a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first

The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for https://codegolf.stackexchange.com | Guidelines: https://cgcc-se.github.io/chatiquette/
6m ago – Bbrk24
Bbrk24: 6m ago, 4652 posts (0%)Unrelated String: 2h ago, 17471 posts (0%)New Posts: 4h ago, 2481 posts (0%)Sandbox Posts: 5h ago, 1746 posts (0%)Seggan: 6h ago, 10809 posts (0%)lyxal: 9h ago, 50535 posts (2%)Bubbler: 14h ago, 10847 posts (0%)emanresu A: 14h ago, 25141 posts (1%)Neil: 18h ago, 5140 posts (0%)att: 1d ago, 798 posts (0%)hyper-neutrino: 4d ago, 55352 posts (2%)caird coinheringaahin g: 6d ago, 54425 posts (2%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 8d ago, 15 posts (0%)


A room for fishing.
18m ago – OakBot
OakBot: 18m ago, 2367 posts (77%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 18m ago, 689 posts (22%)user26255385: no posts

TeX, LaTeX and Friends

19m ago – Mane32
Mane32: 19m ago, 2 posts (0%)David Carlisle: 37m ago, 115556 posts (12%)cfr: 3h ago, 5709 posts (0%)Alan Munn: 4h ago, 26488 posts (2%)Ulrike Fischer: 1d ago, 32215 posts (3%)Rmano: 3d ago, 4121 posts (0%)barbara beeton: 4d ago, 12887 posts (1%)Faheem Mitha: 14d ago, 28188 posts (2%)enkorvaks: 19d ago, 9 posts (0%)Phelype Oleinik: 53d ago, 5803 posts (0%)TeXnician: 131d ago, 3464 posts (0%)dyaku: no postsuser26255385: no posts

The Heap™ – Consultancy ©®

General on- and off-site discussion for http://dba.stackexchange.com. Jokes explained at great length (JEAGL) please. We are using SQL. It's always morning in the Heap™ Best gymnastics group anyone could ask for.
20m ago – Peter Vandivier
Peter Vandivier: 20m ago, 6008 posts (0%)Sean Gallardy: 1h ago, 11170 posts (1%)Erik Darling: 1h ago, 32390 posts (4%)Hannah Vernon: 8h ago, 22989 posts (3%)Criggie: 18h ago, 374 posts (0%)mustaccio: 23h ago, 1738 posts (0%)Yano_of_Queenscastle: 3d ago, 184 posts (0%)Cade Roux: 3d ago, 7565 posts (1%)J.D.: 6d ago, 3637 posts (0%)Forrest: 67d ago, 1038 posts (0%)Tim Stone: 1309d ago, 489 posts (0%)

English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by English (or other languages) in the raw. That doesn't mean we want to talk about YouTube comments or hemorrhoids or other such topics.
22m ago – Cerberus
Cerberus: 22m ago, 381028 posts (16%)jlliagre: 2h ago, 9347 posts (0%)Robusto: 3h ago, 165797 posts (7%)alphabet: 6h ago, 11377 posts (0%)tchrist: 10h ago, 242661 posts (10%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 10d ago, 7 posts (0%)Criggie: 13d ago, 448 posts (0%)Xander Henderson: 37d ago, 1512 posts (0%)

The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about http://codereview.stackexchange.com/ - Welcome to The 2nd Monitor! http://codereview.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5967/welcome-to-the-2nd-monitor - Site Business always comes first
28m ago – Duga
Heslacher: 11h ago, 7570 posts (0%)toolic: 11h ago, 70 posts (0%)Peilonrayz: 1d ago, 9443 posts (0%)Reinderien: 1d ago, 159 posts (0%)

The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE (https://physics.stackexchange.com/). For MathJax see https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/220976. Don't ask about asking, just ask. For further guidelines see https://physics.meta.stackexchange.com/a/11094.
30m ago – X4J
X4J: 30m ago, 1 posts (0%)Slereah: 4d ago, 140285 posts (8%)Daniel Underwood: 206d ago, 7823 posts (0%)


For discussion about today's puzzles (spoilers!). A full list of puzzles can be found here: https://hackmd.io/@lyxal/rJTvheOJ6
36m ago – lyxal
lyxal: 36m ago, 1404 posts (8%)Unrelated String: 1h ago, 7587 posts (43%)jlliagre: 13h ago, 157 posts (0%)leslie townes: 6d ago, 3394 posts (19%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: no posts

Electrical Engineering

A place to talk with friends from the EE community about vacuum nanotubes ... and beer..
43m ago – uhoh
Russell McMahon: 3d ago, 20 posts (0%)MrGerber: 8d ago, 5 posts (0%)Shalvenay: 26d ago, 3503 posts (0%)

