Global Cities Hub

Global Cities Hub

Internationale Angelegenheiten

Connecting local and regional governments to the United Nations and other international organizations.


Connecting local and regional governments to the United Nations and other international organizations.

Internationale Angelegenheiten
2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Global Cities Hub


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    What an outstanding panel discussing ways of financing the localization of SDGs. Enabling #LRGs to invest in sustainable projects with positive social impact is crucial to put the achievement of #SDGs back on track. Capacity building at the local level, political will at national level, and reforming #IFIs and #MDBs need to happen paralelly. GCH commends UN-habitat bringing together all levels of government including LRG and all relevant stakeholders. Thank you Michal Mlynár , Shipra Narang Suri , Eugenie Birch #localizingSDGs #multilateralism #UN

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  • Unternehmensseite von Global Cities Hub anzeigen, Grafik

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    Great discussion at the VNR Lab at HLPF about how multistakeholder participation helps accelerating sustainable development. SDGs are about people's livelihood. We underlined in our intervention that LRGs being closest to the population, it is important that the different levels of governments understand and support each others. One of the recommendations was to help LRGs to put SDGs in their local development plans. Another was that national governments recognize and support local efforts, including VLRs. We cannot agree more.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Global Cities Hub anzeigen, Grafik

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    Yesterday, on the margins of the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) the Global Cities Hub co-organized with UNECE an event “How does the Forum of Mayors contributes to transforming global governance and reinvigorating the multilateral system” hosted by the Permanent Mission of Switzerland in New York. Thanks for Tatiana Molcean, Michael Mlynar, Marcus Reubi, Laszlo Borbely, Christian Brassac and Yves Zimmermann for their insightful contributions. The HLPF focuses on the theme “Reinforcing the Agenda 2030 and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”. This year, it reviews the advancement of SDG1 on poverty eradication, SDG2 on zero hunger, SDG13 on fighting climate change, SDG16 on peace, justice and strong institutions, and SDG17 on strengthening partnerships. The forthcoming Summit of the Future aims to spearhead global action for a brighter tomorrow, including by transforming global governance. It will culminate in the adoption of the "Pact for the Future," outlining collaborative efforts among the UN community and global stakeholders to shape a more promising future. The 2024 Forum of Mayors, scheduled for September 30th to October 1st in Geneva—merely a week following the adoption of the Pact in New York— will serve as the Cities Summit of the Future. It will delve into the implications of the Pact for local communities and explore the crucial role of cities in fostering a more prosperous future. Insights and deliberations from mayors will be distilled into a Statement, offering a snapshot of cities' crucial role in shaping a brighter tomorrow. The event on the Forum offered insights into its operations, its engagement with States, Regional Commissions, Mayors, its facilitation of mayor-to-mayor connections for innovative initiatives. Speakers explored the challenges and opportunities for local and regional governments in contributing to reinvigorating the multilateral system and in implementing the Pact's objectives. Cities, as key agents in achieving SDGs at the grassroots level, can contribute to this collective vision for a better future. Mayors, as the frontline representatives of local governance, can play a key role in a more effective multilateral system and lead the charge in translating the Pact's aspirations into tangible urban initiatives. Learn more:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Global Cities Hub anzeigen, Grafik

    1.751 Follower:innen

    HLPF in NY is the most important forum to discuss the implementation of #SDGs by member states. As Ecosoc President Narvaez Ojeda put it, we need a path to renew alliances to strengthen multilateralism. DSG Mohammed call on all stakeholders to work for peace, development, digital transformation and food security - to drive shared prosperity. GCH believes that #LRGs would bring new energy to advancing sustainable development, and advocates better involvement of LRGs to build inclusive #multilateralism for People, Planet and Prosperity.

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    Today’s must-read World Economic Forum (WEF) Agenda post on inclusive and effective multilateralism that requires a whole-of-governance approach where the different levels of governments can complement and strengthen each other. A meaningful mission-oriented dialogue and exchange with local governments must take place at the international level in order to tackle challenges like climate change and inequality. In addition to creating a specific UN status for LRGs, we believe the UN should make the Forum of Mayors – its initiative that gathers mayors from around the world to discuss sustainable development issues – a permanent body with an advisory function to the UN. Read it here:

    Why local governments must participate in global governance

    Why local governments must participate in global governance

  • Unternehmensseite von Global Cities Hub anzeigen, Grafik

    1.751 Follower:innen

    The HLPF is in full speed. We are very much looking forward to the event entitled “The UNECE Forum of Mayors: SDGs localisation in action” on Monday, 15 July 2024, 13.15-14.45 (ET), at the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations (633 Third Avenue, 29th floor, New York, NY). The Global Cities Hub in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in NY and UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has the pleasure of inviting you to this in-person event featuring: • Amb. Markus Reubi, State Secretary, Delegate of the Federal Council for the 2030 Agenda • Ms. Tatiana Molcean, Executive Secretary of the UNECE • Mr. Michal Mlynàr, Acting Executive Director of the UN-Habitat • Mr. Christian Brassac, Deputy Mayor and Vice-President of Eurometropole of Strasbourg • Amb. Andràs Szörényi, Senior Policy Advisor, Global Cities Hub   The 2024 Forum of Mayors in Geneva will serve as the ‘Cities Summit of the Future’, delving into the crucial role of cities in localizing SDGs and fostering a more prosperous and sustainable future for all, including local communities. Speakers on Monday will enlighten different aspects of this process strengthening inclusive multilateralism. 👉 Register by email at:

