Thomas Halfmann

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I am an accomplished entrepreneur with a multifaceted background that spans various…

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  • The Pharma Factory of the Future is Fully Integrated


    The Pharma Factory of the Future is a factory with fully digitized and integrated process and control equipment across all areas of operation.

    The benefits are numerous:
    - faster batch changeovers,
    - product and process optimization,
    - increased traceability,
    - improved maintenance, and the
    - ability to create and add value-adding digital services.

    It is essential to manage increasingly complex production processes and manufacturing micro-batches tailored to…

    The Pharma Factory of the Future is a factory with fully digitized and integrated process and control equipment across all areas of operation.

    The benefits are numerous:
    - faster batch changeovers,
    - product and process optimization,
    - increased traceability,
    - improved maintenance, and the
    - ability to create and add value-adding digital services.

    It is essential to manage increasingly complex production processes and manufacturing micro-batches tailored to smaller and more specific therapies and patient groups. The enabler is a connected factory, where data and information can flow freely both within the production site and externally.

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  • How to speed up MES projects – to save time and reduce costs


    There is no denying that MES projects are complex and expensive, and they generate huge organizational change while often taking more than a year to complete. It is time to reconsider the traditional MES implementation approach and apply a method that accelerates MES projects significantly.

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  • Brasília

    Blurb Books

    Brasília is not comparable to any other city in the world. A journey to Brasília in 2016 resulted in a photobook that is offered in a limited edition of 50 signed copies.

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  • MES Migration: How to plan and execute an MES / MOM migration project

    Halfmann Goetsch Partner AG

    This White Paper is the second part in the series of MES Migration articles discussing migration aspects of MOM / MES solutions for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.
    Part 1 “Considerations for upgrading or replacing existing MES solutions” was dedicated to the question in which cases it is better to upgrade a current MES and when it should be replaced.
    In Part 2 we discuss the planning and executing of MOM / MES migration projects.
    Whether it is a replacement of MES / MOM…

    This White Paper is the second part in the series of MES Migration articles discussing migration aspects of MOM / MES solutions for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.
    Part 1 “Considerations for upgrading or replacing existing MES solutions” was dedicated to the question in which cases it is better to upgrade a current MES and when it should be replaced.
    In Part 2 we discuss the planning and executing of MOM / MES migration projects.
    Whether it is a replacement of MES / MOM systems or just a system upgrade, such a project posts a great challenge to the organisation to achieve its business objectives in the attempt of reducing the risk to day to day operation.

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  • MES Migration: Considerations for upgrading or replacing existing MES solutions

    Halfmann Goetsch Partner AG

    Manufacturing Execution Systems have been around in one or other form since the early 1980s. Many healthcare industry companies implemented a variety of different MES solutions during the 1990s and 2000s and obviously these are now near or at the end of their lifecycles. Companies like Siemens, Werum, Rockwell, Emerson and others have migrated their solutions either to new technology platforms or developed entirely new MES solutions.

    Over time however, the vendors of MOM systems have…

    Manufacturing Execution Systems have been around in one or other form since the early 1980s. Many healthcare industry companies implemented a variety of different MES solutions during the 1990s and 2000s and obviously these are now near or at the end of their lifecycles. Companies like Siemens, Werum, Rockwell, Emerson and others have migrated their solutions either to new technology platforms or developed entirely new MES solutions.

    Over time however, the vendors of MOM systems have made integration technically simpler and
    they have also extended the functionality of their solutions, so there is more opportunity to reduce the number of different applications in the manufacturing landscape.

    The questions facing companies with older generation MES installations fit broadly into four categories:

    · Does the existing MES need to be upgraded?
    · When is an upgrade or replacement really needed?
    · Which solution is best for the current needs of the business?
    · How should the upgrade or replacement be executed?

    This article discusses some of the factors which need to be considered when deciding on an upgrade or replacement of an existing MES.

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  • Kolmannskuppe - Eine photographische Kurzgeschichte über Zeit und Zerfall

    Blurb Books

    Photography project about a German ghost town in the Namib desert. The photobook is available as second edition, limited to 50 numbered and signed copies.

