Fabian Schär

Basel, Basel, Schweiz Kontaktinformationen
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Fabian Schär is Professor for Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain) and Fintech at…


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Berufserfahrung und Ausbildung

  • Universität Basel

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  • Multichain Asset Managers Association Grafik


    Multichain Asset Managers Association

    –Heute 4 Jahre 3 Monate

    Science and Technology

    Decentralised technologies - blockchains, smart contracts and digital assets - have the potential to transform asset management. They promise to change in profound ways how funds are set up, operated and regulated. We envision a world where the power of blockchain technology is unleashed, providing amongst other things, new foundations for the asset management industry. We believe that investment funds of the future will be entirely set up, operated, audited and regulated using blockchain…

    Decentralised technologies - blockchains, smart contracts and digital assets - have the potential to transform asset management. They promise to change in profound ways how funds are set up, operated and regulated. We envision a world where the power of blockchain technology is unleashed, providing amongst other things, new foundations for the asset management industry. We believe that investment funds of the future will be entirely set up, operated, audited and regulated using blockchain technology.

  • Fondation CH2048 Grafik

    Member of the Advisory Board

    Fondation CH2048

    6 Jahre 2 Monate


  • Centre for Economic Policy Research Grafik

    Researcher Fintech and Digital Currencies RPN

    Centre for Economic Policy Research

    3 Jahre

    The RPN on Fintech and Digital Currencies, established on the 1st September 2018 for an initial three year term, is led by Professor Antonio Fatás (INSEAD and CEPR).

    New technologies have the potential to change the way financial markets operate or institutions compete. Some examples of these developments: innovations in payment systems in emerging markets that bypass traditional intermediaries (banks); the launch of a large number of cryptocurrencies; debates among central banks about…

    The RPN on Fintech and Digital Currencies, established on the 1st September 2018 for an initial three year term, is led by Professor Antonio Fatás (INSEAD and CEPR).

    New technologies have the potential to change the way financial markets operate or institutions compete. Some examples of these developments: innovations in payment systems in emerging markets that bypass traditional intermediaries (banks); the launch of a large number of cryptocurrencies; debates among central banks about the merits of providing direct access to electronic forms of money; an explosion of ICOs as a funding mechanism for new companies. As these changes happen, central banks and regulators need to react and, in some cases, modify the current policy frameworks.

    The main goal of the CEPR Fintech and Digital Currencies network is to generate, coordinate and disseminate academic research related to these broad issues. Because of the nature of the topics, the network represents a community of researchers coming from different fields of economics (finance, macroeconomics, industrial organization). In addition, the network seeks to foster a dialogue among academics and policy makers (central bankers or regulators) about the optimal policies to deal with these changes in financial markets.

  • CV Labs Grafik

    Expert / Mentor

    CV Labs

    –Heute 5 Jahre 4 Monate

    Science and Technology

    As an expert at CV Labs’ blockchain incubator I teach startups on the technology and its applications. The incubation program is an intense learning experience that spans for 10 weeks. A unique incubator experience in the heart of the Crypto Valley, Switzerland is set to help startups increase their knowledge in strategy, business operations and the blockchain technology.

  • Swiss Blockchain Federation Grafik

    Board Member & Head Banking Task Force

    Swiss Blockchain Federation

    1 Jahr 8 Monate

    Science and Technology


  • Land Valuation in the Metaverse: Location Matters

    Working Paper

    We analyze locational preferences of investors in the metaverse. The setting allows us to compile a unique data set with parcel- and investor-specific observations. We find strong evidence that location matters even in a virtual world with negligible transportation costs. Locational preferences come in two distinct forms. Investors are willing to pay substantial premiums for (1) land in close proximity to popular landmarks, and (2), for parcels with more memorable addresses. Virtual land…

    We analyze locational preferences of investors in the metaverse. The setting allows us to compile a unique data set with parcel- and investor-specific observations. We find strong evidence that location matters even in a virtual world with negligible transportation costs. Locational preferences come in two distinct forms. Investors are willing to pay substantial premiums for (1) land in close proximity to popular landmarks, and (2), for parcels with more memorable addresses. Virtual land incorporates characteristics from real estate and domain name markets. We argue that these effects are primarily driven by commercial land use and visitor density expectations.

