

Hochschulen und Universitäten

Zuerich, Zuerich 153 Follower:innen

We facilitate cultural funding and exchange with Chinese culture


sinokultur is an independent association for cultural promotion and mediation with Chinese culture. sinokultur promotes intercultural mediation through a dynamic and critical exchange with Chinese culture in Switzerland. sinokultur creates exciting cultural events, facilitates inspiring encounters and enriches the Chinese cultural scene of today and tomorrow. It is sinokultur's mission to create a contemporary and differentiated understanding of Chinese culture. sinokultur focuses on three main areas: Supporting Culture and the Arts sinokultur offers opportunities for the realisation of projects related to Chinese culture in the the fields of literature, the arts and music. By supporting high quality projects sinokultur enables an interested public to engage with Chinese culture. sinokultur monitors and guides the projects though their various phases. Cultural events sinokultur organises the event series sinokultur im Salon. In the beautiful and intimate ambience of our salon, artists, authors and musicians talk about their exciting and innovative projects. Their presentation is followed by a discussion with them, and a small aperitif. Furthermore, sinokultur offers privately guided visits to artists' studios, galleries and museums. Services The range of services offered by sinokultur is designed to foster an understanding of Chinese culture and facilitate an enriching exchange. Language and music tuition, interpreting and translating in the field of culture, and an Agenda for cultural events promote a lively exchange around cultural issues. Our range of services make it easier to deal with novel experiences and helps explain many culturally based differences.

Hochschulen und Universitäten
2–10 Beschäftigte
Zuerich, Zuerich
Cultural Funding, Cultural Exchange, Translation, Language Teaching, Cultural Agenda, Chinese Instruments, sinokultur im Salon und Visits to studios, galleries, museums


Beschäftigte von sinokultur


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    sinokultur is very excited to invite you to this unique opportunity! On Friday, June 14 we will visit the the two fairs VOLTA Art Fair and Art Basel and discover Chinese art together. On Friday, 14 at 11am Julia Lechbinska will give us a tour of her booth C6 and introduce the exhibited artists to us. As a special treat some of the artists will be present. After the tour you have time to visit further booths at Volta Art Fair. We have been invited by courtesy of Lechbinska Gallery for Volta Art Fair. You will receive the entrance ticket once you have purchased the reservation ticket (see link below). Lechbinska Gallery was founded in 2020. The Gallery’s primary focus is the contemporary art created between cultures and identities. Its mission is to bridge cultural theories and artistic materials and techniques. Today the gallery represents a diverse range of institutionally recognized contemporary mid-career artists and some estates from Switzerland and the East Asian region. At 2pm we will meet at Art Basel in hall 2.1 at the booth P12 of Galerie Urs Meile Lucerne - Beijing. The gallery director Yang Yang will introduce the presented artists and their works to us. Since its establishment in 1992, Galerie Urs Meile has contributed to the presentation and dissemination of contemporary art, from painting and sculpture to photography, installation and video. The gallery is working from three locations: Lucerne (CH), Zurich (CH), Beijing (CN), as well as a pop-up space in Ardez (CH). With Chinese contemporary art as the central focus of Galerie Urs Meile’s agenda, our showcase at this year’s Art Basel in Basel will spotlight emerging and established Chinese artists such as Cao Yu, Chen Zuo, Hu Qingyan, Ju Ting, Miao Miao, Zhang Xuerui, alongside renowned figures like Wang Xingwei, Shao Fan, Xie Nanxing, and Qiu Shihua. The one-day pass for Art Basel has to be purchased individually in advance. The Eventfrog ticket only covers the reservation and administrative fees. For more info about our tour contact us at