The Velodrome

General discussion for http://bicycles.stackexchange.com
48m ago – Criggie
Criggie: 48m ago, 33121 posts (21%)MaplePanda: 2h ago, 3510 posts (2%)Michael come lately: 3h ago, 309 posts (0%)DavidW: 7h ago, 2369 posts (1%)Rеnаud: 3d ago, 3276 posts (2%)Rory Alsop: 12d ago, 357 posts (0%)Mithical: 15d ago, 815 posts (0%)

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break things by developing on production. This room is for Charcoal, a volunteer organization focused on detecting and eliminating spam and rude/abusive posts on all SE sites. 290k true positives and counting. For more information, see https://charcoal-se.org/about. Handy links: https://metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com; https://github.com/Charcoal-SE
50m ago – metasmoke
SmokeDetector: 50m ago, 1006227 posts (48%)Fastnlight: 1h ago, 2826 posts (0%)Ryan M: 1h ago, 13463 posts (0%)Jeff Schaller: 1h ago, 15022 posts (0%)Vickel: 1h ago, 1847 posts (0%)Ollie: 4h ago, 5175 posts (0%)Makyen: 4h ago, 54804 posts (2%)VLAZ: 14h ago, 3953 posts (0%)dbc: 15h ago, 42 posts (0%)tripleee: 6d ago, 67806 posts (3%)Andrew T.: 6d ago, 935 posts (0%)Mithical: 6d ago, 14399 posts (0%)Jiminy Cricket.: 8d ago, 98 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 13d ago, 36 posts (0%)gparyani: 28d ago, 1970 posts (0%)Xander Henderson: 46d ago, 22 posts (0%)Rory Alsop: 180d ago, 221 posts (0%)motosubatsu: 256d ago, 26 posts (0%)Johannes Kuhn: 333d ago, 186 posts (0%)Videonauth: 1307d ago, 1089 posts (0%)Marvin: no postsuser25732704: no postsuser26255385: no posts

The Reading Room

Welcome to chat for https://literature.stackexchange.com/ — Read any good books lately?
1h ago – Tsundoku
Tsundoku: 1h ago, 9221 posts (7%)Mithical: 2h ago, 9108 posts (7%)Alex: 99d ago, 834 posts (0%)

The Time Machine

General discussion for http://history.stackexchange.com. For urgent issues, idle chatter, and everything in between. Reference requests welcome.
1h ago – T.E.D.
T.E.D.: 1h ago, 4354 posts (36%)MCW: 456d ago, 25 posts (0%)

D&D 5e 2024 Working Group

Group chat for discussing meta guidance for the upcoming D&D 5e 2024 core book release.
Trish: 9h ago, 9 posts (13%)

Stack Overflow en español

Chat de la comunidad de Stackoverflow en español. A veces charlamos sobre temas de programación, discutimos preguntas y/o respuestas, hablamos de tecnología y otras cosas. Habla, convive, conversa, responde, pregunta, pero siempre desde el respeto. https://es.stackoverflow.com
2h ago – Yussef
Yussef: 2h ago, 3538 posts (0%)Patricio Moracho: 12h ago, 1874 posts (0%)Pikoh: 4d ago, 42395 posts (3%)

Makyen test 01

testing chat features
2h ago – metasmoke
metasmoke: 2h ago, 10324 posts (99%)Makyen: 2d ago, 50 posts (0%)

Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
2h ago – OakBot
OakBot: 2h ago, 666 posts (0%)Canadian Luke: 2d ago, 15273 posts (0%)Petəíŕd the Wizard: 5d ago, 67 posts (0%)djsmiley2kStaysInside: 18d ago, 69661 posts (3%)Bob: 63d ago, 249615 posts (13%)


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math questions alike. Just ask; don't ask to ask. Rarely if ever expressible as a ratio of integers. Chat guidelines: http://tinyurl.com/hzl2955 | $\LaTeX$ in chat: http://tinyurl.com/cfqcvpc
2h ago – leslie townes
leslie townes: 2h ago, 54249 posts (1%)user123234: 4h ago, 1664 posts (0%)Xander Henderson: 9h ago, 24360 posts (0%)

The Auditorium

A place to share music as you write it and other stuff like that.
2h ago – Michael Curtis
Elements In Space: 49d ago, 46 posts (3%)Rory Alsop: 106d ago, 14 posts (1%)

Home Improvement

General discussion for http://diy.stackexchange.com
3h ago – User1974
Criggie: 18d ago, 1301 posts (1%)BMitch: 24d ago, 8355 posts (10%)Shalvenay: 88d ago, 762 posts (0%)Niall C.: 157d ago, 1990 posts (2%)Rory Alsop: 754d ago, 74 posts (0%)
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