« first day (5023 days earlier)   

2:01 AM
Hello, world!
2:20 AM
@JacobMiller I'm feeling a bit duped.
/imagine Bora Bora island
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A breathtakingly beautiful scenic view of Bora Bora island. Anchored in the crystal-clear turquoise water are small, traditional Polynesian outrigger canoes with colorful sails. The lush, green mountains rise in the background under a brilliant blue sky adorned with fluffy white clouds. Beside the beach, charming over-water bungalows on stilts extend into the lagoon, offering spectacular views of the island's abundant marine life. Palm trees are seen ...
swaying gently in the cool sea breeze, contributing to the tropical charm of the scene.

« first day (5023 days earlier)