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  • Process FMEA According To Spengler & Juhnke - A New Practical Approach

    Halfmann Goetsch Partner AG

    Guidelines for conducting a process risk analysis in 8 steps

    Dr Spengler and Dr Juhnke designed a process FMEA to use a practical fact-based solution for bypassing the points that repeatedly proved to be an obstacle during implementation. This resulted in a method that is more resource-saving and efficient than the conventional process FMEA, significantly reduces the workload of operational experts and leads to more reliable results:

    - It is fact-based
    - It is easy to…

    Guidelines for conducting a process risk analysis in 8 steps

    Dr Spengler and Dr Juhnke designed a process FMEA to use a practical fact-based solution for bypassing the points that repeatedly proved to be an obstacle during implementation. This resulted in a method that is more resource-saving and efficient than the conventional process FMEA, significantly reduces the workload of operational experts and leads to more reliable results:

    - It is fact-based
    - It is easy to understand and to implement: you complete the entire process risk analysis in eight clearly defined steps.

    This method was presented for the first time at the 4th GMP and Technology Congress in Freiburg by the authors, Dr Jan-Peter Spengler and Dr Hanno Juhnke.

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  • Benefits of MES


    Interview prior to the MES & Process Minds 2013 about the benefits of MES implementation

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  • Cold Chain Management - packaging, process design and risk assessment ensure proper conditions during transportation

    pharmind (die pharmazeutische industrie)

    Drugs are sensitive goods to transport, which can be subject to irreversible damage if they are stored or transported at temperatures outside the tolerated range. This article was produced in a collaboration between one of the partners from Halfmann Goetsch Partner AG (Thomas Halfmann) as a specialist in pharmaceutical processes and Panalpina Welttransport AG (Klaus Kauer) as an expert on transport and logistics.

    They came to the conclusion that not only suitable packaging, but also an…

    Drugs are sensitive goods to transport, which can be subject to irreversible damage if they are stored or transported at temperatures outside the tolerated range. This article was produced in a collaboration between one of the partners from Halfmann Goetsch Partner AG (Thomas Halfmann) as a specialist in pharmaceutical processes and Panalpina Welttransport AG (Klaus Kauer) as an expert on transport and logistics.

    They came to the conclusion that not only suitable packaging, but also an individualised process design based on the analysis and evaluation of potential risks are highly important when it comes to transporting drugs. Similarly, sensible planning of the transportation routes in close collaboration between the pharmaceutical company and the logistics firm contribute to quality and safety for drugs which require refrigeration during transport.

    The article is published in German.

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  • Integrated Risk Management with GAMP 5 – manage risks effectively!

    Maas & Peither AG - GMP-Verlag

    With GAMP 5 in 2005, the risk-based approach was introduced into the validation of
    computerised systems. Risk management was not a new discipline or technology in
    this field, however GAMP5 went one significant step further than before: it took
    current trends from the healthcare industry and implemented them into the practice of
    validation. Today, the methods and procedures as described in GAMP 5 have long
    since become everyday practice. The current challenge in validation is to…

    With GAMP 5 in 2005, the risk-based approach was introduced into the validation of
    computerised systems. Risk management was not a new discipline or technology in
    this field, however GAMP5 went one significant step further than before: it took
    current trends from the healthcare industry and implemented them into the practice of
    validation. Today, the methods and procedures as described in GAMP 5 have long
    since become everyday practice. The current challenge in validation is to effectively
    manage compliance and risks in heterogeneous organisations with numerous
    computer systems.

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  • Checklist GMP-Inspections

    Maas & Peither AG - GMP Publishing

    This questionnaire contains 650 questions typically asked during GMP inspections, arranged by subject-matter.

    The correct section of the corresponding GMP guidelines is quoted next to each question. This way the background of the question and possible answers can be easily researched in the original guidelines and laws.

    The information sources include the 21 CFR 210/211/11 and the EU-GMP-Guide Parts I and II.

    Use the list for preparation and enforcement of your next GMP…

    This questionnaire contains 650 questions typically asked during GMP inspections, arranged by subject-matter.

    The correct section of the corresponding GMP guidelines is quoted next to each question. This way the background of the question and possible answers can be easily researched in the original guidelines and laws.

