Elaine France, FRSA

Bagnes, Valais, Schweiz Kontaktinformationen
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Everything I do is about empowering you imagine, design and create innovative solutions…

Artikel von Elaine France, FRSA

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  • Flow In Action

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Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate



  • UN IOM Embedding Strategic Foresight as a Forward-Looking Approach

    Working with GMDAC and DTM teams, as part of the recently formed GDI, to explore embedding and using Strategic Foresight within the organisation at HQ, RO and CO level, as well as with external stakeholders.
    Providing Strategic Foresight expertise, facilitating multi-team workshops and report writing.

  • Innosuisse Innovation Booster Programme - Core Competencies Framework

    Developing a prototype Core Competencies Framework for Innovation Boosters to use with Innovation Teams.

    This follows conducting a Phase 1 Needs Assessment for the development of a Competencies Framework, to support Innovation Teams participating in the Innosuisse Innovation Booster Programme, enabling them to increasingly build trust by recognising each other's core competencies as they take part in the experiential learning-by-creating-value processes for taking their idea forward.

  • UNRISD Director Recruitment Support

    Commissioned by outgoing Director of UNRISD, Paul Ladd, to support to search for a new Director.

    Engaging potential candidates from across the UN, thinktanks and Universities in informal, confidential discussions to gauge interest; writing short biographies and a summary report for the Chair of the Board.

  • UN ITU Strategic Foresight 101 E-Learning

    Content creation of a Strategic Foresight primer e-learning course to introduce multi-stakeholders to the core concepts of foresight for strategic planning and innovation in digital technology, as part of the UN ITU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alliance for Digital Transformation.

    Interviewing and including insights from world-leading futurists.

  • Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: Facilitating Youth Working Group

    Supporting the development and facilitation of online workshops of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Youth Working Group, to engage peers multi-laterally and explore how to raise the profile of wetlands conservation globally, as a key part in a strategic programme of climate action.

  • Green and Digital Entrepreneurship E-learning Consultant @ ITU

    Supporting the creation of an e-learning course on digitisation and green entrepreneurship for women entrepreneurs in South America and Africa, with entrepreneurial education expertise.

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  • UN Protocol on Water & Health: Facilitation of the UN High-Level Working Session

    Facilitation of the High-Level Working Session opening the 6th Session of the Meeting of the Parties on the UN Protocol on Water and Sanitation, on behalf of the Joint Secretariat of UNECE and WHO-Europe.

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  • Facilitation of IOM Team Retreat

    Supporting the design of a 2 day inter-team retreat for IOM in Geneva and subsequently facilitated the event.

  • E-Learning on Seed Finance for NTN Innovation Booster - Living Labs for Decarbonisation

    Commissioned as an Innovation Expert to create a short e-learning on securing seed finance.
    This is for start-up entrepreneurs in the Swiss-based NTN Innovation Booster for Decarbonisation https://www.energylivinglab.com/project/ntn-innovation-booster-project/

    Start-ups will be at the stage where they have prototyped their MVP product/service at a micro/minimum scale, and are now ready to scale up the testing of their MVP. The core themes for start-ups in this NTN are: circular…

    Commissioned as an Innovation Expert to create a short e-learning on securing seed finance.
    This is for start-up entrepreneurs in the Swiss-based NTN Innovation Booster for Decarbonisation https://www.energylivinglab.com/project/ntn-innovation-booster-project/

    Start-ups will be at the stage where they have prototyped their MVP product/service at a micro/minimum scale, and are now ready to scale up the testing of their MVP. The core themes for start-ups in this NTN are: circular economy, digitisation of decarbonisation, energy, mobility.

    18 NTN Innovation Boosters (National Thematic Network) have been established by Innosuisse, the Swiss innovation agency as part of their ongoing innovation strategy. https://www.innosuisse.ch/inno/en/home/be-connected/ntn/innovation-boosters.html

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  • October 2031: Forecasting the Future Together - The Coimbra Group meets the UN

    Designing and facilitating this strategic foresight working session between rectors and vice-rectors from The Coimbra Group of Universities, representatives from UN Agencies and the impact investment eco-system, to build a road-map around collaboration to achieve the UN SDGs.