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  • Decentralized Finance: On Blockchain- and Smart Contract-Based Financial Markets

    Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review

    The term decentralized finance (DeFi) refers to an alternative financial infrastructure built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. DeFi uses smart contracts to create protocols that replicate existing financial services in a more open, interoperable, and transparent way. This article highlights opportunities and potential risks of the DeFi ecosystem. I propose a multi-layered framework to analyze the implicit architecture and the various DeFi building blocks, including token standards…

    The term decentralized finance (DeFi) refers to an alternative financial infrastructure built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. DeFi uses smart contracts to create protocols that replicate existing financial services in a more open, interoperable, and transparent way. This article highlights opportunities and potential risks of the DeFi ecosystem. I propose a multi-layered framework to analyze the implicit architecture and the various DeFi building blocks, including token standards, decentralized exchanges, decentralized debt markets, blockchain derivatives, and on-chain asset management protocols. I conclude that DeFi still is a niche market with certain risks but that it also has interesting properties in terms of efficiency, transparency, accessibility, and composability. As such, DeFi may potentially contribute to a more robust and transparent financial infrastructure.

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  • Bitcoin, Blockchain und Kryptoassets: Eine umfassende Einführung

    BoD Norderstedt

    Die Blockchain wird als Innovation des Jahrzehnts gehandelt und hat das Potential die Welt auf ähnliche Weise zu verändern, wie dies das Aufkommen des Internets tat.
    Dieses Buch beinhaltet sämtliche Informationen, die zum Verständnis dieser faszinierenden Technologie benötigt werden.
    Der interdisziplinäre Blickwinkel und die fachliche Vollständigkeit sorgen dafür, dass das Buch für Neueinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen interessant und lesenswert ist. Damit wird es zur…

    Die Blockchain wird als Innovation des Jahrzehnts gehandelt und hat das Potential die Welt auf ähnliche Weise zu verändern, wie dies das Aufkommen des Internets tat.
    Dieses Buch beinhaltet sämtliche Informationen, die zum Verständnis dieser faszinierenden Technologie benötigt werden.
    Der interdisziplinäre Blickwinkel und die fachliche Vollständigkeit sorgen dafür, dass das Buch für Neueinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen interessant und lesenswert ist. Damit wird es zur unverzichtbaren Lektüre für alle, die sich mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen möchten.

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  • The Fallacy of a Cashless Society

    Larcier, SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum, Cash on Trial

    At the “Cash on Trial” conference, cash has been accused of three sins: First, cash
    is inefficient and costly to use, and society would be better off without it. Second,
    it promotes crime, and facilitates money laundering and tax evasion. Third, it
    makes negative nominal interest rates infeasible. In certain situations, this may
    hinder central banks from implementing optimal monetary policies. In this
    article, we argue that all three accusations are fallacies; they are based on…

    At the “Cash on Trial” conference, cash has been accused of three sins: First, cash
    is inefficient and costly to use, and society would be better off without it. Second,
    it promotes crime, and facilitates money laundering and tax evasion. Third, it
    makes negative nominal interest rates infeasible. In certain situations, this may
    hinder central banks from implementing optimal monetary policies. In this
    article, we argue that all three accusations are fallacies; they are based on faulty
    reasoning. There is absolutely no need to limit the use of cash. On the contrary,
    societies should facilitate its use.

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  • Unsinnige Forderung nach Bargeldverbot


    Die extrem expansive Geldpolitik hat zu einer Diskussion über den Nutzen von Bargeld geführt. Kritiker bringen vor allem drei Gründe gegen Cash vor. Letztlich sind alle falsch.

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  • Decentralized Finance, Centralized Ownership? An Iterative Mapping Process to Measure Protocol Token Distribution

    Journal of Blockchain Research (forthcoming)

    In this paper, we analyze various Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols in terms of their token distributions. We propose an iterative mapping process that allows us to split aggregate token holdings from custodial and escrow contracts and assign them to their economic beneficiaries. This method accounts for liquidity-, lending-, and staking-pools, as well as token wrappers, and can be used to break down token holdings, even for high nesting levels. We compute individual address balances for…

    In this paper, we analyze various Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols in terms of their token distributions. We propose an iterative mapping process that allows us to split aggregate token holdings from custodial and escrow contracts and assign them to their economic beneficiaries. This method accounts for liquidity-, lending-, and staking-pools, as well as token wrappers, and can be used to break down token holdings, even for high nesting levels. We compute individual address balances for several snapshots and analyze intertemporal distribution changes. In addition, we study reallocation and protocol usage data, and propose a proxy for measuring token dependencies and ecosystem integration. The paper offers new insights on DeFi interoperability as well as token ownership distribution and may serve as a foundation for further research.

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  • Best Master's Thesis Academic Year 2015 (shared)

    Basler Kantonalbank & Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universität Basel

  • IVE "Business Plan Contest" 2012 - 2nd place

    IVE Institute



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  • Französisch



  • Fondation CH2048

    Mitglied des Beirats

  • Swiss Finance and Technology Association




  • Vereinigung Basler Ökonomen




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