
Kathleen Diga | Chair, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Kathleen Diga has over ten years of experience in the Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) research space.  She currently is a project coordinator for connectivity projects that facilitates learning across rural community-owned and run telecommunication infrastructure in the global South through the Association for Progressive Communications. Her main focus of research is understanding the changing ICT asset portfolio within households in South Africa and how these items are contributing to well-being and wealth changes, particularly amongst those at the margins. Kathleen holds a B.Comm with a major in marketing and international business from the University of British Columbia in 2004 and Master’s degree in Development Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in 2008.


Maryse Lavoie | Director, Quebec

Maryse Lavoie holds a Bachelor of Science from the Université de Sherbrooke in IT Management in addition to a Master’s Certificate in project management from the University of Washington School of Business and Public Management. She has held various management positions at Bell Canada such as Business Analyst and IT Group Project Manager. She is currently a Project Manager at BCE Inc. in corporate responsibility and environment. Maryse has been active as president in various educational committees and has been the Executive Director of OPEQ (Ordinateurs pour les Écoles du Québec) for over 20 years.


Darrell Liebrecht| Saskatchewan

Darrell Liebrecht is the SaskTel Pioneer Manager at SaskTel. He has been involved with the Computers for Schools program since its beginning in 1993, at which time he worked refurbishing computers. He has been a Computers for Schools board member for the past 12 years and sits on 7 boards of directors. He believes the program is making an important difference in schools and households across the country. As the program continues to grow, he is eager to see the impact it will have on new Canadians and low-income families as well.


Shauna McCaffrey| Vice-Chair, Ontario

Shauna McCaffrey is the CEO of Renewed Computer Technology. Her career began in the cable/telecom industry, where she worked in marketing, communication and strategic development.  She launched the Canadian Chapter of CTAM, a professional development association for marketing executives.  She was the first Canadian to receive the 2001 CTAM TAMI Leadership Award and the ERC Hall of Fame Award.  As the CEO of RCT, she brings her passion and experience to helping make technology accessible for those who need it, providing IT career-related work experience and promoting sound corporate solutions for reuse and recycling of electronics.


Anne-Marie Mulumba | Director, Quebec

Anne-Marie Mulumba is a bilingual User Experience (UX) Researcher. She collaborates with multidisciplinary teams to inform digital product delivery. Her focus is to conduct research with francophones, people with disabilities, businesses and under-presented groups by building relationships with community organizations across the country. She is currently working for the Canadian Digital Service (CDS), the government organization that built the COVID Alert app. On the side, Anne-Marie consults for creative start-ups, companies in health tech and more. She also facilitates design and research workshops for students at Concordia University and writes for the Black Professionals in Tech Network.


Mritunjay (MJ) Sinha| Treasurer, Ontario

A social entrepreneur-operator and an investor, Mritunjay (MJ) helped build a multi-million-dollar micro-loan portfolio in rural India and helped create a co-operative that served over 200 entrepreneurs. For the last few years MJ has been working in impact and responsible investing. He started with Grand Challenges Canada. Thereafter, he helped deploy over C$30M through private-market impact investing, and over C$100M through responsible investment strategies for several family offices, foundations, and other investors. Currently, as the Director of Finance & Investment, MJ manages the Catherine Donnelly Foundation’s endowment including the impact investing portfolio. MJ’s passion for social change is complemented by his experience in Capital Markets and Corporate Strategy, and his degrees in Engineering and M.B.A. When not thinking about the world and its problems, MJ loves reading, travelling, cooking, biking, golfing, and global affairs. He has his own personal library and has traveled to 44 countries so far! MJ’s motto in life – “Be the change you wish to see in this world” – (Not) Gandhi.


Mary-Em Waddington| Secretary, B.C.

Mary-Em Waddington is the Executive Director of BC Technology for Learning Society. She has over twenty years of experience working in the not-for-profit sector and she sits on various boards dedicated to issues relating to education and the environment, including the Recycling Council of BC, Computers for Success Canada, and Canadian Parents for French.


Michel Langelier | Executive Director

Prior to joining CFSC-OPEC, Mr. Langelier built a long track record in managing pan-Canadian organizations, including more recently AIoT Canada, an industrial cluster dedicated to accelerate the adoption of AI (artificial Intelligence) and IoT (internet of things).