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    sinokultur möchte dich zu unserer privaten Führung durch die Ausstellung der chinesischen Künstlerin Yafeng Duan mit dem Titel 'Lucid' in der Lechbinska Gallery am Samstag, den 6. April von 11 - 12 Uhr einladen. Sowohl die Künstlerin Yafeng Duan als auch die Galeristin Julia Lechbinska werden anwesend sein und uns durch die Ausstellung führen. Die Werke von Yafeng Duan entstehen aus der harmonischen Verflechtung von Kunst und Natur, einer Verbindung, die über die bloße Beobachtung der Umgebung hinausgeht. Yafeng Duans künstlerische Vision wurde von ihrem Vater, Duan Xinran - einer herausragenden Persönlichkeit der traditionellen chinesischen Tuschemalerei - und ihren gemeinsamen Erfahrungen in der Natur geprägt. Gemeinsam verbrachten sie unzählige Stunden in der Natur, wo Yafeng lernte zu zeichnen, indem sie die Landschaft vor ihren Augen auf Papier übertrug. Yafengs abstrakte Kunstwerke sind eine Verschmelzung von lebendigen Formen und Farben, die dem reinen Weiß der unberührten Leinwand gegenübergestellt werden. Die Künstlerin schafft einen Raum, der zu freien Interpretationen einlädt, einen Ort, der für die Fantasie des Betrachters offen ist. Der intuitive und doch kontrollierte Farbauftrag spiegelt die dynamische Interaktion zwischen den Elementen wider, eine visuelle Choreografie, die sich spontan und ohne vorherige Skizzen entwickelt. Der Titel der Ausstellung, 'Lucid', spielt nicht nur auf die sichtbare malerische Wirkung auf der Leinwand an, sondern bezeichnet auch einen geistigen Zustand der Klarheit, der für die Künstlerin zur Herstellung ihrer Kunst unerlässlich ist. Dies verweist auf den chinesischen Begriff des Qi, der die Kunst von Yafeng durchdringt. Qi wird als meditative Praxis verstanden, die als Werkzeug zur Erweiterung von Bildräumen und als geistiger Führer im kreativen Prozess dient. Yafeng Duan (*1973, Hebei, China) wuchs in Baoding, China, auf und lebt derzeit in Berlin. Die Führung ist in deutscher Sprache. Ort: Lechbinska Galerie, Mühlebachstrasse 12, 8008 Zürich Tickets:

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  • Unternehmensseite von sinokultur anzeigen, Grafik

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    sinokultur would like to invite you to our Salon with the Swiss art advisor Thomas Stauffer on Thursday, March 14 at 18.30 to his presentation EAST MEETS WEST. Thomas Stauffer will talk about contemporary Chinese artists and their relationship with the international art market: Where does the international art market stand today: trends, tendencies? His relation to the Chinese art market. Brief historical summary and the development of the Chinese art market in the last 25-30 years. Examples of three Chinese artists and the analysis of their success. Thomas Stauffer, Partner at leading private art dealership and art advisory firm Gerber & Stauffer Fine Arts, has been a passionate collector of art since his teenage years. With a keen eye for anticipating lasting market developments in 20th and 21st century art and an excellent network of contacts worldwide, Stauffer has made a name for himself internationally for sourcing important artworks off-market from within private collections. Thomas holds degrees in Economics and Human Resource Management as well as a post-graduate degree in Arts and Cultural Management. He advises Swiss banks on art investments. Stauffer has been the President of the Swiss Art Trading Association since 2021. After the presentation we will have time for Q&A with our moderator Yunlong Song and a tasty Apéro. This talk will be held in English. Location: sinokultur, Klosbachstrasse 109, 8032 Zurich Tickets:

    sinokultur im Salon: Thomas Stauffer | Führungen & Vorträge | Vortrag | 14.03.2024

    sinokultur im Salon: Thomas Stauffer | Führungen & Vorträge | Vortrag | 14.03.2024

  • Unternehmensseite von sinokultur anzeigen, Grafik

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    On the day of Chinese New Year sinokultur is happy to invite you to a private tour of the solo exhibition of Chinese artist Hu Qingyan, titled 'Keep Silent', at Galerie Urs Meile Lucerne - Beijing in Zurich on Saturday, February 10 from 11 to 12 am. Yang Yang, who is Asia Director of the gallery, will guide us through the exhibition. In this exhibition, Hu Qingyan has chosen marble, perceived commonly as cold, neutral and solemn, as the sole material for all of the artworks on display. Beyond their discussion of questions internal to sculpture, these creations lead us into multidimensional explorations of society, philosophy, and politics through which to ponder the complex substantive relationships between art, reality, and life. The work group Waste is a marble representation of used and crushed delivery cartons. The trail of use appears to tell their fate as becoming waste. The content is emptied and only an empty shell remains, hanging on the wall and quietly watching the world. A major topic in Hu Qingyan’s work is that of empty space, which is a recurring theme in his oeuvre. Hu Qingyan was born in 1982 in Weifang, Shandong Province, China and studied sculpture at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangzhou and the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. He lives and works in Beijing. Hu Qingyan, Waste V - C, 2023, marble, 63 x 82 x 4 cm (Photo courtesy of Galerie Urs Meile). Location: Urs Meile Galerie, Rämistrasse 33, 8001 Zürich Tickets: for students CHF 10, regular CHF 15.00 Tickets:

