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10:42 AM
@DikranMarsupial How is that utter nonsense? Like in terms of our brain we actually have a real problem in understanding how we function and why. While in terms of our regular von Neumann architectural computers we know precisely how that is working, both in terms of the conceptual philosophy underlying programming down to the physical level of hardware and we know that "Software" isn't a thing but merely a configuration of hardware.
1 hour later…
12:11 PM
@haxor789 Sorry, as I said I am not interested in your sophistry - you yourself give a difference between hardware and software (as input), so you refute your own argument that the difference is artificial. Life is too short to waste on this type of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Bullshit
12:59 PM
@DikranMarsupial Your argument was to find software within the hardware, in the sense we know the the hardware but we don't know the software. Which is not the case if you know the hardware you have the software. So the "no amount of data is going to change that" doesn't work. If Software were to be analog to software, it would be precisely in that data.

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