Faculty and Staff Directory

College Offices

Dean's Office

Name Title Email Phone Office
William Pitney Acting Dean wpitney@niu.edu 815-753-1163 Graham 321
Todd Gilson Associate Dean of Research, Resources and Innovation tgilson@niu.edu 815-753-9399 Graham 320
David Walker Associate Dean for Academic Affairs dawalker@niu.edu 815-753-7886 Graham 325
Melissa Ouimette Administrative Assistant to the Dean mouimette@niu.edu 815-753-9057 Graham 321
Eric Junco Director for Equity ejunco1@niu.edu  815-753-7105 Graham 318

Office for Student Success

Name Title Email Phone Office
Christopher Lowe Director for Student Success clowe@niu.edu 815-753-5718 Gabel 138
Alex Owens Assistant Director aowens3@niu.edu 815-753-5307 Gabel 138
Megan Gerken Placement Coordinator mgerken@niu.edu 815-753-1060 Gabel 138
Kimberly Green Elementary Education Advisor kgreen@niu.edu 815-753-8357 Gabel 138C
Allie Shirar Undergraduate LBS-1, Early Childhood and Vision Candidate Advisor ashirar@niu.edu 815-753-4802 Gabel 138

Learning Partnerships

Name Title Email Phone Office
Jason Klein Senior Director of Learning Partnerships jason.klein@niu.edu N/A Graham 329
Tim Dohrer Research Specialist tdohrer@niu.edu 815-753-1034 Monat 152

Technology Innovation Learning Services

Name Title Email Phone Office
Dan Hyde Manager dshyde@niu.edu 815-753-9335 N/A
Margaret Thacker Office Manager mthacker@niu.edu 815-753-8354 N/A

Finance and Operations

Name Title Email Phone Office
Jonathan Cook Director of Finance and Operations jcook7@niu.edu 815-753-1212 Telephone/Security Building
Cheryl Gardner Senior Business Manager clubbers1@niu.edu 815-753-1228 N/A

Marketing and Communications

Name Title Email Phone Office
Susan Mizgalski Senior Director of Communications and Strategy smizgalski@niu.edu 815-753-3322 Graham 319C
Mark McGowan Editorial Writer mmcgowan@niu.edu 815-753-9472 Graham 319B

Illinois Tutoring Initiative

Name Title Email Phone Office
Amanda Baum Program Coordinator abaum1@niu.edu 815-753-0295 Graham 237
Lindsey Komes lkomes1@niu.edu 815-753-7482 Graham 237
Taylor Curry Program Assistant tcurry4@niu.edu 815-753-3005 Graham 237

Counseling and Higher Education (CAHE)

Administration and Office Staff
Name Title Email Phone Office
Suzanne Degges-White Chair and Professor sdeggeswhite@niu.edu 815-753-9163 Gabel 200E
Jamie Brown Office Administrator jamiebrown@niu.edu 815-753-0526 Gabel 200C
Tim Keller Office Manager tkeller1@niu.edu 815-753-9319 Gabel 200D
Danae Miesbauer Academic Counselor dmiesbauer@niu.edu 815-753-1306 Gabel 201B
CAHE Faculty and Instructors
Name Title Email Phone Office
Melissa Fickling Associate Professor, Counseling mfickling@niu.edu 815-753-9304 Graham 407
Yenitza Guzman Clinical Assistant Professor, Counseling yguzman@niu.edu 815-753-1489 Graham 427B
Kimberly A. Hart Clinical Associate Professor, Counseling khart2@niu.edu 815-753-9308 Graham 416E
Quortne Hutchings Assistant Professor, Higher Education qhutchings@niu.edu 815-753-7608 Gabel 201E
Dana Isawi Assistant Professor, Counseling disawi@niu.edu 815-753-8210 Graham 408
Matthew P. Ison Visiting Assistant Professor, Higher Education mison@niu.edu N/A Gabel 200
Katy Jaekel Associate Professor, Higher Education kjaekel@niu.edu 815-753-0788 Gabel 201H
Carrie Kortegast Associate Professor, Higher Education ckortegast@niu.edu 815-753-9200 Gabel 201C
Injung Lee Assistant Professor, Counseling ilee@niu.edu 815-753-9861 Gabel 201G
Jacqueline Mac Assistant Professor, Higher Education jmac@niu.edu 815-753-9375 Gabel 201J
Gudrun Nyunt Associate Professor, Higher Education gnyunt@niu.edu 815-753-9373 Gabel 201D
TJ Schoonover Assistant Professor, Counseling tschoonover@niu.edu 815-753-8045 Graham 405
Kelly Wesener Michael Clinical Assistant Professor kwesener@niu.edu 815-753-1448 Gabel 201
Peitao Zhu Assistant Professor, Counseling pzhu@niu.edu 815-753-9863 Graham 427C