    This session, is part of a unique event, “The Coimbra Group meets the UN” taking place in the UN Library 21-22nd October 2021 focused on catalysing relationships that unleash the incredible potential of research…

    Designing and facilitating this strategic foresight working session between rectors and vice-rectors from The Coimbra Group of Universities, representatives from UN Agencies and the impact investment eco-system, to build a road-map around collaboration to achieve the UN SDGs.

    This session, is part of a unique event, “The Coimbra Group meets the UN” taking place in the UN Library 21-22nd October 2021 focused on catalysing relationships that unleash the incredible potential of research and education to unfold equitable futures for all.

    The design of the event from concept to delivery includes: conceptualising and creating the futures thinking scenarios to engage the participants during the session, creating the invitation list of participants, working with the event Steering Group, UN Library and University of Geneva International Relations Office, engaging examples from the 'field' to illustrate signals that will be explored during the session.

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  • Flow In Action: Futures Wonder Lab @ Cheshire East Libraries

    I'm really, really delighted to be collaborating with Cheshire East Libraries @ceclibraries to launch the first Futures Wonder Lab® Challenge in the UK.

    My Flow In Action - Futures Wonder Lab® Challenge - is an innovation ideas challenge, inspiring children and youth (age 5-16 yrs) to be problem-solvers for the planet, using their imagination and creativity.

    Starting 7th November 2020, this is a monthly challenge, inviting young people to share their ideas, using their creativity…

    I'm really, really delighted to be collaborating with Cheshire East Libraries @ceclibraries to launch the first Futures Wonder Lab® Challenge in the UK.

    My Flow In Action - Futures Wonder Lab® Challenge - is an innovation ideas challenge, inspiring children and youth (age 5-16 yrs) to be problem-solvers for the planet, using their imagination and creativity.

    Starting 7th November 2020, this is a monthly challenge, inviting young people to share their ideas, using their creativity as the starting point for making their voices heard on climate action.

    Through the Futures Wonder Lab® Challenge young people develop their toolkit for problem-solving in their communities, build essential skills for collaborating and creating solutions and strengthen their mindset as resilient, empathetic, hopeful individuals.

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  • E-Learning & Bootcamp for the Concours de la Meilleure Idee in Global Entrepreneurship Week Geneva 2020

    I worked in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Week Geneva, UNIGE UNITEC (University of Geneva) and Genilem to create the training programme for participants in the Concours. 2020 is the first year this happened and due to COVID restrictions became an enabling factor in participation.

    The E-Learning Programme was created as a 6-module + Forum exploration of the enterprise journey using Hazu as the Learning Management System (LMS). Each module was created as a series of…

    I worked in partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Week Geneva, UNIGE UNITEC (University of Geneva) and Genilem to create the training programme for participants in the Concours. 2020 is the first year this happened and due to COVID restrictions became an enabling factor in participation.

    The E-Learning Programme was created as a 6-module + Forum exploration of the enterprise journey using Hazu as the Learning Management System (LMS). Each module was created as a series of micro-learning activities using a combination of videos, reading, activity, reflection, downloadable materials and quiz.
    The E-Learning Programme was supplemented with a 1-Day Online Bootcamp focused on preparing the participants on pitching. This used short "refresher" sessions on the Pitch module and interactive exercises in the break-out rooms, building participants' confidence on their pitch content and style; ultimately preparing them to take part in the online Concours pitch on the 19th Nov 2020.

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  • Commonwealth Creativity & Innovation Challenge

    Partnering with the Commonwealth Businesswomen's Network (CBWN) and GSMA to design and run a creativity and innovation challenge for young people, ages 8-16 yrs, across the 54 countries of the Commonwealth.

