New Energy Geopolitics: Global Transition, Clean Tech Arms Race, or Trade Wars?

The geopolitical landscape is more turbulent than ever in a world marked by rapid changes in energy policies and technologies. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2023 World Energy Outlook highlights significant shifts in global energy systems driven by geopolitical tensions, fragile energy markets, and rapid advancements in clean technology. Clean energy adoption is accelerating, with

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“The threat to the liberal order comes not from political shifts within democratic societies from liberal to conservative parties; that’s the normal cycle of democratic politics. It comes from resurgent autocrats in Russia, China, North Korea and Iran who do not tolerate such political shifts. Authoritarianism, not nationalism, poses the real threat to the liberal order.”

-Jacob Heilbrunn

“The most important summits between leaders in Washington and Moscow—during the Nixon and Reagan administrations—took place precisely when the two governments recognized the dangers of inveterate mutual hostility and sought to limit them.”

-Paul J. Saunders


New Energy Geopolitics: Global Transition, Clean Tech Arms Race, or Trade Wars?

The geopolitical landscape is more turbulent than ever in a world marked by rapid changes in energy policies and technologies. The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2023 World Energy Outlook highlights significant shifts in global energy systems driven by geopolitical tensions, fragile energy markets, and rapid advancements in clean technology. Clean energy adoption is accelerating, with

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