    The information sources include the 21 CFR 210/211/11 and the EU-GMP-Guide Parts I and II.

    Use the list for preparation and enforcement of your next GMP audit:

    The checklist GMP-Inspections is great for both sides:
    - Get prepared for an audit to come (what questions do I need to expect, what should I prepare for, etc.)
    - For your own GMP inspection (internally and externally) and documentation

    Andere Autor:innen
    • Rainer Kutsch
    • Dr. Christine Oechslein
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  • Validation d'un procédé de compression

    French Society of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

    The role of the supplier in qualification of machinery and equipment. Implementing a validation approach according to GAMP for a process control system.

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    • J.C. Poirier
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  • San Giovanni Battista

    San Giovanni Battista (Mogno)

    Simple forms, strict geometry, reduced colors, solid materials - these are the characteristics of Mario Botta's architectural style. To capture the geometry of this sacred building, I focused on the details of the architecture and photographed in black and white. The square format of the Hasselblad emphasizes the focus on the precise architecture.

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  • Brasília

    The very special city

    Brasília is not comparable to any other city in the world. Already the history of Brasília's founding is unique. Nowhere else have city planners and architects been able to realize their dream of the ideal city as consistently as in Brasília.

    In my research on Brasília, I noticed that most of the articles are very critical of Brasília as a concept of a modern city. The prevailing opinion is that Brasília, or rather the master plan of the city planners, has…

    The very special city

    Brasília is not comparable to any other city in the world. Already the history of Brasília's founding is unique. Nowhere else have city planners and architects been able to realize their dream of the ideal city as consistently as in Brasília.

    In my research on Brasília, I noticed that most of the articles are very critical of Brasília as a concept of a modern city. The prevailing opinion is that Brasília, or rather the master plan of the city planners, has failed. Even architect and project manager Oskar Niemeyer confessed in an interview in 2001:"Brasília did not fulfil what we expected from it, what we hoped for" and called the city "an unsuccessful experiment". But even if the social experiment Brasília did not live up to the high expectations of Brazilian President Juscelino Kubitschek, Lúcio Costas and Oscar Niemeyer, what remains is, apart from the unique architecture and urban planning, a city worth living in and loving.

    This is also shown by the fact that today's Brasília does not look like an architecture museum that has nothing to offer other than photogenic buildings. Brasília is a city full of life that pulsates in its own unique way.

    All images have been taken with Leica M cameras (M6 (with Kodak T-MAX 400), M240, M246) and Leica lenses.

    The journey to Brasília in 2016 resulted in a photo book that is offered in a limited edition of 50 numbered and signed copies.

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  • Serialization of Pharmaceutical Products

    IT Project Manager for the implementation of an integrated solution for serialization of pharmaceutical products:
    -- managing IT related activities
    -- serialization IT architecture
    -- IT operations model for serialization
    -- developing a validation concept for the global serialisation architecture and its components

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  • MES Vendor & Solution Evaluation

    Evaluation of a vendor for a MOM / MES solution to be implemented in a packaging facility:
    -- defining the scope and process modelling
    -- developing the user requirements specification (URS)
    -- developing the future MOM architecture
    -- project planning for the MES solution evaluation project
    -- preparation of RFP (Request for Proposal) documents
    -- identification of suitable MES vendors and solutions
    -- managing the RFP process
    --- selecting potential MES vendors

    Evaluation of a vendor for a MOM / MES solution to be implemented in a packaging facility:
    -- defining the scope and process modelling
    -- developing the user requirements specification (URS)
    -- developing the future MOM architecture
    -- project planning for the MES solution evaluation project
    -- preparation of RFP (Request for Proposal) documents
    -- identification of suitable MES vendors and solutions
    -- managing the RFP process
    --- selecting potential MES vendors
    --- assessing RFP responses
    --- managing MES vendor presentations and workshops

  • MOM / MES Business Process Analysis & Modeling

    Modeling of manufacturing, logistics and quality assurance processes of several manufacturing plants. The process models were based upon workshops and interviews with manufacturing, logistics, QA and IT experts, material flow analysis and process analysis.