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  • Speaker at Kaleido Retreat 2020

    Flourishing through Wonder: Create the possibility of new futures

    "When we look through the lens of wonder we connect with our imagination, creativity and resilience. We open up the space to flourish in our daily lives. What we are present to in wondering, unfolds our future selves. This talk explores why, how and what we can wonder now, to create the possibility of new futures which align with a flourishing planet.

    Wonder is a powerful, practical tool used in futures, design and…

    Flourishing through Wonder: Create the possibility of new futures

    "When we look through the lens of wonder we connect with our imagination, creativity and resilience. We open up the space to flourish in our daily lives. What we are present to in wondering, unfolds our future selves. This talk explores why, how and what we can wonder now, to create the possibility of new futures which align with a flourishing planet.

    Wonder is a powerful, practical tool used in futures, design and systems-thinking to imagine, explore and challenge the status quo of the present and disrupt predictions of the future. Wonder creates a level-playing field for everyone to come to the table to share their unique blend of problem-solving creativity. It enables us to connect deeply to Nature and be inspired by it for innovative solutions. Wondering brings us into states of flow and deep play, triggering positive emotions which contribute to our wellbeing. What we wonder together, plants the seeds of change that we will take back into our individual lives and share with our communities of change."

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  • UNHCR E-Tutor for the Core Competencies Learning Programme (CCLP)

    E-Tutor providing feedback to programme participants, a wide range of UNHCR staff from across the globe, on Team Building and Time Management.

  • Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Workshops

    Building youth entrepreneurship skills through SDG Innovation Challenge & Entrepreneurship workshops with students from international schools at the Palais des Nations, designing solutions around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    As examples:

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  • Wellbeing to Increase Innovation Workshop in partnership with Webster University Geneva

    Partnering with Webster University Geneva – Center for Creativity & Innovation to capacity-build innovation skills with diverse stakeholders including students, impact investors, start-up/scale-up entrepreneurs; agreeing and implementing communication strategy with multi-stakeholders.

    End-to-end design and delivery of event on 21st Nov 2019 as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2019.

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  • EPFL Innovation Park Workshop: Resilience for Going Fast & Far on your Entrepreneurship Journey

    Resilience for Going Fast & Far on Your Entrepreneurship Journey
    Wednesday 9th October 2019 – 13.30 – 17.30, EPFL Innovation Park, Building D, Room Uranus

    Your entrepreneurship journey is full of challenges on a daily basis. To go fast and far on this journey to create successful brands and businesses you need to be resilient. That means moving from a strong core of flourishing to cultivate the conditions for your problem-solving creativity and innovation thinking.


    Resilience for Going Fast & Far on Your Entrepreneurship Journey
    Wednesday 9th October 2019 – 13.30 – 17.30, EPFL Innovation Park, Building D, Room Uranus

    Your entrepreneurship journey is full of challenges on a daily basis. To go fast and far on this journey to create successful brands and businesses you need to be resilient. That means moving from a strong core of flourishing to cultivate the conditions for your problem-solving creativity and innovation thinking.

    Being resilient does not mean pushing yourself over the edge: if you are burnt-out, your business is at a stand-still. By deepening your resilience so that you adapt and navigate personal, professional and organisational challenges, you stay agile, dynamic and moving towards your goals. Resilience is about joy, deep play and staying creative to find new perspectives for solutions and open up new opportunities. As you embed resilience tools, you make the space for your team to be aligned with and delivering your vision, mission and values.

    In this workshop you will:
    Learn practical skills to deepen personal resilience
    Allow yourself to flourish, feel more joy and avoid burn-out
    Map a new path to achieve professional goals
    Link resilience tools to developing lean, effective business processes
    Practice interactive activities to embed your resilience toolkit
    Leave with a resilience practice for unlocking creativity, innovation & entrepreneurial mindset

    Who should attend? Everyone. Founders and team members from start-ups; Founders and team members from scale-ups; students and individuals exploring turning an idea into reality.

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  • Speaker at International Symposium on Creativity

    Partnering with Webster University Geneva – Center for Creativity & Innovation to capacity-build innovation skills through creativity as a speaker at their International Symposium on Creativity & Innovation 6th Dec 2019. I will speak about wellbeing tools as the key to opening up creativity and innovation thinking within organisations to create innovative processes, products and solutions.

