score of 12
user avatar answered by Ellie Score of 10

Is Stockfish 11 (level 20) beatable?

I have heard many people saying, “Hah! I beat Stockfish,” and one saying, “I am the best chess player ever! I beat Stockfish.” So I wonder if it is possible, just to know whether I should try to beat ...

engines stockfish computer-chess  
user avatar asked by Slobo Janjić Score of 37
user avatar answered by PhishMaster Score of 66

How do FIDE rated players perform on lichess?

I have been playing on lichess for a while and it strikes me how low ratings are compared to other rating systems. This is not to say that players are weaker, I have quite the opposite feeling, but ...

rating elo glicko  
user avatar asked by user4230 Score of 37
user avatar answered by Rebecca J. Stones Score of 26

Can a piece pinned to my king put the opponent's king in check?

I was playing a game with a friend online. A situation came up where he put me in check with his bishop, and I moved my rook to block it. His king was on the g file and my rook was on g2. The website ...

rules check illegal-move pins  
user avatar asked by ken Score of 57
user avatar answered by RemcoGerlich Score of 66

What is the most effective way of reducing blunders?

Many people suggest tactical exercises as the best form of study for this purpose but I find that it only attacks the problem from one dimension (not making the strongest in a position). Analyzing my ...

learning psychology best-practice blunder  
user avatar asked by rgrinberg Score of 46
user avatar answered by b1_ Score of 35

Most effective way to achieve a 2000+ rating in one year, starting as a 1600?

I currently play at around a 1600 level, and have stagnated in terms of rating improvements for quite some time. I have always played chess recreationally, occasionally doing tactics puzzles here ...

learning tactics rating  
user avatar asked by Parseltongue Score of 35
user avatar answered by Tony Ennis Score of 23

Theory behind the Cow Opening

Recently IM Eric Rosen played the Cow Opening every game in Titled Tuesday, scoring 6.5/11 and increasing his rating. He streamed it and put it on YouTube. It is a Hippo style opening which can play ...

opening theory  
user avatar asked by Brian Towers Score of 7
user avatar answered by Hank's back rank Score of 4

Can you answer these questions?

Hunting for a particular piece of chess footage

I've been trying to find a particular clip which I remember from a while ago (or the game associated to this clip). There was some commentary, I think part of a broadcast / commentary associated to ...

italian-game chess-videos  
user avatar asked by Matt Score of 1

Did the Laws of Chess forget about double disambiguation?

When I was reading the Laws of Chess, I saw that there was a problem because, in Appendix C-10, it only talked about simple disambiguation. What about double disambiguation?

rules fide notation  
user avatar asked by Imilis N Score of 1

Slav / Semi-slav Bf4 is bad?

In a recent game I played 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 (Semi-slav), then as White played Bf4 because I didn't know any theory. Lichess analysis board says this is a non-trivial opening ...

opening bishops slav-defense semi-slav  
user avatar asked by qwr Score of 1
user avatar answered by David Score of 0
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