    The process models were integrated into the User Requirements Specification of the future MOM / MES solution and served as basis for MES vendor and solution selection.

    The HGP library of pharmaceutical manufacturing process…

    Modeling of manufacturing, logistics and quality assurance processes of several manufacturing plants. The process models were based upon workshops and interviews with manufacturing, logistics, QA and IT experts, material flow analysis and process analysis.

    The process models were integrated into the User Requirements Specification of the future MOM / MES solution and served as basis for MES vendor and solution selection.

    The HGP library of pharmaceutical manufacturing process flows was basis for modeling the MOM to-be processes and reduced time and effort to a third as estimated originally by the client. Process flows included manufacturing operations for API production, solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules), liquid dosage forms, and packaging.

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  • Kolmanskop

    The history of the German settlement Kolmanskop (Kolmannskuppe in German) in the Namib desert can be told in a few words. The city was founded in 1908 as a mining camp and experienced a rapid rise to one of the richest cities in Africa due to the discovery of diamonds. However, this flourishing period lasted only a few years and with the relocation of diamond mining further south, the end of Kolmannskuppe began as a inhabited settlement.

    The time as a inhabited city that was in spite…

    The history of the German settlement Kolmanskop (Kolmannskuppe in German) in the Namib desert can be told in a few words. The city was founded in 1908 as a mining camp and experienced a rapid rise to one of the richest cities in Africa due to the discovery of diamonds. However, this flourishing period lasted only a few years and with the relocation of diamond mining further south, the end of Kolmannskuppe began as a inhabited settlement.

    The time as a inhabited city that was in spite of the hostile environment equipped with all imaginable luxury, lasted only about 30 years. The second exciting story of Kolmannskuppe was written by the Namib Desert. The houses have disintegrated over the years and the sand of the desert has reclaimed the place. The dunes did not stop on the streets and paths of the town, but conquered the interior of the houses, driven by the constant wind from the nearby coast.

    Thus an impressive urban ensemble emerged, which still seems to defy the outer structures of the desert today, and whose interior reflects the past time and the decay impressively.

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  • MES Business Case Evaluation

    Evaluation of the business case for an MES implementation at three pharmaceutical manufacturing sites across Europe (solids, liquids, packaging)
    -- definition of future production processes and architecture model
    -- project and operations cost estimation
    -- investigation, assessment and evaluation of business benefits due to implementation of MES for each production site

  • MES for Clinical Manufacturing

    Implementation of an MES solution for two facilities for manufacturing clinical and technical batches (solids)

    - Project Management
    - Business Case Evaluation
    - User Requirements Specification
    - Training Concept and Training Delivery
    - MBR Concept and MBR Authoring
    - Validation

    A standard MES solution was selected that required significant customization based upon the URS to accommodate the requirements for producing technical batches (non-GMP) and clinical…

    Implementation of an MES solution for two facilities for manufacturing clinical and technical batches (solids)

    - Project Management
    - Business Case Evaluation
    - User Requirements Specification
    - Training Concept and Training Delivery
    - MBR Concept and MBR Authoring
    - Validation

    A standard MES solution was selected that required significant customization based upon the URS to accommodate the requirements for producing technical batches (non-GMP) and clinical batches (GMP) in the same facility.

  • Global deployment of paperless manufacturing (MOM / MES)

    Global deployment of paperless manufacturing (MOM / MES) for top 10 bulk manufacturing and packaging sites
    -- Definition of the global MES roll-out strategy
    -- MES deployment roadmap (10 sites)
    -- Managing the global deployment team and the local Project Managers
    -- Business case evaluation and tracking (global and local)
    -- Managing global stakeholders
    -- Definition of standard project approach
    -- Supporting the individual MES projects with
    ---- project management…

    Global deployment of paperless manufacturing (MOM / MES) for top 10 bulk manufacturing and packaging sites
    -- Definition of the global MES roll-out strategy
    -- MES deployment roadmap (10 sites)
    -- Managing the global deployment team and the local Project Managers
    -- Business case evaluation and tracking (global and local)
    -- Managing global stakeholders
    -- Definition of standard project approach
    -- Supporting the individual MES projects with
    ---- project management (project planning, cost estimation, staffing)
    ---- business process analysis
    ---- stakeholder management