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    Unternehmensseite von UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) anzeigen, Grafik

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    2024 is a crucial year as we prepare for the UN’s Summit of the Future. The Local and Regional Governments Forum at the #HLPF2024 will highlight the vital role of local actions in achieving the SDGs. A special focus will be given to the five SDGs under review this year. We'll explore the role of Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) and Voluntary Subnational Reviews (VSRs) in fostering policy transformation towards SDG achievement. Join us to share key messages and inputs towards the Summit of the Future. Tune in online: #Action4Urban #LocalAction

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    Unternehmensseite von Chicago Sister Cities International anzeigen, Grafik

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    On Thursday, June 27th, His Excellency, Dr. Yousef Alshawarbeh, Mayor of Amman, met with The Honorable Mayor Brandon Johnson and they signed a reaffirmation agreement to demonstrate the enduring sister city relationship between Chicago and Amman.🇯🇴 To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Chicago-Amman sister city relationship, the Amman Committee of CSCI hosted a reception on Friday, June 28th and welcomed His Excellency. The evening featured inspiring remarks from His Excellency, the Amman Committee of CSCI, and Alderman Knudsen. The program also included recognition of the UIC students that recently participated in a dental mission in Jordan and two cultural performances. During their visit, the delegation toured several organizations including mHUB, MxD, and MWRD. Here’s to continued friendship and collaboration between our cities! Greater Amman Municipality

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  • Unternehmensseite von Global Cities Hub anzeigen, Grafik

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    Have you missed the Smart City Leaders’ Talk? Watch our video and learn about how leaders discussed the issue of people-centered and sustainable smart city development. It provided a great example of an inclusive dialogue between international organizations and local governments on this crucial topic. City leaders reminded us that the main goal is to serve the people and offer solutions to their needs in time – referring to daily operations and emergency situations alike. Understanding the complexity and layers of smartness is key: people, economy, infrastructure, governance, etc. Learn more about the event:

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    Profil von Casimiro Gil anzeigen, Grafik

    Electronics and Telecom Engineer | Sales Specialist | Copywriter | Graphic Designer | Web Designer

    Greetings dear colleagues and Excellencies, I would like to share that, during my journey of certifications and participation in international summits, I had the honor of attending the "Smart City Leaders' Talk" event and the assembly of city mayors and experts for a critical dialogue hosted by Global Cities Hub (GCH) and WeGO | World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization, aimed at developing the "International Guidelines on People-centered Smart Cities." The event featured a high-level panel focused on innovation to ensure the well-being of people, leveraging technologies to combat climate change, promote digital inclusion, uphold human rights, among other aspects. The panel included distinguished personalities such as Mr. Andras Szorenyi Ph.D. (Senior Policy Advisor Global Cities Hub, Geneva, Switzerland), Ms. Peggy Hicks (Director of TESPRDD – OHCHR), Ms. Kazumi Ogawa (Principle Coordination Officer UN Habitat), Ms. Jung Sook Park (Secretary-General WeGO, Seoul, South Korea), Mr. Ion Ceban (Mayor of Chisinau, Moldova), Mr. Jacquis Kemleu (Mayor of Dschang, Cameroon), Mr. Sami Kanaan (Deputy Mayor of Geneva, Switzerland), Mr. Theo Blackwell MBE (Chief Digital Officer of London, United Kingdom), Mr. Sheikh Fazle Noor Taposh (Mayor of Dhaka South City Corporation, Bangladesh), Mr. Manuel Araujo (Mayor of Quelimane City, Mozambique), and Mr. Dato' Azhar bin Hj Arshad (Mayor of Seberang Perai, Malaysia). Several debates took place during the event, providing me with an enriching experience by observing closely the steps taken to address problems and seek solutions. One of the most important aspects discussed was the validation and appreciation of data, which all participants agreed is essential for measuring the level of problems and determining the most appropriate solutions. As the saying goes, "It is impossible to improve something that has not been tested or validated." Based on the results obtained, we have data that guide us on the best path to follow. I take this opportunity to congratulate His Excellency Manuel Araujo for the excellent representation of our country, highlighting the importance of advancing in technology and innovation with a solid foundation in literacy and human resources capable of continuing the advancements. Additionally, it was a pleasure to meet him and exchange various impressions and ideas about how we could bring digital transformation to our country and the steps to be taken to achieve this goal.

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