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  • Expert Panel Speaker on Social Entrepreneurship INFOCUS Conference @ UN Geneva

    Expert Panel Speaker on social entrepreneurship, focusing on the key elements needed to develop the market for social enterprises to support achieving of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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  • Exploring sustainability the MBA students @ Grenoble Ecole de Management

    Running a workshop for MBA Innovation & Entrepreneurship students at Grenoble Ecole de Management, taking the Sustainability specialisation. Teaching my methods for raising awareness of sustainability in their organisations, to increase innovation and purpose-driven business activities.

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  • Youth Entrepreneurship at College Alpin Beau Soleil, Switzerland

    Running a youth entrepreneurship workshop with Yr 7-9 students from this international school. Students needed to create a product which could be sold to Alumni for the school's 110th anniversary in 2020. Following development of their products, aligned with achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, students took part in a pitching event to me, staff and alumni.

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  • Resilience for Entrepreneurs Workshop with Capacity Zurich

    I worked with Capacity Zurich, running my resilience for entrepreneurs activities with the start-up entrepreneurs in their 2019 Spring programme.

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  • Expert Panel Member, Hult Prize at ASU, Amman, Jordan

    Acted as an Expert Panel Member evaluating the pitches from youth start-up entrepreneurs at the Hult Prize local event at Applied Science Private University in Amman, Jordan.

    Evaluating the first round pitches and subsequent semi-finalists to select the 3 start-ups going forward to the regional final in April 2019.

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  • UNCTAD Start-Ups & Scale-Ups for SDGs Youth Pitching Event 2018

    Working in partnership with UNCTAD's Division of Investment & Enterprise (DIAE) to co-design and deliver the 2018 Start-Ups & Scale-Ups for SDGs event on the 15th November, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

    This included engaging members from my network for the Expert Panel, co-designing and delivering the event approach, co-designing and running the training programme for the 12 pitching candidates from developing countries to prepare them for…

    Working in partnership with UNCTAD's Division of Investment & Enterprise (DIAE) to co-design and deliver the 2018 Start-Ups & Scale-Ups for SDGs event on the 15th November, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

    This included engaging members from my network for the Expert Panel, co-designing and delivering the event approach, co-designing and running the training programme for the 12 pitching candidates from developing countries to prepare them for the pitch event, delivering resilience training and pitch mentoring; engaging impact investor expert panel members; strengthening Business Plan toolkit for submissions; review of pitch ‘story’ toolkit with impact investors; hosting the event.

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  • Student Ideas Challenge for the UNCTAD Empretec Women in Business Awards 2018

    Working in partnership with UNCTAD's Division of Investment & Enterprise (DIAE) to create a Student Ideas Challenge - Schools Pack for students around the world.

    This pack explores entrepreneurship as a tool for achieving gender equality. The Student Ideas Challenge invites children of all ages to generate innovative ideas around SDG2 - Zero Hunger, SDG4 - Quality Education, SDG 5 - Gender Equality, SDG 11 - Responsible Consumption and SDG12 - Sustainble Cities.

    The students…

    Working in partnership with UNCTAD's Division of Investment & Enterprise (DIAE) to create a Student Ideas Challenge - Schools Pack for students around the world.

    This pack explores entrepreneurship as a tool for achieving gender equality. The Student Ideas Challenge invites children of all ages to generate innovative ideas around SDG2 - Zero Hunger, SDG4 - Quality Education, SDG 5 - Gender Equality, SDG 11 - Responsible Consumption and SDG12 - Sustainble Cities.

    The students submitted posters and videos of their ideas to be displayed in the Palais des Nations during the 2018 World Investment Forum. Additionally, I selected and trained 5 youth speakers to present their ideas and hopes as start-up entrepreneurs during the event.

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  • Aventerre

    Aventerre is a start-up perma-culture enterprise based in Valais, Switzerland.

