Category: Projects


Through community workshops, residents learn about the importance of clean water; sources of water contamination; how to find out if their water is contaminated . . .


Community training and presentations to educate residents in Fresno and Kern Counties about the importance of Cumulative Health Impacts.

Oil and Gas

CCEJN has actively engaged in anti-fracking organizing that is putting forth the voice of residents of the San Joaquin Valley.

Community Based Monitoring

CCEJN has launched various projects designed to engage community members in monitoring activities (i.e. balloon mapping; air monitoring through censors)


CCEJN champions resilience and environmental activism in disadvantaged Central Valley communities by increasing recognition of the adverse health effects caused by pollution.  To accomplish this, CCEJN has developed culturally appropriate environmental justice materials (EJ 101 curriculum for adults and EJ 101 curriculum for grades 6-12) that are used to educate and empower residents of disadvantaged […]