For more than 25 years, Michel has been at the helm of institutes and learning societies, including the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and the ADRIQ (Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation pour le Québec). He was also at the helm of CEFRIO, a research center with the mandate of facilitating the development and use of digital
technology in industry and in various spheres of society. This research center published several studies about the “digital iniquities” and were instrumental to Quebec policy makers in addressing those issues.

Trained as a coach, Michel has accompanied more than a hundred companies, associations, and groups in the implementation of strategies and business plans throughout his career. He also facilitated consortiums and groups aiming to adopt innovative practices/products or services. In 2014, he was responsible in leading the submission process for the Quebec Research and Innovation Strategy. He also contributed to a national campaign for the restoration of public infrastructure. He also contributed to an 8-year international lobbying campaign to include women’s water polo in the Olympic Games. Michel has promoted and supported the organization of more than 200 pan-Canadian and international events.

He holds an Executive MBA and has completed several coaching courses. He recently completed a diploma in Innovation Leadership at the MIT. He is passionate about public policy and sports. He strongly wishes to generate human impact in all his personal commitments.

Jackie Collin | Administrative Assistant

With over 30 years of experience in the administrative office management for companies of all sizes and in various industries, Jackie COLLIN brings a wealth of expertise to the field.

“In this day and age, technology is indispensable. OPEC’s goal is crucial to provide resources to vulnerable communities, as well as to children with specific needs at school and at home, who cannot access the necessary resources.” according to Jackie, who joined the team as Administrative Assistant.

Grace Ngingi | Communications Manager

Holder of a master’s degree in digital communication and marketing design, Grace Ngingi worked for 3 years at FCI, a French company specialized in the manufacturing and marketing of ophthalmological medical devices, before joining the CFSC-OPEC team.

“My personal journey led me to notice, early on, the enormous digital inclusion gap especially among immigrant women. The organization’s values were perfectly aligned with my desire to make a difference”.

Medina Mohamed | Technology & Innovation Team Leader

A versatile professional capable of tackling complex challenges, Medina leverages her varied professional background (Ada X, Radio-Canada) to combine knowledge gained during her bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics with her skills in web and software design and development.

“My commitment to Computers For Success Canada’s mission stems from my deep conviction that digital inclusion is the key to economic development. I am determined to contribute to the realization of this mission by using my technical skills to support OPEC’s mission”.

Jean-Michel Haddad | Project Officer

With a background in political science complementing his extensive experience in emergency medical services and various administrative roles, Jean-Michel brings a unique perspective to our team. His dedication to serving communities and addressing critical needs seamlessly aligns with our organization’s mission.

“My path through volunteering on various fronts has opened my eyes to pressing societal needs. The alignment of CFSC-OPEC’s values with my own aspirations further solidified my decision to join and contribute to its mission.”

Zylekha Khalid | Digital Inclusion Project Manager

With a keen eye for detail and a passion for driving projects to success, Zylekha Khalid has forged a remarkable path in the field of project management. With a Master’s degree from a business school, Zylekha has acquired diversified expertise through her many professional experiences, demonstrating her ability to lead complex initiatives to success. Driven by a desire to bring about meaningful change, Zylekha made the transition to the CFSC-OPEC team, where she found herself at the intersection of her professional expertise and personal values.

“My commitment to excellence is fueled by my belief in the power of inclusivity. My experiences have strengthened my resolve to promote digital inclusion, especially within immigrant communities, demonstrating the transformative power of technology to amplify marginalized voices.”

Emmanuella Michel |Consultant and National Digital Inclusion Network Ambassador

Emmanuella Michel, PhD (c), is committed to CFSC’s digital inclusion mission. With over 15 years of experience in healthcare, social services, and education, including managing a specialized group home, Emmanuella brings expertise in health, education, and technology. She serves as a spokesperson for CFSC-OPEC and is the founder of Cognicorp Therapy, dedicated to accelerating mental healthcare provision through a technology platform. Emmanuella’s worked in significant projects include BRILLIANT, optimizing mobility for individuals with acquired brain injuries, and initiatives like Network Schools, promoting experiential learning through digital means.