Growth Ramp

A targeted 6 month program designed for business owners, CEOs and Managing Directors of companies with 5* - 11 full time equivalent employees who are looking to move to the next level, hire more people and grow their organisation.

See upcoming Growth Ramp dates

To be Eligible for the Growth Ramp:

  • The business owner, CEO or Managing Director must have completed an Assessment Clinic, have a desire to grow and must be willing to take part in all aspects of the Growth Ramp program

  • The company must have at least 5* – 11 full time employees (*4 employees if you are growing quickly) as well as customers, products or services, revenue

  • They must be willing to share “lessons learned” with others

  • Learn what you need to do to grow your company from Growth Expert presentations and facilitated group discussions with other business owners, CEOs and Managing Directors
  • Think through what you need to keep doing, start doing, or stop doing, and what changes you need to make - in yourself as well as your company
  • Learn with like-minded business leaders who are at the same stage of growth
  • Develop a Company Growth Action Plan, with specific goals, strategies, timelines and outcomes that will enable you to take your company to the next level

What to expect from the Growth Ramp

Our Growth Ramp program is designed for business owners, CEOs or Managing Directors of companies with 5* – 11 employees who want to learn what they need to do to scale their companies. Different sessions focus on different topics, such as the leader’s roles and responsibilities, getting the product/market fit right, determining what customers are optimal, identifying the best strategies and tactics for growth, developing a growth plan and deciding what additional resources will be required, attracting and retaining the right people, managing financials and hiring an executive team.

You will need to submit prep-work at least one week before each session and to have competed a growth plan for their company by the end of the program.

See FAQs

A flexible delivery mode to fit your schedule

The business Growth Ramp program  is delivered via Zoom and is taught by Growth Experts in real-time, suiting business owners, CEOs or Managing Directors who require a flexible learning environment and benefit most from interacting with and learning from other business leaders. Attendees will receive access to digital resources and be provided with a one-hour Growth Expert coaching call in between sessions.

Expert advice from business owners, CEOs or MDs who have started, grown and exited their own companies

Our Growth Experts are carefully selected current and former business owners, CEOs or Managing Directors who have experienced the full life-cycle of one or more growth companies. They teach and facilitate our structured programs and are passionate about helping you, as businesses leaders, to learn what you need to know to achieve your growth goals.

Using their own experiences and insights gained through starting, growing and exiting their own companies, the Growth Experts review your prep-work, teach, facilitate discussion, provide feedback, and help you develop a Company Growth Action Plan as well as a personal Leadership Development Plan. We limit our Growth Ramp program to 4 – 6 business owners, CEOs or Managing Directors per session so that we can personalise the experience and ensure that each participant has the chance to address issues specific to their challenges and opportunities.

Meet Our Growth Experts

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"*" indicates required fields

Your Investment

The program includes six (6) monthly one-day sessions, and six (6) one-hour phone calls with a Growth Expert. Each session is facilitated by one of the Centre's Growth Experts, who reviews the prep work, teaches the session, leads the discussion, and does a coaching call with each CEO between each session. You will have access to the AUCBG Learning Management System and receive 'Refresher' content which will support you and your team on your growth journey.

$12,000 Cost exclusive of GST. Some subsidies/scholarships available to eligible companies. Learn more below.

Find out if subsidies or scholarships are available to your company

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    Questions about the Growth Ramp?

    If you have questions about the business Growth Ramp program, schedule, location, pricing, or payment options, please contact our team. We will be happy to discuss how the Growth Ramp may fit into your schedule and answer any questions you might have.

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