Advancing Diversity. Transforming Business.
Since 1966, we’ve been on a mission to enhance diversity and inclusion by striving to reduce the underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in global business education and leadership.
The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management is a continually growing and evolving alliance of some of the world’s leading graduate business schools and business organizations, supported by the strength of our extended network of students and alumni.

An MBA degree from one of The Consortium’s cutting-edge member schools is more than just a degree: it’s the first step on the path to success in a globally diverse world. Our bold vision, unchanged since 1966, not just celebrates diversity in education and business, but advances it into boardrooms in the top-tier corporations across the country. Step by step, student by student, we are helping to transform the landscape of education and business to be more diverse, more inclusive, more equitable.

Peter J. Aranda, III

Executive Director & CEO

Join The Consortium Network

Take the first step on the road to future success. Together, let’s shape the future of American business.

Begin Your Path to an MBA

Are you thinking about an MBA? As a Consortium member, you have access to exclusive resources and our powerful network of leading MBA programs, dedicated corporate partners and inspiring alumni.

Access the Best Talent Pool

Connect with one of the strongest, most robust pipelines of leadership talent in the country — and get a clear edge in the marketplace.

Join our growing alliance of top-tier MBA Programs

We proudly partner with the top MBA programs in the country by helping them fulfill their commitment to achieving a more diverse student body.

Support Our Mission

Philanthropic contributions to The Consortium enable us to further advance our mission, along with our powerful network of member schools, corporate partners, students and alumni who provide access, opportunity and exposure to the best and brightest MBA candidates.

Guided by a steady mission for 58 years

Our mission, through the strength of our growing alliance and extended network, is to enhance diversity and inclusion in global business education and leadership by striving to reduce the significant underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in both our member schools’ enrollments and the ranks of global management across the following sectors:

Together We Will Succeed

We are poised for success with our incomparable network of motivated students, top-tier member schools, leading corporations and inspiring alumni.

Business Schools
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Corporate Partners
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Consortium Alumni
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The place for the best and brightest

Lay the foundation for future success

If you have worked to promote diversity in your community or your workplace, we invite you to apply to The Consortium, and take the first step to building a successful career.

Make the most of your Consortium experience

As a high-achieving member of The Consortium, we recognize you as one of the country’s best and brightest students. Congratulations on your achievements!

Unique Perspectives that Inspire

The vast range of talent, experience, and knowledge of our alumni illuminates the way for our students to get the most out of their experience.

Words that Inspire Us

Celebrating Diversity. Sharing Achievements.

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