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    sinokultur lädt dich ein am Freitag, 19. Januar um 18.30 Uhr unseren Salon mit Jessica Imbach zu besuchen. Die Zensur in den sozialen Medien Chinas sorgt fast täglich für internationale Schlagzeilen und in der Tat hat die Überwachung der chinesischen Medienlandschaft seit der Machtübernahme Xi Jinpings merklich zugenommen. Gleichzeitig ist mit TikTok eine chinesische Plattform zu einem globalen Leitmedium aufgestiegen und in China selbst ist die Digitalisierung mit grossen Schritten vorangetrieben worden. Wie ist diese paradoxe Dynamik zwischen Restriktion und Förderung zu verstehen? Mit einem speziellen Fokus auf den Diskurs der „positiven Energie“ wird Jessica Imbach dieser Frage nachgehen und die vielfältigen Praktiken der staatlichen Einflussnahme in den sozialen Medien Chinas erörtern. Dabei wird sie aber auch aufzeigen wie Chinas Netizens kreativ mit der Zensur umgehen. Jessica Imbach ist Dozentin für chinesische Literatur an der Universität Zürich und beschäftigt sich in ihrer Forschung mit Science-Fiction und dem technologischen Wandel in China. Ort: Klosbachstrasse 109, 8032 Zürich Türöffnung um 18.15, Beginn 18.30 Ticket Link:

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    Am Donnerstag 7. Dezember von 18 - 19 Uhr lädt dich sinokultur dazu ein an unserer Führung durch die Ausstellung "Plünderware? 5 Fragen an Objekte aus China am Ende der Kaiserzeit" im Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich teilzunehmen. Die Kuratorin und Direktorin des Völkerkundemuseums Frau Dr. Mareile Flitsch wird uns durch die Ausstellung führen. Der Boxerkrieg in China endete 1901 mit mehr als 100'000 Toten, Unmengen an zerstörtem Kulturgut in Peking und geplünderten Objekten, die in Museen und Sammlungen der westlichen Welt gelangten. Eine neue Werkstatt-Ausstellung im Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich nimmt mögliche Plünderware aus China in den Fokus. Wie soll damit umgegangen werden und was bedeuten die Objekte für heutige Chinesinnen und Chinesen? Auch in der Sammlung des Völkerkundemuseums der Universität Zürich befinden sich chinesische Seidenroben, Bronzen, Rollbilder, Porzellane und Schuhe für gebundene Füsse, bei denen die dringende Vermutung besteht, dass sie aus dem Boxerkrieg stammen. Mareile Flitsch, Museumsdirektorin und Kuratorin für China entschied sich deshalb, ihnen unter dem Titel «Plünderware?» eine Werkstatt-Ausstellung zu widmen. In China selbst wird seit Ende des Boxerkriegs immer wieder über den Verbleib des Kulturgutes geforscht. Selten kam es bisher zu Rückgaben, doch in den vergangenen Jahren reagierten Staat und Öffentlichkeit heftig auf Auktionen, in denen offensichtliche Plünderware versteigert wurde. Am Völkerkundemuseum befassen sich Flitsch und ihr Team zusammen mit der chinesischen Gastkuratorin Yu Filipiak nun mit der Geschichte der Objekte und mit der Frage, was ihr Verbleib in der Schweiz für die Chinesinnen und Chinesen heute bedeutet. «Aus der Plünderung von Peking stammend» heisst es zu Inventar-Nummer 01838, «Geschnitzte Getäfer aus Teak-Holz mit Tierfiguren, Blumen-Arabesken». Zusammen mit erlesenen Seidenroben, Bronzen, Rollbildern und Schuhen für gebundene Füsse gelangten diese Objekte nach Zürich. Plünderware? Tickets: Studenten 10.00/Normal 15.00 Ort: Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich, Pelikanstrasse 40, 8001 Zürich Tickets:

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    We would like to briefly present you our team at sinokultur. Tina Müller is a sinologist, and one of the founding members of sinokultur. In addition to management, her responsibilities include program planning, as well as social media support, and hosting our SALON EVENTS. Yun Long Song - 宋雲龍 is a translator/interpreter, moderator, and artistic advisor of sinokultur. In addition to his work for sinokultur, he works as a freelance filmmaker. Xiaojing Wang is a sinologist, and founding member. For sinokultur she works as a music teacher for the instruments Guzhen and Erhu. In her main profession she manages two TCMs in Zurich. Doris Sommer is a sinologist, and manages the accounting of sinokultur. Her main occupation is business manager of her family company Mariner 3S. Together we are committed to convey a Chinese culture beyond the image in the mass media. We want to provide an insightful view of a contemporary, multifaceted, and lively cultural life in and outside of China. Furthermore we want to promote intercultural mediation through a dynamic and critical exchange with Chinese culture in Switzerland. sinokultur creates exciting cultural events, facilitates inspiring encounters and enriches the Chinese cultural scene of today and tomorrow. Follow us on social media, sign up for our newsletter, join our events and become part of the exciting sinokultur community!  #sinokultur #sinokulturimsalon #chinesecultureswitzerland #culturalmediation #culturalexchange #culturalpromotion #zurich #sinokulturteam

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    sinokultur would love to invite you to our Salon with Basel-based Hong Kong curator Angelika Li on Friday, November 24 from 6 to 9 pm. Angelika will talk about her projects PF25 cultural projects, and Homeland in Transit, as well as introduce us to several Hong Kong artists . In 2018, she co-founded with Donald Mak PF25 cultural projects, a non-profit organisation which aims to build mutual understanding, to develop an intercultural network and to generate creative energies between Basel and Hong Kong. Angelika is also the founder and curator of the exhibition series 'Homeland in Transit', channelling narratives and imaginations of ‘homeland’ from Hong Kong perspectives: boundaries, roots, diaspora, cultural identity, colonial ideologies, displacement and interweaving them with experiences and voices from other parts of the world. Angelika holds a BA in History of Art and Architecture from the University of Reading, and an MA in Cultural Management from the Chinese University in Hong Kong. She was guest curator for the program Brice Marden. Inner Space at Kunstmuseum Basel in March 2022. After the event we will enjoy an Apéro together and have a chance to exchange more ideas and questions. The event will be moderated by Yunlong Song. The event will be held in English. Date: Friday, November 24, door opening at 6 pm, talk begins at 6.15 pm Location: sinokultur, Klosbachstrasse 109, 8032 Zurich Tickets:

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  • Unternehmensseite von sinokultur anzeigen, Grafik

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    On Friday, September 29 at 6 pm sinokultur would love to invite you for our first Salon event after the summer break. Our guest will be Yang Yang, Director Asia of Galerie Urs Meile Lucerne - Beijing. Moving to Switzerland in 2013, she first studied at the University of Zurich and received a Master of Arts in Art Market Studies. Joining the gallery in 2015, Yang has worked her way up and gained valuable experience working at the forefront in the art world, both in China and Switzerland. In her current role as Director Asia at Galerie Urs Meile, Yang is responsible for overseeing the gallery’s operations, including developing and managing relationships with artists, collectors, and curators, expanding the gallery’s reach as well as coordinating exhibition programs and event initiatives. The relationship with artists remains at the core of a gallery’s business. How to select artists to work with is often an extremely complex consideration for galleries, and this process is often not revealed. In this regard, Yang will share with us some of her personal experiences. As an art market frontline worker, Yang will discuss the status quo of the Chinese contemporary art market, how it has developed over time, and the factors that have contributed to its growth. Who are the collectors of Chinese contemporary art - to identify the key characteristics will also be attempted - and how they differ from Western collectors. After the event we will enjoy an Apéro together and have a chance to exchange more ideas and questions. The event will be moderated by Yunlong Song. The event will be held in English. Date: Friday, September 29, door opening at 6pm, talk begins at 6.15pm Location: sinokultur, Klosbachstrasse 109, 8032 Zurich Tickets: regular 30.-/students 20.- Ticketlink:

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