Curriculum and Instruction (CI)

Administration and Office Staff
Name Title Email Phone Office
Sally Blake Department Chair, Professor sblake1@niu.edu 815-753-9032 Gabel 147
Laurie Elish-Piper Executive Vice President and Provost laurieep@niu.edu 815-753-9400 Altgeld 215
David Paige Director, Jerry Johns Literacy Clinic dpaige2@niu.edu 815-753-8187 Graham 119K
Neil Daly Office Manager ndaly@niu.edu 815-753-8556 Gabel 147C
Nick Slicer Graduate Advisor nslicer@niu.edu  815-753-7948 Gabel 152D
CI Faculty and Instructors
Name Title Email Phone Office
Hyoju Anh Assistant Professor, Bilingual/ESL hanh@niu.edu  815-753-8556 Gabel 147
Jeanine Clark Bremer Instructor, Social Studies Education clarkbremer@niu.edu 815-753-8556 Gabel 148
Zoe Cassady Instructor, Reading, Literacy and Language Arts zcassady1@niu.edu 815-753-3939 Graham 119C
James Cohen Professor, Bilingual/ESL jcohen2@niu.edu 815-753-0897 Gabel 147F
Mary Costello Instructor, Reading, Literacy and Language Arts mcostello@niu.edu 815-753-8465 Gabel 130C
Razak Dwomoh

Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

rdwomoh@niu.edu 815-753-1415 Graham 119F
Joseph Flynn Professor, Curriculum and Instruction jeflynn@niu.edu 815-753-4539 Graham 119M
Mary Gardner Instructor, Reading, Literacy and Language Arts gardner@niu.edu 815-753-2036 Gabel 103
Trish Hayden Instructor, Elementary Education thayden1@niu.edu 815-753-7948 Gabel 154A
Melanie Koss Professor, Reading, Literacy and Language Arts mkoss@niu.edu 815-753-9260 Gabel 130B
Jodi Lampi Associate Professor, Academic Literacy and Learning jlampi@niu.edu 815-753-8486 Graham 119H
Michael Manderino Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction mmanderino@niu.edu 815-753-7467 Graham 119L
David Nieto Associate Professor, Bilingual/ESL dnieto@niu.edu 815-753-2213 Gabel 147E
David Paige Professor and Director Reading, Literacy and Language Arts dpaige2@niu.edu 815-753-8458 Wellness Literacy Center 2003
Mariana Ricklefs Assistant Professor, Bilingual/ESL mricklefs@niu.edu 815-753-5741 Graham 119B
Tammy Scheibe Instructor, Elementary Education tscheibe@niu.edu N/A Gabel 152C
Eui-kyung Shin Professor, Social Studies Education ekshin@niu.edu 815-753-8492 Gabel 166E
John Evar Strid Associate Professor, Bilingual/ESL jstrid@niu.edu 815-753-4158 Gabel 147D
Rebecca Vaughn Instructor, Academic Literacy and Learning rvaughn2@niu.edu 815-753-9674 Gabel 1048B
Donna Werderich Professor, Reading, Literacy and Language Arts dwerderi@niu.edu 815-753-7639 Graham 119M
Corrine Wickens Professor, Reading, Literacy and Language Arts cwickens@niu.edu 815-753-8485 Graham 119J
Dianne Zalesky Instructor, Bilingual/ESL dzalesky@niu.edu 815-753-9674 Gabel 103

Educational Technology, Research and Assessment (ETRA)