  • FDA 483 Remediation

    Remedition of CSV documentation after a FDA 483
    -- Managing remediation activities for US supplying sites in Germany, Switzerland and Italy
    -- Update of all life cycle documentation for an ERP system
    -- Implementing improved change management, configuration management, and documentation management processes

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  • 21 CFR Part 11 Implementation

    Global consolidation (25 sites) of all implementation activities for electronic records and electronic signature according to 21 CFR Part 11.
    -- Inventory of all systems in scope (IT, automation, laboratory)
    -- Analysis of 21 CFR Part 11 requirements for all systems
    -- Development of a 21 CFR Part11 assessment
    -- Identification and assessment of compliance risks
    -- Planning of all 21 CFR Part 11 remediation actions
    -- Managing the global project activities and team

  • Implementation of a new quality management and validation strategy according to GAMP

    Software validation of a fully automated tablet press (Kilian T300 / A100) according to principles that were defined by ICI Pharmaceuticals and FJ Systems in a document called VMAN. It was one of the first projects where pharmaceutical validation principles were applied for a new automation software. Together with the software development team and consultants from FJ Systems (Scott Thompson, Asif Khan), we developed the entire SDLC documentation:
    -- Validation Plan
    -- User Requirements…

    Software validation of a fully automated tablet press (Kilian T300 / A100) according to principles that were defined by ICI Pharmaceuticals and FJ Systems in a document called VMAN. It was one of the first projects where pharmaceutical validation principles were applied for a new automation software. Together with the software development team and consultants from FJ Systems (Scott Thompson, Asif Khan), we developed the entire SDLC documentation:
    -- Validation Plan
    -- User Requirements Specification
    -- Functional Specification
    -- Software Design Specification
    -- Test Specifications (IQ, OQ, PQ)
    -- Validation Report

    Eventually during this software project VMAN developed into GAMP and we decided to use GAMP for all future software and validation projects. The quality management system that was developed and certified in 1994 too GAMP into consideration for software development.

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  • MUSE Gold Award - Architecture Photography

    MUSE Photography Awards

    Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (architecture photography, black & white)

  • MUSE Gold Award - Black & White Photography Landscape

    MUSE Photography Awards

    Swiss Alps at Winter Full Moon

  • Exhibition at photo SCHWEIZ 2024

    photo SCHWEIZ

    photoSCHWEIZ is the largest exhibition of photography in Switzerland.

    Exhibition: SILO Basel (fine art architecture photography, black & white) - series of 5 images

  • TIFA Honorable Mention

    Tokyo International Foto Awards

    Honorable Mention for a series of wild orchids

  • TIFA Silver Winner 2023

    Tokyo International Film Awards

    Silver award in the category Architecture for a series of images of the church San Battista Giovanni by Mario Botta in Mogno (Ticino, Switzerland).

  • Exhibition at photo SCHWEIZ 2023

    photo SCHWEIZ

    photoSCHWEIZ is the largest exhibition of photography in Switzerland.

    Exhibition #1: Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista (architecture photography, black & white)
    Exhibition #2: Basel architecture landmarks (architecture photography, black & white)

  • IPA Honorable Mention

    International Photography Awards

    Honorable Mention in the category Architecture for a series of images of the church San Battista Giovanni by Mario Botta in Mogno (Ticino, Switzerland).

  • TIFA Bronze Award (Fine Art Landscape)

    Tokyo International Foto Awards

    Bronze award in the category Fine Art Landscape for an image of the Swiss Alps taken in winter during full moon.

  • Exhibition at photo SCHWEIZ 2022

    photo SCHWEIZ

    photoSCHWEIZ is the largest exhibition of photography in Switzerland.

    Exhibition: Swiss Alps in winter at full moon (Fine Art Landscape, black & white)


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  • Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International


  • International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)



    GAMP D-A-CH GAMP SIG Data Integrity GAMP SIG MES GAMP SIG Serialization ISPE SIG Pharma 4.0

  • Pharma MES conference by we.conect


    Chairman of the annual international Pharma MES conference Member of the Advisory Board

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