UTSO season finale featuring Red Sky April 2019
Students laughing - 2018-19 Season of Events
 U of T Opera Division  performance March 2019
 2018-19 Season of Events   U of T
 2018-19 Season of Events U of T Orchestra
Adizokan Suite by Prof. Eliot Britton U of T Symphony Orchestra season finale featuring Red Sky Performance April 2019 | Photo by Lisa Sakulensky

Adizokan Suite by Prof. Eliot Britton U of T Symphony Orchestra season finale featuring Red Sky Performance April 2019 | Photo by Lisa Sakulensky

2018-19 Season of Events

2018-19 Season of Events | Photo by Lisa Sakulensky

La finta giardiniera by U of T Opera

La finta giardiniera - U of T Opera March 2019 | Photo by Richard Lu

2018-19 Season of Events

2018-19 Season of Events Photo: Lisa Sakulensky

2018-19 Season of Events

2018-19 Season of Events | Photo by Lisa Sakulensky

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The Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto is deeply committed to furthering equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in our community, city, and the world. We are working to weave these principles throughout the Faculty, in our programs, teaching and learning environments, concerts and performances, committee work, and special events.

The Task Force on Equity and Belonging, the Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Committee, and the Teaching and Learning Committee are three key components of our collective efforts to strengthening the foundations of inclusivity and belonging, work that will benefit all who learn, teach, and work at the Faculty of Music. 


The Faculty of Music is working to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment as we progress toward the recommendations of the Climate & Culture report. See updates in News.


The work of equity, diversity and inclusion is not the exclusive purview of one person, one committee or even one Faculty. It is work that must be embedded as a foundational practice and then interwoven into the fabric of the institution.

While the committees below address EDI in various capacities at the Faculty of Music, their efforts are part of a larger effort to create and ensure an environment where all are welcome and can thrive.

For regular updates on committee and wider faculty activities, please visit the News page.

Task Force on Equity and Belonging

Anti-Racism &
Anti-Oppression Committee (ARAO)

Teaching & Learning Committee (TLC)

Updates and Calls to Action

The Faculty of Music and the larger University of Toronto are committed to responding to the needs of our students, staff, faculty, librarians and many other stakeholders. Further, we have a responsibility, to the wider community within which we operate, to share not only our pledges to do and be better, but also specifics on our activities, research and impact. Read further for more details on the work currently underway.

News of Change

Faculty of Music
Calls to Action

U of T
Calls to Action


View our complete list of resources, including:

  • Student Groups
  • Funding
  • Education & Training
  • Services
Japanese Taiko Ensemble performance - November 2018
Japanese Taiko Ensemble performance – November 2018 | Photo credit: Lisa Sakulensky