CCEJN’s mission is to empower our communities and secure our children’s future by eliminating negative environmental impacts in low income and communities of color in the Central Valley. Learn more about our most recent projects.

Join us July 25th demanding a plan for clean air!

Join us July 25th 10am – 1pm to share community testimonials during the California Air Resources Board meeting! There will be food, drinks, activities, information and resources available. If you would like to attend in person, please register in advance at the link below or by calling the numbers listed on the flyer above. More […]

California climate leaders invite public feedback on the Draft 2024 CA Climate Adaptation Strategy!

California climate leaders invite public feedback on the Draft 2024 CA Climate Adaptation Strategy outlining the State’s approach to adapting to a changing climate! State leaders are hosting two in-person workshops in Fresno this Thursday, June 13, 2024. The first session will be a morning public workshop from 9:30am – 12:00pm at Fresno Interdenominational Refugee […]