Administration and Office Staff
Name Title Email Phone Office
Wei-Chen Hung Professor and Department Chair whung@niu.edu 815-753-8175 Gabel 208
Judy Puskar
Academic Program Advisor jpuskar@niu.edu 815-753-6085 Gabel 208
ETRA Faculty and Instructors
Name Title Email Phone Office
Ximena Burgin Assistant Professor, Research and Assessment xrecald1@niu.edu 815-753-4506 Gabel 204
Cynthia Campbell Associate Professor, Research and Assessment ccampbell@niu.edu 815-753-8471 Gabel 204
Vicki Collins Assistant Professor, Research and Assessment vlcollins@niu.edu 815-753-4599 Gabel 204
Hal Hinderliter Instructor hhinderliter1@niu.edu Gabel 208
Pi-Sui Hsu Professor, Educational Technology phsu@niu.edu 815-753-6025 Gabel 101
Rebecca Hunt Associate Professor, Educational Technology rhunt@niu.edu 815-753-9021 Gabel 101
Laura Ruth Johnson Associate Professor, Research and Assessment lrjohnson@niu.edu 815-753-5494 Gabel 204
Olha Ketsman Assistant Professor, Educational Technology oketsman@niu.edu 815-753-9687 Gabel 101
Yanghee Kim Professor, Educational Technology and Morgridge Endowed Chair ykim9@niu.edu 815-753-4712 Gabel 155
Hayley Mayall Associate Professor, Educational Technology hmayall@niu.edu 815-753-4710 Gabel 101
Todd Reeves Associate Professor, Research and Assessment treeves@niu.edu 815-753-9427 Gabel 204
Jason Rhode Associate Professor, Educational Technology and Associate Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, and Digital Education jrhode@niu.edu 815-753-2475 Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning 115
Thomas Smith Professor, Research and Assessment and Presidential Teaching Professor tjsmith@niu.edu 815-753-9445 Gabel 204
Cansu Tatar

Assistant Professor, Educational Technology Faculty

ctatar@niu.edu  815-753-0405 Gabel 101
Michael Tscholl Visiting Associate Research Professor, Educational Technology mtscholl@niu.edu 815-753-7294 Gabel 101L
David Walker Professor, Research and Assessment and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs dawalker@niu.edu 815-753-7886 Graham 325
Ying Xie Associate Professor, Educational Technology yxie@niu.edu 815-753-9323 Gabel 101
Cindy York Associate Professor, Educational Technology cindy.york@niu.edu 815-753-8193 Gabel 101

Kinesiology and Physical Education

Administration and Staff
Name Title Email Phone Office
Steve Howell KNPE Department Chair and Professor showell2@niu.edu 815-753-1157 Anderson 223
Tony Calderala Academic Advisor acalderala@niu.edu 815-753-1407 Anderson 215
Joe Curran Academic Advisor jcurran2@niu.edu 815-753-1407 Anderson 214
Heather Gerken Office Administrator hgerken@niu.edu 815-753-8283 Anderson 223
Janet Foster Office Support Specialist jfoster5@niu.edu 815-751-1407 Anderson 221
KNPE Faculty and Instructors
Name Title Email Phone Office
David Benner Instructor, Gerontology dbennerjr@niu.edu 815-753-7152 Anderson 125
Victoria Austin Books Instructor, Kinesiology vbooks@niu.edu 815-753-1412 Anderson 125
Clayton Camic Professor, Exercise Physiology ccamic1@niu.edu 815-753-3415 Anderson 204
Rodney Caughron Associate Professor, Sport Management rcaughron@niu.edu 815-753-3907 Anderson 236
Peter Chomentowski Associate Professor and Associate Department Chair, Exercise Physiology pchomentowski@niu.edu 815-753-9190 Anderson 203
Wonock Chung Assistant Professor, Sport Management wchung@niu.edu 815-753-0592 Anderson 229
Todd Gilson Professor and Associate Dean of Research, Resources and Innovation tgilson@niu.edu 815-753-9399 Graham 320
Nicholas Grahovec Assistant Professor and Program Director, Athletic Training Education ngrahovec@niu.edu 815-753-1400 Anderson 235
Shauna Havener Instructor, Physical Education Teacher Education shavener1@niu.edu 815-753-5498 Anderson 139
Shaine Henert Associate Professor and Kinesiology Program Director, Sport and Exercise Psychology shenert@niu.edu 815-753-6358 Anderson 226
Farah Ishaq Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Sport Management fishaq@niu.edu N/A Anderson 235
Jenn Jacobs M. Nadine Zimmerman Endowed Professor, Sport and Exercise Psychology jmjacobs@niu.edu 815-753-1408 Anderson 230
Gail Koehling Instructor and Program Coordinator, Physical Education Teacher Education gkoehling@niu.edu 815-753-0617 Anderson 139
Rachel Kowal Instructor and Lab Coordinator, Kinesiology rkowal1@niu.edu 815-753-1875 Anderson 205
William Pitney Professor, Athletic Training and Acting Dean wpitney@niu.edu 815-753-1163 Graham 321
Jim Ressler Professor, Physical Education Teacher Education jressler@niu.edu 815-753-5639 Anderson 228
David Serowka Instructor, Sport Management dserowka2@niu.edu 815-753-1844 N/A
Zachary Wahl-Alexander Associate Professor, Physical Education Teacher Education zwahlalexander@niu.edu 815-753-3909 Anderson 224
Tyler Wood Assistant Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator, Athletic Training Education twood1@niu.edu 815-753-1418 Anderson 231
Paul Wright EC Lane and MN Zimmerman Endowed Professor pwright@niu.edu 815-753-9219 Anderson 233
Laurie Zittel Professor, Adapted Physical Activity lzape@niu.edu 815-753-1425 Anderson 238