    ​Flow In Action is supporting Founder and woman entrepreneur, Ellie Vestberg, to use her specialist knowledge and long-standing experience to design products and with business case planning.

    Set in the heart of the Swiss Alps, Aventerre's vision is to bring young people and adults into nature, enabling them to reconnect with the land, learning to be self-sufficient in growing food and land maintenance…

    Aventerre is a start-up perma-culture enterprise based in Valais, Switzerland.

    ​Flow In Action is supporting Founder and woman entrepreneur, Ellie Vestberg, to use her specialist knowledge and long-standing experience to design products and with business case planning.

    Set in the heart of the Swiss Alps, Aventerre's vision is to bring young people and adults into nature, enabling them to reconnect with the land, learning to be self-sufficient in growing food and land maintenance skills.

  • Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop

    On the 18th June 2018, I ran a youth entrepreneurship workshop at the UN, Palais des Nations, Geneva in partnership with UNCTAD, Africa 21 and Ville de Geneve.

    Attended by students, ages 14-17 years old, from Haut-Lac Ecole Internationale, Bilingue Ecole Internationale de Genève — International School of Geneva and St. George's International School, Switzerland our theme was SDG2 - Zero Hunger.

    I took them on a journey of innovation thinking, with each group developing their ideas…

    On the 18th June 2018, I ran a youth entrepreneurship workshop at the UN, Palais des Nations, Geneva in partnership with UNCTAD, Africa 21 and Ville de Geneve.

    Attended by students, ages 14-17 years old, from Haut-Lac Ecole Internationale, Bilingue Ecole Internationale de Genève — International School of Geneva and St. George's International School, Switzerland our theme was SDG2 - Zero Hunger.

    I took them on a journey of innovation thinking, with each group developing their ideas before plotting them into a business model canvas and completing a mini-pitch.

    The students were incredible, with concepts and a passion for change and sustainability that genuinely has the power to change systems globally.

    #flowinaction #resilience #ideas #innovation #adventurers #circulareconomy #sustainability #sdgs #changemakers #agentsofchange #adventurers #entrepreneur

  • Social Innovator In Residence

    Working with Lemania-Verbier International School in Verbier, Switzerland www.lvis.ch

    Service Learning Strategy: Developing and implementing with the teaching staff, a Service Learning Strategy for the whole-school. The strategy is based around two core themes relevant to the community that the school is in: intercultural understanding and sustainability.

    Agents of Change Programme with Year 7-10 students: This programme from Flow In Action, increases young people's wellbeing by…

    Working with Lemania-Verbier International School in Verbier, Switzerland www.lvis.ch

    Service Learning Strategy: Developing and implementing with the teaching staff, a Service Learning Strategy for the whole-school. The strategy is based around two core themes relevant to the community that the school is in: intercultural understanding and sustainability.

    Agents of Change Programme with Year 7-10 students: This programme from Flow In Action, increases young people's wellbeing by empowering them to be optimistic agents of change. Each week, students connect to their creativity and innovation thinking, to explore solutions to real-world challenges in the local community. Activities are designed to build life-skills, leadership and entrepreneurial mind-set, so that each child, regardless of academic ability is connected to their strengths, resilience and creativity to take action.

  • UNCTAD Start-Ups for SDGs Youth Entrepreneurship Pitch Event 2017

    Co-design and delivery of Start-Ups for SDGs Youth Entrepreneurship Pitching Event in the Palais des Nations during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2017. Co-designing training programme for pitch candidates from developing countries, delivering resilience training and pitch mentoring, engaging multi-cultural internal/external stakeholders, designing and leading audience in Innovation Challenge.

  • Zurich International School - Learn To Move Mountains Workshop & Ideathon

    I ran this 1-day workshop for 132 Grade 10's (age 16) at the end of their school year.

    This Learn To Move Mountains workshop was designed to start connecting them to their strengths and building their skills so that they can take action to lead positive change in their community.

