Paul Brock

Growth Expert

Paul Brock is an accomplished business owner, entrepreneur, public speaker, growth expert, manager, trainer and executive. Paul has over 30-years of high-level management experience in the workforce setting up new businesses and making established businesses viable and more profitable.

Paul was Managing Director of Ganbara Facility Services, a facilities management company he founded in 2016 and sold/exited in 2023 after the business grew rapidly and expanded across Australia. He was CEO of 100% Aboriginal-owned company Carey Training for more than 10 years, expanding from its South Australian home base to Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory. During this time, he secured a 150% increase in traineeship numbers and delivered two significant ‘firsts’ for an Aboriginal organisation: he secured an overseas contract in East Malaysia to deliver training programs and achieved CRICOS accreditation to train international students in Australia. He was also Manager at ATEC – the largest private RTO in South Australia – and has managed two Australian Apprenticeships Centres.

Paul’s long history of management experience and practices has ensured he has the full range of business skills including human resource and financial management, recruitment, strategic planning, high-level industrial relations and business development activities. He is strongly committed to business growth through the professional and ethical delivery of services and building trusting, collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships.

Paul is a descendent of the Barngarla Aboriginal peoples of the Whyalla and Port Augusta regions of South Australia. He has overseen the training of thousands of unemployed Aboriginal and other disadvantaged job seekers across Australia. He has a very strong social conscience and an inherent understanding that if he can achieve business growth for his clients then job opportunities will follow and assist in addressing the social and economic inequity of Australian disadvantaged job seekers.

Paul was appointed to both the Ministerial Advisory Committee: VET for School Students and the SA Skills Commission in 2021 and he is a current Director on the TAFE SA Board.

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