Farmworker’s Voices Heard in Sacramento!

It has been four years since CCEJN began working with other organizations to elevate the voices of farmworkers in Sacramento. And our hard work is yielding fruits! On February 7, 2024 the first legislative hearing focused solely on farmworkers was held at the Labor Committee of the Assembly. The Farmworkers working group that CCEJN has co-led along with the California Food and Farming Network (CFFN) made this hearing a reality. All the member organizations of this working group mobilized farmworkers from various parts of the state. The hearing included panels with voices of farmworkers and farmworker advocates. Concrete actions followed this hearing: the Labor Committee will request an audit of CalOSHA; CalOSHA director agreed to work with us to follow up on the navigator program that we recommended that will significantly improve the enforcement of labor and safety laws.