    For some students, it was an entry point into their IB Diploma Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) programme and for others, into getting engaged in clubs and school life, on their return in September…

    I ran this 1-day workshop for 132 Grade 10's (age 16) at the end of their school year.

    This Learn To Move Mountains workshop was designed to start connecting them to their strengths and building their skills so that they can take action to lead positive change in their community.

    For some students, it was an entry point into their IB Diploma Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) programme and for others, into getting engaged in clubs and school life, on their return in September as seniors.

    I took students through a series of interactive elements, including an Ideathon and Bricoleur session to play with innovation thinking and reframe failure to build resilience. A key element was building optimism that each individual has the capacity to take action that matters in a world full of challenges.

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  • Lemania-Verbier International School - Global Citizenship & Mini Learn To Move Mountains Ideathon

    I worked with the Year 7-9 students at Lemania-Verbier International School (LVIS) over 6 weeks to bring insights into what it means to be a change-maker in today's world, to engage them in their creativity and thinking skills.

    We worked on interests and explored the leadership and life-skills that they had been developing over the school year through their Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) work.

    Finally, I ran a mini Learn To Move Mountains ideathon with them to connect them…

    I worked with the Year 7-9 students at Lemania-Verbier International School (LVIS) over 6 weeks to bring insights into what it means to be a change-maker in today's world, to engage them in their creativity and thinking skills.

    We worked on interests and explored the leadership and life-skills that they had been developing over the school year through their Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) work.

    Finally, I ran a mini Learn To Move Mountains ideathon with them to connect them to their imagination, creativity and thinking skills; coming up with innovative ideas to change the world.

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  • Verbier Ramassage/Clean The Mountain 2017 - Committee Member

    I was part of a small committee, created and led by Sarah Hutchison, Founder of Second Nature, putting together the annual mountain clean-up day in Verbier, Switzerland in association with Televerbier.

    The event brought together local people from all parts of the local community; all nationalities coming together to care for the environment #sdg13.

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  • Team Change-Makers at International School of Zug & Luzern (ISZL)

    I am working with Vicky Wasner, Experiential Learning Coordinator, to develop the high school's service learning approach starting with a team of IB Diploma CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) students.

    These students will become Team Change-Makers and the ambassadors of creativity and creative leadership within the school setting.

  • Teachers as Change-Makers INSET Training - International School of Zug & Luzern (ISZL)

    As part of the development of a High-School Service Learning Strategy, engaging teachers as change-makers is vital to the successful evolution of the framework.

    Teachers are key stakeholders in opening up the space for young people to be empowered to take action, acting as role models of creative leadership.

    Our first workshop explored change-making to increase understanding of service learning, using a foundation process to open up ideas around each subject.

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  • Student Council as Creative Leaders - International School of Zug & Luzern (ISZL)

    The Student Council at ISZL has a long history of working as students to represent the voices of their peers.

    We are working together through a series of workshops to explore creative leadership, how to understand the stakeholders that they represent in the school; and how to take action by empowering others to have ideas of value and act on them.

  • Hack The School Library at St George's International School

    Inspired by the 'Hack the Public Library' movements around the world, the aim was to hack the school library to make it a hub for learning, reading, imagining, story-telling and community.

    The purpose was to be fit for purpose to serve the learning needs of an IBO school and build on the opportunity to act as a community hub meeting the needs of parents.

  • Social Change Programme at St George's International School Switzerland

    I lead the fundraising activities at the school. In the last school year, for the Senior School, I revised the activities into one key fundraising day per term. This created focus as well as reducing the burden on Tutors who work closely with their Tutor Groups to participate. I liaise closely with the IB CAS Coordinator so that we create opportunities for the Year 12-13 students to lead these fundraising days. This has proved very positive in developing their leadership, team building and…

    I lead the fundraising activities at the school. In the last school year, for the Senior School, I revised the activities into one key fundraising day per term. This created focus as well as reducing the burden on Tutors who work closely with their Tutor Groups to participate. I liaise closely with the IB CAS Coordinator so that we create opportunities for the Year 12-13 students to lead these fundraising days. This has proved very positive in developing their leadership, team building and project management skills, as well as successfully delivering key events.