Leadership, Educational Psychology and Foundations (LEPF)

Administration and Office Support
Name Title Email Phone Office
Carolyn Pluim Department Chair and Professor cvanders@niu.edu 815-753-1562 Graham 223E
David Snow Academic Counselor dsnow1@niu.edu 815-753-1465 Graham 225A
Kate Swope Office Manager kswope@niu.edu 815-753-5939 Graham 223F
Gina Unger Office Support Associate gunger@niu.edu 815-753-8479 Graham 225
LEPF Faculty and Instructors
Name Title Email Phone Office
Kerry Burch Professor, Foundations of Education ktburch@niu.edu 815-753-9354 Graham 404
Benjamin Creed Assistant Professor, Educational Administration bcreed@niu.edu 815-753-0327 Graham 419
Daryl Dugas Associate Professor, Educational Psychology ddugas@niu.edu 815-753-8467 Graham 411
Julie-Ann Fuchs Co-coordinator, School Business Management, Educational Administration jfuchs@niu.edu N/A N/A
Lynn Gibson Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Administration lgibson2@niu.edu 815-753-3404 Graham 402
R.J. Gravel Co-coordinator, School Business Management, Educational Administration rjgravel@niu.edu N/A N/A
Lindsay Harris Associate Professor, Educational Psychology lharris3@niu.edu 815-753-5615 Graham 417
Danny Oest Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Administration doest@niu.edu 815-753-9336 Graham 225B
Tiffany Puckett Assistant Professor, Educational Administration tpuckett@niu.edu 815-753-1464 Graham 410
Wayne Riesen Instructor, Educational Administration wriesen@niu.edu 815-753-4404 Graham 223
Patrick Roberts Associate Professor, Foundations of Education proberts1@niu.edu 815-753-9359 Graham 223
Alexios Rosario-Moore Visiting Assistant Professor arosariomoore@niu.edu  815-753-1561 Graham 225
Kelly Summers Associate Professor, Educational Administration ksummers@niu.edu 815-753-9310 Graham 409
James Surber Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Administration jsurber@niu.edu 815-753-9357 Graham 223A
Rebecca Surber Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Administration rsurber@niu.edu 815-753-8426 Graham 223A
Cynthia Taines Associate Professor, Foundations of Education ctaines@niu.edu 815-753-5921 Graham 412
Stephen Tonks Professor, Educational Psychology stonks@niu.edu 815-753-4404 Graham 403
Teresa Wasonga Professor, Educational Administration twasonga@niu.edu 815-753-9356 Graham 419

Special and Early Education (SEED

Administration and Office Staff
Name Title Email Phone Office
Hope Wilson Department Chair hwilson@niu.edu 815-753-4034 Gabel 159B
Paula Cowlishaw Office Manager pcowlishaw1@niu.edu 815-753-8457 Gabel 159C
Jill Draves Vision Grant Support Specialist jdraves@niu.edu 815-753-8459 Graham 232
SEED Faculty and Instructors
Name Title Email Phone Office
Natalie Andzik Associate Professor, Special Education nandzik@niu.edu 815-753-8082 Gabel 162E
Stephanie Baker Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education sdespain@niu.edu 815-753-4609 Gabel 162C
Jeffrey Chan Associate Professor, Special Education jeffchan@niu.edu 815-753-8633 Gabel 162G
Jesse Johnson Professor, Special Education jwjohnson@niu.edu 815-753-8084 Gabel 162B
Myoungwhon Jung Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education mjung@niu.edu 815-753-9465 Gabel 166B
Gaylen Kapperman Visiting Professor, Special and Early Education gkapperman@niu.edu  815-753-8453 Graham 231
Stacy Kelly Professor, Special Education skelly@niu.edu 815-753-4103 Graham 230
Lisa Liberty Associate Professor, Special Education lliberty@niu.edu 815-753-5816 Gabel 162F
Molly Pasley Assistant Professor, Special Education mpasley@niu.edu 815-753-8455 Graham 229
Brandon Perez Assistant Professor, Special and Early Education bperez@niu.edu N/A Gabel 159
Michelle Sands Assistant Professor, Special Education msands@niu.edu 815-753-8436 Gabel 162D
Kim Suedbeck Visiting Assistant Professor, Special Education ksuedbeck@niu.edu 815-753-1619 Gabel 162H
Natalie Young Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education nyoung@niu.edu 815-753-2845 Gabel 166G
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