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5:23 PM
Q: Why has the timeout been reduced in chat?

Mike WatersOur chat room, Ham Shack, is now inaccessible! For years, Ham Shack was not closed for lack of activity. But it just automatically closed after only 14 days of inactivity. 😡 Please put it back the way it was ASAP. TIA.

in Ham Shack, May 24 at 21:59, by Feeds
Kevin Reid AG6YO has unfrozen this room.
5:43 PM
A: Why has the timeout been reduced in chat?

Martin SleziakAs explained in the chat FAQ, a room is frozen after it is inactive for 14 days. See the section "Will these rooms exist forever?" (And a room with very low activity is deleted after being silent for 7 days - but we're talking here about the room which already had many messages and is not in dang...

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