  • Developing Thinking Skills Online Course for Teachers with Literacy Matters

    Developing Thinking Skills is an online course for teachers, written by Elaine France and delivered through online education provider Literacy Matters.

    The course helps teachers to understand creative thinking as a 21st Century super skill and use practical examples with students to increase their capabilities and confidence.

    It also supports teachers in developing creative thinking skills as part of their own 21st century skill set. Courses run every quarter.

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  • Give Me Tap Bottles Introduced to St George's International School Switzerland

    Working together with Richard Lineham, in his role as Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) Coordinator at St George's International School in Switzerland, we initiated a project with Year 12 CAS students to introduce branded Give Me Tap bottles in the school for staff and pupils.

    This project is part of an ongoing sustainability drive to replace plastic disposable water cups within the school.

    St George's was the first school in Switzerland to introduce the bottles. Every bottle…

    Working together with Richard Lineham, in his role as Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS) Coordinator at St George's International School in Switzerland, we initiated a project with Year 12 CAS students to introduce branded Give Me Tap bottles in the school for staff and pupils.

    This project is part of an ongoing sustainability drive to replace plastic disposable water cups within the school.

    St George's was the first school in Switzerland to introduce the bottles. Every bottle secures 5 years of clean water for a person in Africa benefiting from Give Me Tap's work. With 600 bottles introduced, that makes a massive impact in people's lives.

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  • Women As Creative Leaders Workshop in partnership with Business School of Lausanne

    Partnered with Business School of Lausanne in 2015 with end-to-end event design and management, to deliver a Creative Leadership for Women workshop engaging women entrepreneurs and women in business.

  • Creative Leadership Conference at Business School Lausanne 20th May 2015

    The Make Your Impact as a Creative Leader Conference hosted at Business School of Lausanne on 20th May 2015, brought together women as change-makers to explore creativity and resilience.

    The event was over-subscribed, with a fantastic response from attendees who were a group of accomplished women in business and independent business women.

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  • Akilah Institute for Women - Giving Women Project Circle

    As a member of the Geneva philanthropy networking group, Giving Women (www.givingwomen.ch) I am a member of a Project Circle for Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda. Project Circles bring their skills to the table to support the selected organisation to reach specific objectives.
    I am supporting with fundraising and income generation expertise, plus insights on monitoring and evaluation from work at Snow-Camp and also via teaching Year 12/13 students as they undertake their Creativity…

    As a member of the Geneva philanthropy networking group, Giving Women (www.givingwomen.ch) I am a member of a Project Circle for Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda. Project Circles bring their skills to the table to support the selected organisation to reach specific objectives.
    I am supporting with fundraising and income generation expertise, plus insights on monitoring and evaluation from work at Snow-Camp and also via teaching Year 12/13 students as they undertake their Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) activities as part of their International Baccaleureate Diploma

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  • Verbier 3D Foundation 'Mutations' 27th - 28th July 2013

    We are working with the Verbier 3D Foundation to develop their income generation strategies and lean businesses processes, plus event manage this year's landmark event taking place on the 27th/28th July with leading international contemporary artists Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky, Sanford Biggers and David Gryn.

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  • Ideas to Innovation in Emergency Relief Workshop


    Having worked with students to understand the creative design and innovation process, we explored how natural disasters and emergencies are generating innovative responses in emergency relief housing.

    With MedAir as the guest speakers, talking about how they work on the ground and what has sparked innovation, the students were able to bridge the gap between real world scenarios and the design process.

    Students then went onto create a maquette of an emergency response shelter with…

    Having worked with students to understand the creative design and innovation process, we explored how natural disasters and emergencies are generating innovative responses in emergency relief housing.

    With MedAir as the guest speakers, talking about how they work on the ground and what has sparked innovation, the students were able to bridge the gap between real world scenarios and the design process.

    Students then went onto create a maquette of an emergency response shelter with a set of random materials, taking them through the design sequence from empathy to prototype.

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